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单词 伦敦东区
释义 〔cockney〕Of or relating to cockneys or their dialect.伦敦佬的,伦敦东区的方言的:属于或有关伦敦佬或他们的方言的〔cockney〕The dialect or accent of the natives of the East End of London.(伦敦东区的)方言,口音:伦敦东区本地人的方言或口音〔bread〕N., sense 3b, possibly from Cockney rhyming slang bread and honey 名词释义3b,可能源自 伦敦东区同韵俚语 bread and honey 〔joual〕London has Cockney;Liverpool has Scouse.Certain dialects often become so famous and distinctivethat they acquire names.Such is the case with the Canadian French dialect known in Quebec and in Maine asjoual or jooal. The name, derived from a regional dialect pronunciation of the wordcheval, "horse,” is applied to the rural French patois of Quebec.Canadian opinions differ as to whetherjoual is a "language" of its own or merely a regional French characterized by nonstandard grammar and heavy borrowing from English words and word order. 伦敦有伦敦东区土话;利物浦有利物浦方言。某些方言常常变得非常著名并且有特色,以致于需要有专门的名称。这种在魁北克省和缅因州被称为joual 或 jooal 的加拿大法语方言即是如此。 这个名字来源于cheval (即“马”)一词的地区方言性发音, 它指魁北克省农村地区的法语土话。对于joual 是一种独立的“语言”,还是仅仅是一种以不正规语法及许多英语外来词和词序为特征的地域性法语,加拿大人的看法不一 〔cockney〕Often Cockney A native of the East End of London. 常作 Cockney 伦敦佬:伦敦东区的本地人




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