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单词 俚语词
释义 〔posh〕"Oh yes, Mater, we had a posh time of it down there.”So inPunch for September 25, 1918, do we find the first recorded instance of that mysterious wordposh, meaning "smart and fashionable,”although in a 1903 book by P.G. Wodehouse,Tales of St. Austin's, there is a mention of a waistcoat that was "push.” The latter may be a different word,but in either case the dates of occurrence are importantbecause they are part of the objection to derivingposh from the initials of "Port Out, Starboard Home.” This was the cooler, and thus more expensive, side of ships traveling between England and India in the mid-19th century,and the acronymPOSH was supposedly stamped on the tickets of first-class passengers traveling on that side of ships owned by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. No evidence is definitely known to exist for this theory, however.TheOxford English Dictionary Supplement may have found a possible source or sources for posh. Another wordposh was 19th- and early 20th-century British slang for "money,” specifically "a halfpenny, cash of small value.”This word is borrowed from the common Romany wordpåšh, "half,” which was used in combinations such aspåšhera, "halfpenny.” Posh, also meaning "a dandy,” is recorded in two dictionaries of slang published in 1890 and 1902,although this particularposh may be still another word. This word or these words, however, are much more likely to be the source ofposh than "Port Out, Starboard Home,” although the latter source certainly has caught the public's etymological fancy.“哦是的,妈妈,我们在那里过着豪华的生活。”因此在1918年9月25日的punch 上, 我们看到了那个神秘单词posh 的首次记录, 意为“豪华的,时髦的,”虽然早在1903年P·G·伍德豪斯的名为圣·奥斯汀传说 的作品中就提及了意为"push"的马夹这个词。 后者也可能是另外一个不同的词,但在任何一种情况下两者被使用的时间都很重要,因为它们都反对posh 这个词源于"Port Out,Starboard Home。” 这是意指19世纪中期往来于英格兰及印度的船只中较凉爽、因而票价也就较为昂贵的一侧,而POSH 这个首字缩拼词据说就印在半岛——东方蒸汽船航运公司所拥有的船只上较为凉爽的一侧头等舱的票上。 然而对于这一说法并没有确凿的证据来加以证明。牛津英语词典增补本 也许为 posh 找到了一个或多个可能的词源。 另一个词posh 则是19世纪和20世纪初英国人用来表示“钱”的俚语, 尤指“半便士,小面值钱币。”这个词源于吉卜赛常用词på歨 ,意为“一半”, 用在诸如意为“半便士”的复合词på歨era 中。 Posh 也有“花花公子”之意, 这一用法记录于1890年及1902年出版的两本俚语词典中,尽管这个特有的posh 也有可能是另一个词。 然而这个词及上文提到的那些词比"Port Out,Starboard Home"更有可能是posh 这个词的词源, 虽然后者早被人们确认为这个词的词源〔milquetoast〕An indication of the effect on the English language of popular culture such as that found in comic strips is the adoption of names from the strips as English words.Casper Milquetoast, created by Harold Webster in 1924, was a timid and retiring man,whose name was, of course, created from the name of a timid food.The first instance ofmilquetoast as a common noun is found in the mid-1930's. Milquetoast thus joins the ranks of other such words, includingsad sack, from a blundering army private invented by George Baker in 1942,andWimpy, from J. Wellington Wimpy in the Popeye comic strip, which became a trade name for a hamburger.If we look to the related world of the animated cartoon,we must of course acknowledgeMickey Mouse, which has become a slang term for something that is easy, insignificant, small-time, worthless, or petty. 如果我们要在戏剧漫画中找到流行文化对英语语言的影响,那么漫画中的人物的名字被接受为英语单词可以算是例证了,1924年赫拉德·韦伯斯特所创造的卡斯珀·米尔克吐斯特是一个胆小如鼠的人,他的名字当然是从一种非常柔软的食品而得来。Milquetoast 作为一个普通名词的第一例子于20世纪30年代中期被发现。 这样milquetoast 就加入了一类词, 这类词包括sad sack , 一个由乔治·贝克于1942年发明指代愚蠢的陆军士兵的词汇,和Wimpy ,一个从滑稽漫画 突眼 中的丁·惠灵顿·温皮而得来的词, 它现在已成为汉堡包的商标。如果我们再看看相关的动画世界,我们当然得承认米奇老鼠 现在已成为指代容易的、不重要的、没有价值的或琐碎的东西的一个俚语词 〔Bolshevik〕The wordBolshevik, an emotionally charged term in English, is derived from a very common word in Russian,bol'she, "bigger, more,” the comparative form ofbol'shoĭ, "big.” The nameBol'shevik was given to the faction in the majority at the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party in 1903 (the term is first recorded in English in 1907).The smaller faction was known asMen'sheviki, from men'she, "less, smaller,” the comparative ofmalyĭ, "little, few.” TheBol'sheviki, who sided with Lenin in the split that followed the Congress, subsequently became the Russian Communist Party.In 1952 the wordBol'shevik was dropped as an official term in the Soviet Union, but it had long since passed into other languages, including English.It had even spawned the slang termbolshie, though there is nomenshie. 单词Bolshevik 在英语中是带有感情色彩的单词, 来源于俄语中非常普通的词bol'she “较大的,较多的”, 是bol'shoi “大”的比较级形式。 Bol'shevik 这个名字是给予1903年俄国社会民主工人党第二次大会时的多数派的 (英语中最早记有该词是1907年)。少数派即著名的Men'sheviki 来源于 men'she, “较少,较小”, 是malyi “小,少”的比较级形式。 Bol'sheviki ,即讨论会后分裂时站在列宁一边的那些人, 后来成为俄国共产党。1952年,Bol'shevik 一词成为苏联的官方术语。 但它已传入包括英语的其他语言。它甚至衍生了一个俚语词bolshie, 尽管不存在menshie 〔currency〕the currency of a slang term.一个俚语词语的通行




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