单词 | 僧人 |
释义 | 〔Nichiren〕Japanese Buddhist monk and founder of a sect of Buddhism that bears his name. He believed that the true teachings of the Buddha were found only in the Lotus Sutra.日莲大圣人:日本佛教僧人,创立了以其名命名的教派。他相信真正的佛道只在南无妙法莲华经中〔bonze〕A Buddhist monk, especially of China, Japan, or nearby countries.僧人:佛教徒,尤其指中国、日本或附近国家的僧侣〔mendicant〕A member of an order of friars forbidden to own property in common, who work or beg for their living.托钵僧:一种不允许拥有私人财产的僧人,以工作或化缘维持生活〔Lewis〕British gothic writer who is remembered for the novelThe Monk (1796), for which he was known as "Monk Lewis.” 刘易斯,马修·格里戈尔:(1775-1818) 英国哥特式小说作家,成名作是《僧人》 (1796年),他因此获得了“僧人刘易斯”的绰号 〔solitude〕"The beast and the monk, robbed of the isolation that is life to either, will die" (E.M. Forster). “丧失了于二者而言都意味着生命的与世隔离,野兽与僧人将会死去” (E·M·福斯特)。〔arhat〕One who has attained enlightenment.阿罗汉:达到涅槃境界的僧人 |
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