单词 | 债务 |
释义 | 〔service〕To make interest payments on (a debt).支付(债务)利息〔lien〕The right to take and hold or sell the property of a debtor as security or payment for a debt or duty.留置权:控制、持有或出卖债务人财产,作为债务或义务清偿保证的权利〔deposit〕A partial or initial payment of a cost or debt:定金:费用或债务的部分或最初的偿付部分:〔hypothecate〕To pledge (property) as security or collateral for a debt without transfer of title or possession.担保,抵押:在没有交换所有权或财产的情况下以(财产)作为对某一笔债务的抵押〔liquidate〕To pay off (a debt, a claim, or an obligation); settle.清偿:偿还(债务、索赔或义务);解决〔asset〕Back-formation from English assets [sufficient goods to settle a testator's debts and legacies] 源自 英语 assets的逆构词 [足够的物品以结算遗嘱人的债务和遗产] 〔redemption〕The payment of an obligation, as a government's payment of the value of its bonds.偿还:债务的偿还,如政府偿还其所发行的债券〔debt〕pl. of Latin dēbitum [debt] [neuter past participle of] dēbēre [to owe] * see ghabh- 拉丁语 dēbitum的复数 [债务] dēbēre的中性过去分词 [欠] * 参见 ghabh- 〔obligation〕Something owed as payment or in return for a special service or favor.债务:为了特别的帮助或思惠所欠下的应偿还或报答的东西〔hock〕thought we'd never get out of hock.我们再也不可能还清债务〔liability〕liabilities The financial obligations entered in the balance sheet of a business enterprise. liabilities 负债,债务:某一企业的资产收支表上的财政债务〔discharge〕Fulfillment of the terms of something, such as a debt or promise.履行责任:履行,执行如债务、誓约的条款〔commute〕To change (a penalty, debt, or payment) to a less severe one.减刑:改变(刑罚、债务或支付)到较轻的程度〔restructure〕"serious efforts to restructure third world debt"(Felix Rohatyn)“重组第三世界债务的真诚努力”(费利克斯·罗哈廷)〔principal〕A sum of money owed as a debt, upon which interest is calculated.本金:作为债务的一笔钱,以此为基础来计算利息〔pledge〕Delivery of goods or personal property as security for a debt or an obligation:质押:作为债务或义务担保的商品或个人财产的交付:〔liquidate〕To settle the affairs of (a business firm, for example) by determining the liabilities and applying the assets to their discharge.清算:通过确实债务并对资产进行清偿来解决(例如一个商业公司的)事务〔run〕ran up huge bills; run up the price of the company's stock.积欠很大的债务;使公司股票的价格升值〔discharge〕To comply with the terms of (a debt or promise, for example).遵守规定:服从(如债务或约定的)各条款〔guaranty〕An agreement by which one person assumes the responsibility of assuring payment or fulfillment of another's debts or obligations.保证书:某人为承担保证付款或为他人履行债务或其他义务等责任而签定的条约〔satisfied〕Paid or discharged in full, as a debt or an obligation.清偿过的:彻底还清或清偿了的,如债务或义务〔judgment〕A writ in witness of such an act.(确定债务的)判决书:作为这种法庭判决之证据的书面令状〔liquidate〕To settle a debt, a claim, or an obligation.清偿:解决一项债务、索赔或义务〔setoff〕Settlement of a debt by a debtor's establishing such a claim against a creditor.反诉抵偿:由债务人对债权人提起反诉而清算债务〔garnishment〕A legal proceeding whereby money or property due a debtor but in the possession of another is applied to the payment of the debt owed to the plaintiff.向(第三方)下达扣押令:一种法律手续,由此属于债务人的但为第三者掌管的财物被加于所欠原告的债务费用中〔double〕The debt soon doubled.债务不久就增了一倍〔amortize〕To liquidate (a debt, such as a mortgage) by installment payments or payment into a sinking fund.分期偿还,分期付款:用分期付款和偿债基金的形式偿清(债务,如抵押)〔encumber〕To burden with legal or financial obligations:使负担法律义务或债务:〔repudiation〕The refusal, especially by public authorities, to acknowledge a contract or debt.拒绝清偿:拒绝,尤指政府当局拒绝承认某一合同或债务〔quittance〕Release from a debt, an obligation, or a penalty.免除:免去债务、义务或处罚〔reschedule〕rescheduled the meeting for the following week; rescheduled the debts of many developing nations.重新安排下个星期的会议;重订许多发展中国家的债务计划〔remission〕Release, as from a debt, a penalty, or an obligation.豁免:债务,刑罚或义务的豁免〔practically〕Practically is used unexceptionally in its primary sense of "in a way that is practical.” Its use in the sense "for all practical purposes" is perfectly acceptable.Thus, a person whose liabilities exceed his or her assets may be said to bepractically bankrupt, even though that person has not been legally declared insolvent. By a slight extension of this meaning, however,practically is often used to mean "all but" or "nearly": Practically 最平常、根本的含义就是“通过实用的方式。” 其作为“从实际出发地”这一意思的用法也是完全可接受的。因此,如果某人的债务超出了他或她的财产价值的话,即使还没有在法律上宣告他或她破产,就可以说是实际上已破产了 。 然而将这一意思稍作延伸,practically 就经常用来表示“几乎”或“差不多”的意思: 〔liability〕Something for which one is liable; an obligation, a responsibility, or a debt.责任:一个人应对其负责的事物;责任、义务或债务〔pay〕To discharge or settle (a debt or an obligation):偿还,还清:偿付或结清(债务或责任):〔demand〕claiming repayment of a debt;要求偿还债务;〔lift〕To pay off or clear (a debt or mortgage, for example).清偿:付清(例如债务或房租)〔accounting〕The bookkeeping methods involved in making a financial record of business transactions and in the preparation of statements concerning the assets, liabilities, and operating results of a business.会计学,会计制度:涉及经济交往中财会纪录的制作和准备有关财产,债务, 和企业运行结果的报告的制作方法〔indebted〕dette [debt] * see debt dette [债务] * 参见 debt〔satisfy〕To discharge (a debt or an obligation, for example) in full.清偿:彻底摆脱(比如债务或义务) |
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