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单词 伯利恒
释义 〔Caspar〕In the New Testament, one of the three wise men from the East who came bearing gifts for the infant Jesus, guided by the Star of Bethlehem.卡斯帕:《新约》中记载来自东方由伯利恒之星引导的给刚诞生的耶稣带来礼物的三位智者之一〔Balthazar〕In the New Testament, one of the three wise men from the East who came bearing gifts for the infant Jesus, guided by the Star of Bethlehem.巴尔萨泽:在《新约全书》中,三个从东方来的智者之一,他在伯利恒之星的指引下,给婴儿耶稣送礼物〔magus〕Magus One of the three wise men from the East who traveled to Bethlehem to pay homage to the infant Jesus. Magus 东方三贤士:自东方来到伯利恒向圣婴基督耶稣致敬的三贤人之一〔Bethlehem〕A town in the West Bank south of Jerusalem. It is the traditional birthplace of Jesus. Population, 25,000.伯利恒:耶路撒冷南面西岸地区一城镇。传说中的耶稣诞生地。人口25,000〔bedlam〕Hospital of Saint Mary of Bethlehem , an institution in London for the mentally ill 伯利恒 的圣玛丽医院,位于伦敦的一家疯人院 〔Ruth〕In the Old Testament, a Moabite widow who left home with her mother-in-law and went to Bethlehem, where she later married Boaz.路得:旧约中的一摩押寡妇,她与她的婆母一起离开家去伯利恒,后来在那儿嫁给了波阿斯〔Bethlehem〕A city of eastern Pennsylvania on the Lehigh River north-northwest of Philadelphia. It is an important steel-producing center. Population, 71,428.伯利恒:美国宾夕法尼亚州东部一城市,位于费城西北偏北的利哈伊河畔。是一个重要的钢铁生产中心。人口71,428〔Herod〕King of Judea (40-4) who, according to the New Testament, attempted to kill the infant Jesus by ordering the death of all children under the age of two in Bethlehem.希律:犹太王(公元前40-4年),据《新约》讲,他命令杀死伯利恒所有两岁以下的儿童,想借以杀死尚处于襁褓中的耶稣〔Brooks〕American Episcopal bishop noted for his intelligent and positive sermons. He wrote the Christmas hymn "O Little Town of Bethlehem" (1868).布鲁克斯,菲利普斯:(1835-1893) 美国基督教圣公会的大主教,以巧妙明确的布道著称,著作有圣诞赞美诗“啊!伯利恒小镇”(1868年)〔Melchior〕In the New Testament, one of the three wise men from the East who came bearing gifts for the infant Jesus, guided by the Star of Bethlehem.梅子基奥:在新约中,经由伯利恒之星引导,带着礼物从东方来朝拜婴孩耶稣的三智者之一




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