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单词 传输
释义 〔conduct〕To serve as a medium for conveying; transmit:传导:作为传送的载体;传输〔modem〕A device that converts data from one form into another, as from one form usable in data processing to another form usable in telephonic transmission. Also called data set 调制解调器,猫:将信号由一种形式转换成另一种形式的装置,如在电话传输中由一种数据处理可用形式转换成另一种可用形式 也作 data set〔redundancy〕Repetition of parts or all of a message to circumvent transmission errors.备份:为避免传输错误而对信息的部分或全部重复〔television〕The transmission of visual images of moving and stationary objects, generally with accompanying sound, as electromagnetic waves and the reconversion of received waves into visual images.电视:传输通常配有相应的声音的运动和静止的物体的视觉图像的电磁波,并将其转变成视觉图像〔medium〕An agency by which something is accomplished, conveyed, or transferred:媒介,手段:通过它能完成、传输或转移某种事物的东西:〔waveband〕A range of frequencies, especially radio frequencies, such as those assigned to communication transmissions.波段:尤指收音机频率的频率的范围,如分配通讯传输的波段〔cog〕One of a series of teeth, as on the rim of a wheel or gear, whose engagement transmits successive motive force to a corresponding wheel or gear.齿轮的嵌齿:一系列齿之一,如在轮或齿轮的边缘上的,其啮合传输连续的运动力到相应的轮或齿轮上〔FTP〕To transfer a file using FTP.以文件传输协议传输文件〔uplink〕A transmission path by which radio or other signals are sent to an aircraft or a communications satellite.上行路线,向上传输:传向航天器或通讯卫星的无线电或其他信号的传输路线〔communication〕communications The technology employed in transmitting messages. communications 通讯技术:用于传输消息的技术〔take〕To carry, convey, lead, or cause to go along to another place:带:携带、传输、带领或使…去另一个地方:〔HTTP〕A protocol used to request and transmit files, especially webpages and webpage components, over the Internet or other computer network.超文本传输通讯协议:透过因特网或其它计算机网络用以取得并传输文件的通讯协议,尤其是网页及网页组件的文件〔FTP〕To transfer (a file) using FTP.以文件传输协议传输(文件)〔telemetry〕The science and technology of automatic measurement and transmission of data by wire, radio, or other means from remote sources, as from space vehicles, to receiving stations for recording and analysis.遥测法:通过电线、无线电或其它方式自动测量和传输来自远方源(如航天飞行器)上的数据给接收站、用来记录和分析数据的科学和技术〔passband〕The range of frequencies transmitted by a bandpass filter.通带:可经由带通滤波器传输的频率〔baud〕A unit of speed in data transmission usually equal to one bit per second.(电信)波特:发报、数据传输速率单位,每秒传输一个比特〔caloric〕A hypothetically indestructible, uncreatable, highly elastic, self-repellent, all-pervading fluid formerly thought responsible for the production, possession, and transfer of heat.热质:曾被认为是使热量产生、贮存和传输的一种假想的不可破坏的、不可创造的、有高度弹性的、自斥的且到处都有的流体〔newswire〕A wire service that transmits up-to-the-minute news, usually electronically, to the media and often the public.联机新闻:传输实时新闻给媒体与大众的联机服务,通常为电子化的〔ionosphere〕A region of the earth's atmosphere where ionization caused by incoming solar radiation affects the transmission of radio waves. It extends from a height of 50 kilometers (30 miles) to 400 kilometers (250 miles) above the surface.电离层:地球大气层的一个区域,该层由于太阳辐射而导致的电离影响无线电波传输。它从距地表50公里(30英里)的高度延伸到距地表400公里(250英里)处〔telemedicine〕The use of telecommunications technology to provide, enhance, or expedite health care services, as by accessing off-site databases, linking clinics or physicians' offices to central hospitals, or transmitting x-rays or other diagnostic images for examination at another site.电信医学,远距离医疗:利用电信科技提供、增进或扩增健康医疗服务,如藉由存取异地数据库、将各诊所或医师办公室连结到中心医院或传输X光照片或其它诊疗影像至另一地做检查〔FTP〕A communications protocol governing the transfer of files from one computer to another over a network.文件传输协议:网络上一种管理文件传输的通讯协议〔pipe〕To convey (liquid or gas) by means of pipes.用管道来传输(液体或气体)〔ureter〕The long, narrow duct that conveys urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder or cloaca.输尿管:把尿液从肾脏中传输到膀胱或排泄腔的长而窄的导管〔MIME〕A communications protocol that allows for the transmission of data in many forms, such as audio, binary, or video.多用途的网络邮件扩充协议:为通讯协议,允许信息以许多形式传输,如音频、二进制或视频〔code〕A system of symbols, letters, or words given certain arbitrary meanings, used for transmitting messages requiring secrecy or brevity.密码:给予某一任意意义的符号、字母和单词的系统,用于传输需要保密或简结的信息




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