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单词 停滞
释义 〔gridlock〕A complete lack of movement or progress resulting in a backup or stagnation:完全停滞:完全缺乏移动或进步而导致拥塞或停滞〔stagnant〕Latin stagnāns stagnant- [present participle of] stagnāre [to be stagnant] * see stagnate 拉丁语 stagnāns stagnant- stagnāre的现在分词 [停滞] * 参见 stagnate〔stasis〕Greek [stationariness] * see stā- 希腊语 [停滞] * 参见 stā- 〔slough〕Also slue A stagnant swamp, marsh, bog, or pond, especially as part of a bayou, an inlet, or a backwater. 也作 slue 停滞的水域,泥泞的沼泽:浑浊的沼泽、湿地、泥塘或池塘,尤指作为海湾、水湾或死水的一部分〔gridlock〕A traffic jam in which no vehicular movement is possible, especially one caused by the blockage of key intersections within a grid of streets.交通大堵塞:车辆完全不可能移动的交通堵塞,尤指因为在棋盘式街道中的重要路口发生堵塞而引起的交通停滞〔backspin〕A spin that tends to retard, arrest, or reverse the linear motion of an object, especially of a ball.回旋:使一个做直线运动的物体减速、停滞或倒转的一种旋转,尤指一个球〔stagnant〕Showing little or no sign of activity or advancement; not developing or progressing; inactive:不景气的:不发展和停滞的或没有前进或活动迹象;不发展或前进的:〔mean〕"No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous"(Henry Adams)“没有人说出的话全都是他的本意,而极少有人能把自己的本意全部说出来,因为文字的表达可以很含糊,而人的思想可以停滞”(亨利·亚当斯)〔hang〕To remain suspended or poised over a place or an object; hover:停滞:保持悬浮或悬挂在一处或一个物体之上;盘旋:〔paralysis〕Inability to move or function; total stoppage or severe impairment of activity:瘫痪,停滞:不能移动或运行;完全停止或是活动的严重受阻:〔standing〕Not movable; stationary.不动的;停滞〔spillback〕Arrested traffic flow in which vehicles that are stopped partway through an intersection because of a blockage ahead prevent crossing traffic from moving.塞车:停滞的车流,因前方的堵塞而使车子不能前行,从而导致车辆停滞在交叉路口上〔hang〕To become halted or snagged:休止:停滞或被阻住:〔backwater〕A place or situation regarded as isolated, stagnant, or backward:穷乡僻壤,停滞:被认为孤立的、停滞的或落后的地方或位置:〔standstill〕Complete cessation of activity or progress:停止,停滞:行为或进展的完全停顿:〔dead〕The crippled ship was dead in the water. With no leadership, the project was dead in the water.那只坏船停滞在水中不能动了。没有了领导,计划不能实施〔strikebound〕Closed, immobilized, or slowed down by a strike:因罢工而停顿的:由于罢工而被倒闭的停滞或衰退的:〔choke〕"Treasury borrowing of existing savings would drive up the interest rate and choke off economic activity"(Paul Craig Roberts)“国库从现有储蓄中借款会迫使利率上升和使经济活动停滞”(保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨)〔infantilism〕A state of arrested development in an adult, characterized by retention of infantile mentality, accompanied by stunted growth and sexual immaturity, and often by dwarfism.幼稚病:一种出现于成年人当中的发育停滞的状态,其特点是思维幼稚,伴有发育不良和性方面的不成熟,还有侏儒现象发生〔tool〕"Modern democracies have the fiscal and monetary tools . . . to end chronic slumps and galloping inflations"(Paul A. Samuelson)“现代社会拥有结束周期性停滞和恶性通货膨胀的财政和金融手段”(保罗A.塞缪尔森)〔dead〕Not circulating or running; stagnant:不流通的:不流通的或不流动的;停滞的:




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