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单词 似乎
释义 〔gender〕Traditionally,gender has been used primarily to refer to the grammatical categories of "masculine,” "feminine,” and "neuter"; but in recent years the word has become well established in its use to refer to sex-based categories,as in phrases such asgender gap and the politics of gender. This usage is supported by the practice of many anthropologists,who reservesex for reference to biological categories, while usinggender to refer to social or cultural categories. According to this rule,one would sayThe effectiveness of the medication appears to depend on the sex (not gender ) of the patient, butIn peasant societies, gender (not sex ) roles are likely to be more clearly defined. This distinction is useful in principle,but it is by no means widely observed,and considerable variation in usage occurs at all levels.传统地,gender 已被主要用来指“阳性”、“阴性”和“中性”的语法类别, 自近年来,这个单词已被人们普遍接受为指基于性别区分的类别,例如在词组性别差异 和 性别政治 中, 这种用法被许多人类学家所支持,他们把sex 局限为生物类别, 而用gender 来指社会和文化方面的类别。 根据这种规则,我们应该说医疗的有效性似乎取决于 (而不是 gender ) 病人的性别, 但是在农业国家中,性别的 (不是 sex ) 角色易于有更清楚的定义。 这种区分在原则上是有用的,但无法被人们广泛注意,而且大量变体出现于在不同水平的用法中〔backwater〕Water held or pushed back by or as if by a dam or current.逆流,回水:被或似乎被水坝或急流止住或往回流的水〔seem〕To appear to be true, probable, or evident:好象:似乎是真的、可能的或显而易见的:〔pouch〕To place in or as if in a pouch; pocket.放入袋中:放入或似乎放入袋中;封入〔act〕To appear or seem to be:显得;似乎:看上去是或似乎是:〔spread〕the vista spread seemingly to infinity.景色似乎延伸到无穷远〔testy〕To the casual eyetesty and heady seem to have no connection until one becomes less casual and notes that both words refer to the head.Thehead in heady is easy to see both in the form of the word and in the meanings of the word. The earliest sense,first recorded in a work composed before 1382,is "headlong, headstrong,”which is clearly a "head" sensebut so is the better known current sense "apt to go to the head, intoxicating.”To see thehead in testy, we must look back to the Old French wordtestu, the source of our word. Testu is derived from the Old French word teste, "head" (Modern French tête ). In Englishtesty developed another sense, "aggressive, contentious,” which passed into the sense we are familiar with, "irritable.” 粗看testy 和 heady 似乎没有联系, 直到一个人较为仔细才注意到两个词都指头部。heady 中的 head 很容易看出在形式与意义上均相似。 其最早的意义,首次记录于1382年以前的一部著作中,指“轻率的,顽固的”,显然是“头部”的意思,但现在更为人知的意思是“能入脑的;陶醉的”。而要看head 在 testy 中, 我们必须追溯到古法语testu ,我们这个词的词源。 Testu 源于古法语词 teste ,“头部”(现代法语 tete )。 在英语中,testy 所发展的另一层意思(“好战的,争论的”)转化成了我们熟悉的意思(“暴躁的”) 〔cabin〕To confine or live in or as if in a small space or area.拘禁,幽禁:拘禁于、居住于或似乎是在一个小空间、小区域内〔resigned〕"I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do"(Willa Cather)“我喜欢树,因为它们似乎比其它任何事物都顺从于它们必须生活的方式”(威拉·卡瑟)〔sniff〕Something sniffed or perceived by or as if by sniffing; a whiff:一股气味:被闻出来或通过或似乎通过闻而发现的东西;一丝气味:〔notch〕To record by or as if by making notches:用或似乎用V形作记号:〔seem〕To give the impression of being; appear:看来好象;似乎〔casino〕The history of the wordcasino reveals a transformation from a cottage to a gambling palace. The source of our word, Italiancasino, is a diminutive ofcasa, "house,” itself from Latincāsa, "cottage, hut, hovel.” Central to the transformation is the development of the senses ofcasino in Italian. The word was first applied to a country houseand then came to be used for a social gathering place,a room or building where one could dance, listen to music, and gamble. This last pastime seems to have gained precedence over the others,at least as far as the development of the word is concerned, andcasino took on the meaning "gambling establishment.” These senses of the Italian word have all been borrowed into English,the sense "social gathering place" being recorded first in the 18th century,the sense "gambling establishment" first in 1851.单词casino 的历史揭示了一个从村舍到赌场的转化。 我们这个意大利词casino 的来源, 是casa 的小字尾“房屋”, 而其本身也来自于拉丁语casa ,意思是“村舍、小屋、茅屋。” 对这一转化起中心作用的是casino 一词在意大利语中的意思发展。 起初,这个词被用来指一所乡间房屋,然后逐渐用它来指一个社交聚会场所,一个人们可以在那里跳舞、听音乐和赌博的房间或建筑物。这最后一种娱乐的地位似乎已在其他娱乐之上,至少就casino 这个词的发展来说是这样的,于是它开始有了“赌场”的含义。 这个意大利词的这些意义都已被借用到英语中;“社交聚会场所”这层意思在18世纪首次被记录下来,“赌场”的含义在1851年被首次记录下来〔beckon〕"a lovely, sunny country that seemed to beckon them on to the Emerald City"(L. Frank Baum)“一个可爱的、充满阳光的国家似乎在把他们招引到了绿宝石城”(L.弗兰克·鲍姆)〔cowl〕To cover with or as if with a cowl.(似乎)在…上装帽(罩)〔misty〕Obscured or clouded by or as if by mist:被雾盖着的:被雾或似乎被雾所笼罩着的或弄得朦胧的:〔dive〕Eitherdove or dived is acceptable as the past tense of dive. Dived is actually the earlier form,and the emergence ofdove may appear anomalous in light of the general tendencies of change in English verb forms. Old English had two classes of verbs:strong verbs, whose past tense was indicated by a change in their vowel (a process that survives in such present-day English verbsasdrive/drove or fling/flung ); and weak verbs,whose past was formed with a suffix related to-ed in Modern English (as in present-day Englishlive/lived and move/moved ). Since the Old English period,many verbs have changed from the strong pattern to the weak one;for example, the past tense ofhelp, formerly healp, became helped, and the past tense ofstep, formerly stop, became stepped. Over the years, in fact, the weak pattern has become so prevalentthat we use the termregular to refer to verbs that form their past tense by suffixation of -ed. However, there have occasionally been changes in the other direction:the past tense ofwear, now wore, was once werede ; that ofspit, now spat, was once spitede ; and the development ofdove is an additional example of the small group of verbs that have swum against the historical tide. dove 或 dived 都可用作 dive的过去式形式。 Dived 实际上是早期词形,根据英语动词词形变化的趋势,dove 的出现似乎是不规则的。 古英语有两类动词:强式动词,其过去时形式由元音变化来体现(这一过程还存在于现代英语里,诸如drive/drove 或 fling/flung 等动词中); 另一类为弱式动词,其过去时态形式由与现代英语-ed 后缀有关 (如现代英语中的live/lived 和 move/moved )。 自古英语时期以来,许多动词由强式变为弱式;例如help 的过去式形式以前为 healp ,已变为 helped , step 的过去式由以前的 stop 变为 stepped 。 事实上,多年来弱式动词变得非常普遍,我们用术语规则动词 来指那些由加后缀 -ed 来构成过去式形式的动词, 然而偶尔也会向另一方向发生变化:wear 的过去形式现为 wore ,曾为 weared ; spit 的过去式现为 spat ,曾为 spitede ; dove 的发展是反历史潮流而动的一小组动词中的另外一小组动词的例子 〔bumpkin〕The termbumpkin may at one time have been directed at an entire people rather than that segment of the population living in a rural area. The first recorded appearance of the word in 1570 is glossed by the Latin wordBatavus, "Dutchman,” thus making plausible the suggestion thatbumpkin may come from either the Middle Dutch word bommekijn, "little barrel,” or the Flemish word boomken, "shrub.” The connection would be between a squat object and the short, rotund figure of the Dutchman in the popular imagination.Any bumpkin would surely prefer this etymology to another suggestion thatbumpkin is a derivative of bum, "the rear end.” 单词bumpkin 有一个时期意指住在乡下的所有人而不是其中的一部分, 这个词于1570年第一次出现是用拉丁词Batavus “荷兰人”注解的。 使得下面这个解释似乎是说得通的,即bumpkin 有可能起源于中古荷兰词语 bommekijn “小圆桶”的意思,或起源于法兰德斯语 boomken “灌木”的意思。 这两者之间的联系在一般的想象中就如同一个矮胖的物体同圆胖的荷兰人间的关系。而任何一个乡下人都确信无疑这个词源有另一个解释,即bumphin 是从 bum 演变而来的,该词的意思是“尾部末梢” 〔pinprick〕To puncture with or as if with a pin.(用针)刺孔于:用针或似乎是用针刺于〔coincidence〕A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.巧合,凑巧:虽是偶然的,但似乎是经计划或安排的一系列事件〔scrabble〕To struggle by or as if by scraping or groping.挣扎:通过或似乎通过摸索或抓而挣扎〔swage〕To bend or shape by or as if by using a swage.用或似乎用旋锻工具来弯曲或塑造〔mathematize〕To reduce to or as if to mathematical formulas.数学化:简化或似乎简化为数学公式〔illusory〕"Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy"(Tom Wicker)“总统私下采取行动,给人这样一个虽诱人但却是虚幻的承诺:似乎总统可以避开冗长的辩论和公开表决这些繁复的民主成果,来达到外交政策的目的。”(汤姆·威克)〔renew〕To make new or as if new again; restore:使更新:使或者似乎使…再次变新;修复:〔yoke〕The condition of being subjugated by or as if by a conqueror; subjugation or bondage:奴役:被征服者的情形或似乎通过征服;服从或束缚:〔apparent〕Used before a noun,apparent means "seeming": 当apparent 用于名词之前时意思为“似乎,貌似的”: 〔equate〕To be or seem to be equal; correspond.相等或似乎相等;相同〔shimmy〕To shake the body in or as if in dancing the shimmy.跳希米舞:在或似乎在跳希米舞中摆动身体〔crimp〕Something made by or as if by crimping, as:打褶,起皱,卷曲:打褶、卷曲或似乎由打褶、卷曲而成的东西,如〔winch〕To move with or as if with a winch.用绞车拉,用起货机吊:用或似乎用绞车或起货机移动〔creep〕To have a tingling sensation, made by or as if by things moving stealthily:发痒:觉得有东西或似乎有东西在缓缓移动而产生震颤的感觉:〔life〕"Great institutions seem to have a life of their own, independent of those who run them"(New Republic)“大机构似乎有自己的存在方式,独立于经营管理他们的人”(新共和国)〔swathe〕To wrap or bind with or as if with bandages.包扎:用或似乎用绷带包或扎〔geostationary〕Of, relating to, or being a satellite that travels above Earth's equator from west to east at an altitude of approximately 35,900 kilometers (22,300 miles) and at a speed matching that of Earth's rotation, thus remaining stationary in relation to Earth.人造卫星相对地球是静止的:属于、关于或本身是人造同步地球卫星的,该卫星在地球赤道上空约35,900公里(22,300英里)高度上,以与地球自转速度相同的绕地速度自西向东运行,因此似乎停留在同一空间位置上〔eternity〕A very long or seemingly endless time:漫长的时间:一段漫长或似乎无终止的时间:〔people〕To furnish with or as if with people; populate.繁衍:分布或似乎分布着人;居住〔wipe〕To remove by or as if by rubbing:擦去,抹去:通过或似乎通过擦而去除:〔bistro〕According to a popular story,bistro came into existence as a French word when Russian soldiers entered Parisian restaurants and cafés after the fall of Napoleon in 1815 shouting "bystro, bystro,” Russian for "quickly, quickly.” Bistros seem to have been named not for this desire for quick servicebut possibly for a commodity to be found in at least some of them,since the French wordbistro may be related to the word bistouille, "raw spirits, rotgut.” Another possibility is that the wordbistro comes from the dialectal word bistraud, "young cowherd.” In Standard French the term may have come to mean "wine merchant's helper" and then "an establishment selling wine.”Although the French wordbistro is first recorded in 1884, evidence for the English wordbistro is not found until the early 1920's. 根据传说,bistro 原是一个法国词而产生的,当1815年拿破仑失败后俄国士兵进入巴黎饭馆和咖啡店,就叫嚷着 "bistro,bistro,” 俄语的意思为“快点,快点”。 “酒馆”似乎是因这种要求快速服务的愿望而得名,但可能是源于在酒馆中至少可以找到的一种商品,因为法国词bistro 可能与另一个意为“生酒,劣等烧酒”的词 bistouille 有关。 另一种可能是bistro 一词来自方言 bistrand, 意为“年轻的放牛娃”。 在标准法语中该词可能指“酒商的助手”,后来指“卖酒的企业。”虽然法语bistro 一词在1884年最先有记载, 但英语bistro 一词直到19世纪20年代初期才有出现的迹象 〔doubt〕At one time it was doubtful whether the company could recover from its financial difficulties, but the government loan seems to have helped. 曾经有一段时间,公司能否从困境中恢复元气令人生疑,不过政府的贷款似乎起了作用。




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