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单词 传教
释义 〔Buchman〕American evangelist who preached at Oxford University in the 1920's, where he founded the Oxford Group, or Buchmanism, which later became the nucleus of Moral Re-Armament.布克曼,弗兰克·内森·丹尼尔:(1878-1961) 美国牧师,20世纪20年代在牛津大学传教,在该大学创建牛津团契或布克曼主义,后来成为道德重整运动的核心〔Salamis〕An ancient city of eastern Cyprus. According to tradition, it was founded c. 1180b.c. by Teucer, a hero of the Trojan War, and was visited by Saint Paul during his first missionary journey. The city was abandoned after a.d. 648. 萨拉米斯:塞浦路斯东部一古城,据说公元前 1180年被特洛伊战争中的英雄图瑟发现,圣保罗在其第一次传教旅程中曾访问此城 公元 648年以后此城被放弃 〔missionize〕To bring under the influence or control of a mission:使…在传教的影响或控制之下:〔Buddha〕Indian mystic and founder of Buddhism. He began preaching after achieving supreme enlightenment at the age of 35.佛陀:印度神秘主义者和佛教创始人,他在35岁大彻大悟后开始传教〔Gordon〕Canadian writer and Presbyterian missionary to lumber and mining camps. His novels includeThe Man from Glengary (1901). 戈登,查尔斯·威廉:(1860-1937) 加拿大作家,到贫民区和矿区传教的长老会传教士。他的小说包括《从格伦加里来的人》 (1901年) 〔Whitman〕American frontier missionary who with his wifeNarcissa Prentiss (1808-1847) established a missionary post in the Oregon region (1836), where they introduced Christianity, schooling, and medical advances to the Native Americans. 惠特曼,马库斯:(1802-1847) 美国边远地区携带妻子的传教士纳西萨·普伦蒂斯 (1808—1847年),在俄勒冈地区建立了一个传教地(1836年),在那里向美国土著人介绍基督教、教育和医术 〔missionary〕One who is sent on a mission, especially one sent to do religious or charitable work in a territory or foreign country.传教士:被派遣去传教,尤其是被派遣到一个地区或外国去做宗教或慈善工作的人〔Grenfell〕British missionary and physician who ministered to fishing crews in the North Sea and later established medical and social facilities in Labrador and Newfoundland.格伦费尔,维尔弗雷德·托马森:(1865-1940) 英国传教士、医生,在北海向渔民传教,后来在拉布拉多和纽芬兰建立了医疗和社会服务设施〔Buck〕American writer whose life as a missionary in China lent a vivid immediacy to her novels, includingThe Good Earth (1931). She won the 1938 Nobel Prize for literature. 赛珍珠:(1892-1973) 美国女作家,在中国传教的生活为她的小说提供了生动的素材,包括《大地》 (1931年)。她曾获1938年度诺贝尔文学奖 〔gorilla〕Two traditions of exploration come together in the history of the wordgorilla, which also illustrates how knowledge of the classics has influenced scientific terminology.Dr. Thomas S. Savage, an American missionary to western Africa,first described the gorilla in 1847, giving it the New Latin nameTroglodytes gorilla. In doing so he was using his knowledge of Greek literature,in which there exists a fourth-centuryb.c. translation of a report written by Hanno, another visitor to western Africa. This Carthaginian navigator,who voyaged before 480b.c. , went as far as Sierra Leone in his explorations.In the Greek translation of his reporthe tells of seeingGorillai, the name of which he allegedly learned from local informantsand which he thought were members of a tribe of hairy women.In fact they were probably the same creatures that Thomas Savage described about 24 centuries later.在涉及到gorilla 这个词的历史时,传说中的两次探险可以联系在一起, 这同样也证明了古典文学对科学术语命名的影响。汤姆斯·S·萨维奇医生,到西非传教的美国传教士,在1847年第一次描述了大猩猩并给它起了个新拉丁语名字Troglodytes gorilla 。 在命名时他就用了希腊文学知识,这个命名也同样出现在一本公元前 4世纪安诺写的见闻译本里,安诺也到过西非。 这位迦太基航海家,公元前 480年之前开始出航, 在他的探险过程中,最远到达过塞拉利昂。在他写见闻的希腊译本里,他说他见到了Gorillai , 据他自己声称他是从当地向导那儿学到这个名字的,并认为它是指多毛女人部落的成员。实际上他们可能是大约24世纪以后汤姆斯·萨奇所描述的同样的动物〔mission〕Often Mission Of, relating to, or having the distinctive qualities of an early 20th-century style of plain, heavy, dark-stained wood furniture. 常作 Mission 西班牙传教会式家具的:具有一种20世纪早期的朴实、笨重、颜色较沉的中制家具的特征的〔Mohammed〕Arab prophet of Islam. At the age of 40 he began to preach as God's prophet of the true religion. Mohammed established a theocratic state at Medina after 622 and began to convert Arabia to Islam.穆罕默德:伊斯兰教的阿拉伯先知,四十岁时开始作为真正的宗教的上帝的先知传教。穆罕默德在公元622年以后在麦地那建立了一个政教合一国家并使阿拉伯半岛皈依伊斯兰教〔missionary〕Engaged in the activities of a mission or missionary.传教活动的:参加布道或传教会的活动的〔Whitefield〕British religious leader. A follower of John Wesley, he preached widely in the American colonies and was a central figure in the Great Awakening of Protestantism and the establishment of Methodism in America.怀特菲尔德,乔治:(1714-1770) 英国宗教领袖,是约翰·卫斯理的追随者。他曾在美国殖民地广泛传教,是在美国建立新教教义大觉醒及卫理公会派的中心人物〔evangelize〕To preach the gospel to.传教:对…宣讲福音〔missionize〕To do missionary work.传教:做传教的工作〔missionary〕Of or relating to missions or missionaries.传教的或传教会的或与其有关的〔Ephesus〕An ancient city of Greek Asia Minor in present-day western Turkey. Its temple, dedicated to Artemis, or in Roman times Diana, was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Saint Paul visited the city on his missionary journeys.以弗所:位于小亚细亚今土耳其西部的希腊古城。其阿耳忒弥斯(罗马时期称为狄安娜)神庙为世界七大奇迹之一,圣保罗在其传教过程中曾造访此城〔mission〕Of or relating to a style of architecture or furniture used in the early Spanish missions of California.西班牙传教会式的:与一种早期美国加利福尼亚州西班牙传教会所使用的建筑或家具的风格有关的〔missionize〕To perform missionary work in or among.在…中间或在…之间传教〔Denis〕Patron saint of France. Sent to minister to the Gauls as the first bishop of Paris, he suffered martyrdom by decapitation.丹尼斯:法兰西主保圣人,作为巴黎的第一个主教,他被派往高卢传教,后来被斩首而殉难〔Teresa〕Albanian-born Indian nun. Dedicated to relieving the suffering of India's desperately poor and dying people, she founded a Roman Catholic congregation of sisters, the Missionaries of Charity, in 1950. She won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize.特勒撒:生于阿尔巴尼亚的印度修女,她献身于扶助印度贫困无助和濒临死亡的人们,并于1950年建立了一个罗马天主教修女组织-慈善传教会。她于1979年获诺贝尔和平奖〔Natick〕The variety of Massachusett presumed to have been spoken in the mission town of Natick, Massachusetts, and used in the Massachusett Bible.内蒂克语:马萨诸塞语的分支,认定为曾在内蒂克,马萨诸塞传教镇说过,在马萨诸塞圣经上用过〔mission〕The district assigned to a mission worker.传教区:分配给一个传教者的地区〔religious〕Of, concerned with, or teaching religion:宗教的:传教的,和传教有关的:〔Judson〕American Baptist missionary who helped establish the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (1810).贾德森,阿朵拉姆:(1788-1850) 美国浸礼会传教士,他帮助建立了美国国外传教委员会(1810年)〔prophesy〕To reveal the will or message of God.传教:说出上帝的意志或神谕




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