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单词 信奉国教
释义 〔pretend〕"You had to pretend conformity while privately pursuing high and dangerous nonconformism"(Anthony Burgess)“当你私下里追求崇高而又危险的新教教义时,你仍得假装信奉国教”(安东尼·伯吉斯)〔nonconformist〕Often Nonconformist A member of a Protestant church not observing the doctrines, usage, or polity of a national or established church, especially the Church of England. 常作 Nonconformist 不信奉国教的人:新教教会的一个成员,他不遵从国家的或已建立的教会的教义、习惯做法或政体,尤指英国教会〔dissent〕The refusal to conform to the authority or doctrine of an established church; nonconformity.不信奉国教:拒绝服从国教的权威或拒绝信奉国教教义;不信奉国教〔nonconformity〕Often Nonconformity Refusal to accept or conform to the doctrines, usage, or polity of the Church of England. 常作 Nonconformity 不信奉国教:拒绝接受或遵从英国教会的教义、习惯做法或政体




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