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单词 伤害
释义 〔care〕Caution in avoiding harm or danger:小心,谨慎:小心翼翼,以避免伤害或危险:〔cover〕To protect or shield from harm, loss, or danger.避免:防止或避开伤害、损失或危险〔caution〕Careful forethought to avoid danger or harm.谨慎:仔细考虑以避免危险或伤害〔violence〕Abuse or injury to meaning, content, or intent:曲解:对于意思、内容或意图的伤害或歪曲:〔pain〕To cause pain to; hurt or injure.伤害:引起痛苦;伤害或弄伤〔hurt〕What hurt have you done to them?你怎样伤害他们了?〔unmolested〕Not interfered with, disturbed, or harmed.平静的:未被干涉侵扰,或伤害〔threaten〕These verbs mean to foretell or give signs of impending peril, evil, or injury.这些动词指预先告知或给出即将到来的危险、灾祸或伤害的迹象。〔redress〕Satisfaction for wrong or injury; reparation.See Synonyms at reparation 补偿:为错事或伤害而进行的补偿;赔偿 参见 reparation〔hurt〕To cause physical damage or pain to; injure.伤害,受伤:引起肉体的伤害或疼痛;损害〔nociceptor〕Latin nocēre [to hurt] * see nocent 拉丁语 nocēre [伤害] * 参见 nocent〔malicious〕Having the nature of or resulting from malice; deliberately harmful; spiteful:恶意的:具有恶毒的本性的或由恶意而产生的;蓄意要伤害别人的;怨恨的:〔harm〕Physical or psychological injury or damage.伤害:身体或心理上的损害或伤害〔injure〕injured their feelings.伤害了他们的感情〔amulet〕An object worn, especially around the neck, as a charm against evil or injury.护身符:尤指套在脖子上的缝制物,作为咒符以避开邪恶和伤害〔reparation〕 Amends, less forceful thanredress, usually implies the giving of satisfaction for a minor grievance or lesser injury: Amends, 语义比redress 稍弱, 通常指的是对较小的冤屈或伤害作出满意的补偿: 〔saving〕Rescue from harm, danger, or loss.救助:从伤害、危险或损失中解救出来〔retaliate〕To pay back (an injury) in kind.进行同样报复:以同样的方法(伤害)进行报复〔sinister〕These adjectives apply to what is indicative of or threatens great harm, disaster, or evil.这些形容词意思中都有预示或面临巨大伤害、灾难或邪恶的。〔cutting〕Injuring or capable of injuring the feelings of others:挖苦的:伤害或能伤害他人感情的:〔frag〕To wound or kill (a fellow soldier) by throwing a grenade or similar explosive at the victim:蓄意杀害:向受害者投掷手榴弹或相似爆炸物以伤害或杀死(同伴):〔evil〕That which causes harm, misfortune, or destruction:坏事,恶行:引发伤害、不幸或毁坏的事件和行为:〔poisonous〕Having the capability of harming or killing by or as if by poison; toxic or venomous.有毒的:通过或好象通过毒药具有伤害或杀死的能力的;有毒的或剧毒的〔cruel〕 Cruel implies both disposition to harm and satisfaction in or indifference to suffering: Cruel 意指伤害他人以及在他人的痛苦中得到满足或对他人的受苦无动于衷这两种倾向: 〔traumatize〕To wound or injure (a tissue), as in a surgical operation.伤害,损伤:伤害或损伤(一个组织),如在外科手术中〔spare〕To refrain from harming or destroying.免于伤害或遭破坏〔blast〕To have a harmful or destructive effect on.损坏:对…产生伤害或破坏结果〔kill〕To cause extreme pain or discomfort to:伤害:产生极大痛苦或不适:〔crowded〕Filled to such an extent as to be detrimental to the inhabitants:拥挤得密密麻麻的:塞满到会对居民产生伤害的程度:〔ahimsa〕hiṁsā [injury] from hiṁsati [he injures] hiṁsā [伤害] 源自 hiṁsati [他伤害…] 〔invulnerable〕Impossible to damage, injure, or wound.无懈可击:无法损害或伤害〔shoot〕To hit, wound, or kill with a missile fired from a weapon.射中,射伤,射死:用从一种武器发射出的投射物打,伤害或杀死…〔disadvantage〕Damage or loss, especially to reputation or finances; detriment.损害,损失:(尤指对名誉或经济的)损害或损失;伤害〔bruise〕To hurt, especially psychologically.(尤指精神上)伤害〔worry〕"Don't worry" is a much milder injunction than it once would have been,for the wordworry has softened its sense greatly over the course of its history. Its Old English ancestor,wyrgan, meant "to strangle.” Its Middle English descendant,worien, kept this sense and developed the new sense "to grasp by the throat with the teeth and lacerate" or "to kill or injure by biting and shaking.” This is the way wolves or dogs might attack sheep, for example.In the 16th centuryworry began to be used in the sense "to harass, as by rough treatment or attack,” or "to assault verbally,” and in the 17th century the word took on the sense "to bother, distress, or persecute.”It was a small step from this sense to the main modern senses "to cause to feel anxious or distressed" and "to feel troubled or uneasy,” first recorded in the 19th century.与过去相比,“别担心”这句话的命令意味减少了许多,因为随着历史的变迁worry 这个词的“攻击性”意味大大削弱了。 其古英语中的前身wyrgan, 意为“扼杀”。 在中世纪英语中的worien 保留了这个意思并衍生出一个新意思“用牙齿咬住喉咙并且撕裂”或“咬住并来回甩动以杀死或伤害”。 例如,这是狼或狗袭击羊的方式。16世纪,worry 开始含有“以粗暴手段或袭击方式来骚扰”,“口头攻击”的意思, 到了17世纪这个词产生了“干扰、使焦虑和烦扰”的意思。19世纪,这个词义向前发展了一点,产生了适用于当代的主要意思“使感到焦虑或痛苦”和“感到烦恼或不安”〔ruin〕These verbs mean to injure and deprive something—or, less often, someone—of usefulness, soundness, or value.这些动词的意思是伤害且使某物,有时是人失去用处、声音或价值。〔evil〕Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful:有害的:引起毁灭、伤害或痛苦的;有害的:〔prejudicial〕Detrimental; injurious.损害的;伤害〔violate〕To do harm to (property or qualities considered sacred); desecrate or defile.亵渎:伤害(认为神圣的特性或品质);亵渎或玷污〔contusion〕An injury in which the skin is not broken; a bruise.挫伤:皮肤未被划破的伤害;青肿




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