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单词 假日
释义 〔movable〕a movable holiday.每年变化的假日〔janitor〕A holiday for janitors ought to take place in January,for both words are linked.In Latiniānus was the word for "archway, gateway, or covered passage" and also for the god of gates, doorways, and beginnings in general.As many schoolchildren know,our month January—a month of beginnings—is named for the god.Latiniānitor, the source of our word janitor and ultimately also fromiānus, meant "doorkeeper or gatekeeper.”Probably becauseiānitor was common in Latin records and documents, it was adopted into English,first being recorded in the sense "doorkeeper" around 1567 in a Scots text.In an early quotation Saint Peter is called "the Janitor of heaven.”The term can still mean "doorkeeper,”but in Scots usagejanitor also referred to a minor school official. Apparently this position at times involved maintenance duties and doorkeeping,and the maintenance duties took over the more exalted tasks,giving us the position of janitor as we know it today.看门人的假日应该放在一月,因为以下两个词都同一月有联系。拉丁文中的ianus 表示的是“拱门、道路或走廊”, 也是通常所说的门神、门口和开始。正如许多小学生知道的那样,我们的一月——最初的一个月——是以神的名字命名的。拉丁文ianitor 是单词 janitor 的来源, 追根溯源它也来自ianus, 意思是“看门人或管门人”。也许因为ianitor 这个词在拉丁文记录和文件中很普遍, 它才被英语所采用,最早被记录为“看门人”之意时大约在1567年的一篇苏格兰文章中。圣彼得在早期的引文中被称为“天堂守护神”。这个词仍然是“看门人”的意思,但在苏格兰用法中janitor 也指代低层的学校公务员。 显然这个职位时不时地也包含着维护的责任和守门的义务,这种维护的责任吸取了更为崇高的任务,于是就有了正如我们今天所知道的看门人这个职务〔wont〕chaotic as holidays are wont to be.假日时的混乱场面〔Juneteenth〕June 19, an African-American holiday commemorating the date in 1865 when many slaves in Texas learned they had been freed by the Emancipation Proclamation (January 1, 1863).六月解放日:六月十九日,为非洲裔美国人的假日,为了纪念于1865年时许多德州的奴隶得知他们已经因解放奴隶宣言(1863年1月1日)而自由了〔eve〕The evening or day preceding a special day, such as a holiday.前夕,前夜:一个特殊日子的前夕、前夜,如假日〔week〕A week designated by an event or a holiday occurring within it:活动周:因某项活动或假日在其中举行而得名的星期:〔multitrack〕students in a multitrack program with staggered vacations.随着变动的假日而有多种行动计划的学生〔vacation〕A fixed period of holidays, especially one during which a school, court, or business suspends activities.休息日:特定时间的假日,尤指学校、法庭或商业部门不上班的日子〔haphtarah〕A selection from the Prophets, read in synagogue services on the Sabbath following each lesson from the Torah.哈夫塔拉:在犹太教安息日或假日做礼拜时从先知书中选出诵读的部分〔parhelion〕A bright spot sometimes appearing on either side of the sun, often on a luminous ring or halo.幻日,假日:有时出现在太阳旁边的一个常常形成光亮的环的明亮光斑〔feria〕from Latin fēriae [religious festival, holidays] * see dhēs- 源自 拉丁语 fēriae [宗教节日,假日] * 参见 dhēs- 〔fair〕sing. of Latin fēriae [holidays] * see dhēs- 拉丁语 fēriae的单数 [假日] * 参见 dhēs- 〔holiday〕A day free from work that one may spend at leisure; a day off.假日:人们可不工作而享受闲暇的日子;休假〔Christmastide〕A Christian festival observed from December 24, Christmas Eve, to January 5, the eve of Epiphany.圣诞节节期:圣诞节假日从十二月二十四日的圣诞前一天,到一月五日的显灵节前一天〔gaiety〕making preparations for the holiday gaieties.作好假日欢庆活动的准备〔idyllic〕an idyllic vacation in a seashore cottage.在海边的小屋度过的田园诗般的假日




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