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单词 保险
释义 〔underinsure〕To insure under a policy that provides inadequate benefits:在保险额不足的保险单下保险〔write〕To underwrite, as an insurance policy.承保:承保,作为一项保险措施〔reinsure〕To insure again, especially by transferring in whole or in part a risk or contingent liability already covered under an existing contract.分保:再次保险,特别是在已存在的合同中已经受到保险的风险或意外责任全部或部分地转移出去〔line〕A kind of coverage available in insurance.保险承保的范围〔insurance〕The sum or rate for which such a contract insures something.保险金额:此类合同规定的保险的金额或比例〔underwrite〕To insure against losses totaling (a given amount).承保:对合计(给定数量)的损失进行保险〔Medigap〕Private health insurance designed to supplement the coverage provided under governmental programs such as Medicare.政府医疗补助保险:为一些政府计划,例如医疗健保,所提供的医疗项目作补助而设计出来的私人医疗保险〔insured〕The party who stands to benefit from an insurance policy.保险受益人:从保险合同中受益的一方〔redline〕To discriminate against by refusing to grant loans, mortgages, or insurance to.歧视:通过拒绝贷款、抵押或保险造成歧视〔underwrite〕To assume financial responsibility for; guarantee against failure:承担财政责任;对破产给予保险〔endorsement〕An amendment to a contract, such as an insurance policy, by which the original terms are changed.合同修正条例:合同的修正条例,例如保险政策,通过此条例将原先的条款改变〔fun〕The day may come when this usage is entirely unremarkable,just as the wordtalkative has lost all taint of its originally jocular formation from the attachment of a Latinate suffix to a native Anglo-Saxon root. At present, however, the attributive use offun may still raise eyebrows, and writers who want to stay on the safe side are advised to avoid it in contexts in which a light tone would not be appropriate.也许总有一天,这一用法会变得完全不引人注意了,正如单词talkative 在其拉丁语后缀与盎格鲁-撒克逊语词根组成词时该词有打趣的意味,但现在已失去其所具有的本义了。 然而,现在使用fun 做定语仍有可能导致误解, 而为保险起见的作家也都会避免在与轻松的语调显得不太协调的行文中使用该词〔coinsurance〕Insurance held jointly by two or more insurers.共同担保:由两个或更多的承保人联合给予保险〔uninsurable〕That cannot be covered by insurance:不能够被保险的:〔safe〕Free from risk; sure:保险的:没有风险的;肯定的:〔dishonest〕submitted a mendacious insurance claim.上交了一份伪造的保险书。〔insurance〕Coverage by a contract binding a party to indemnify another against specified loss in return for premiums paid.保险保险公司根据与另一方签订得契约进行赔偿,一方遭受的特定损失予以补偿〔underinsure〕Be certain that you are not underinsured against catastrophic illness.一定要为大病办理充足的保险〔bond〕To place (an employee, for example) under bond or guarantee.为…保险:让某人(如一雇员)入保险〔annuity〕An investment on which one receives fixed payments for a lifetime or for a specified number of years.年金保险投资:为终生或特定几年中每年获得固定收入而进行的保险投资〔FICA〕Federal Insurance Contributions Act.联邦保险援助行动〔different〕Different from and different than are both common in British and American English. Critics since the 18th century have singled outdifferent than as incorrect, though it is well attested in the works of reputable writers. Where the comparison is drawn directly between two persons or things,from is usually the safer choice: Different from 和 different than 英语和美语中都经常见。 虽然后者经常出现在名作家的作品中,但18世纪以来,评论家仍指出different than 为相对正确的选择。 当直接对两人或两物进行比较时,from 是最保险的选择 : 〔wood〕Free of a difficult or hazardous situation; in a position of safety or security.脱离险境:脱离困难或危险的情况;处于安全或保险的位置〔cover〕To protect by insurance:确保,保护:入保险加以保护:〔insurance〕The periodic premium paid for this coverage.保费用:为此种保险定期支付的保费用〔reassure〕To reinsure.分保:再给……保险〔line〕The proportion of an insurance risk assumed by a particular underwriter or company.保险额:由特定保险人或保险公司在保险中承担的险额〔snug〕Safe; secure:安全的;保险的:〔bond〕An insurance contract in which an agency guarantees payment to an employer in the event of unforeseen financial loss through the actions of an employee.保险单:一种保证合同,保险方保证一旦由于雇员的行动造成意外的经济损失,雇主将得到陪偿〔uncovered〕Lacking the protection of insurance or collateral security.未经保险的:未发保险的,无附加担保的〔deductible〕A clause in an insurance policy that exempts the insurer from paying an initial specified amount in the event that the insured sustains a loss.扣除条款:保险单内的条款之一,免除保险人对被保险户承受的损失赔偿最初的规定的金额〔redline〕To refuse home mortgages or home insurance to areas or neighborhoods deemed poor financial risks.拒绝房产抵押,拒绝房产保险:对经济风险大的地区拒绝房产抵押或房产保险〔secure〕Free from risk of loss; safe:保险的:无损失风险的;安全的:




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