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单词 元音
释义 〔intervocalic〕Occurring between vowels.元音间的:发生于元音之间的〔alliteration〕The repetition of the same consonant sounds or of different vowel sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables, as in头韵:在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复。如:〔purty〕Purty is probably the most common American example of metathesis, a linguistic process in which two adjacent sounds are reversed in order.Metathesis in English often involves the consonantr and a vowel, since the phonetic properties ofr are so vowellike. For example,the wordthird used to be thrid, and bird, brid. By the same process,Englishpretty often came to be realized as purty in regional speech. Most such words stabilized because of the influence of printing and the resultant standardized spelling,butpurty for pretty has survived in regional American dialects. Purty 可能是美国换位词最普遍的一个例子, 换位是两个相邻的音在顺序上调换位置的语法过程。英语中的换位经常包括辅音r 和一个元音, 因为r 的语音属性是非常像元音的。 举个例子来说,单词third 过去曾是 thrid 及 bird和brid。 具有同样的过程,英语单词pretty 在区域性语言中常被渐渐地认作 purty。 大部分这样的单词固定下来是因为印刷的影响以及由此而产生的标准化拼写,但是代替pretty 的 purty 却在美国区域性的方言中存在下来了 〔short〕Historically descended from a vowel of brief duration.从短音来的:历史上从一个持继时间很短的元音而来的〔syllable〕A unit of spoken language consisting of a single uninterrupted sound formed by a vowel, diphthong, or syllabic consonant alone, or by any of these sounds preceded, followed, or surrounded by one or more consonants.音节:口语的一个单位,由一个不间断的音构成,该音可由一个元音、双元音和单音节辅音单独构成,也可由一个或多个辅音在前面提到的语音的任一个后面或前面与其共同构成〔ogham〕An alphabetic system of inscribed notches for vowels and lines for consonants used to write Old Irish, chiefly on the edges of memorial stones, from the fifth to the early seventh century.欧甘文字:V形刻痕代表元音,线形刻痕代表辅音的字母系统。这一字母系统是用以书写古爱尔兰语的,在5世纪至7世纪早期主要刻在纪念石碑的边缘部分〔aspirate〕To pronounce (a vowel or word) with the initial release of breath associated with Englishh, as in hurry. 以/h/音开始读出(某词或词中的某音节):以英语中送气的音开头读出(某元音或词)h, 如 hurry 〔bleed〕It seems only common sense thatbleed should be related to blood, but one needs some knowledge of historical linguistics to understand the relationship fully.In prehistoric Common Germanic, the hypothetical predecessor of Germanic languages such as English, German, and Swedish,the word.blōdha-, "blood,” the ancestor of our word blood, is assumed to have existed. From this noun was derived the verb.blōdhjan, "to bleed.” A change of sound then came into play in Old English, that is, thej, pronounced like the y in your, caused the vowelō, pronounced as in go, to become pronounced like the ö in German schön. Later in Old English thisō changed to ē, pronounced like the a in labor, eventually becoming like thee in bee by 1500. By this change, as well as others,.blōdhjan became Modern English bleed. 根据常识bleed 好象应该和 blood 联系在一起, 但要想全面理解这种关系,应具备一些历史语言学的知识。在史前日耳曼共同语,即日耳曼语言(如英语、德语和瑞典语)的假设前任语言中,我们使用的单词blood 源于 blodha- 意为“血”,被认为已经存在了。 从这一名词派生出动词blodhjan, 意为“流血”。 发音的改变出现于古英语中,即j, 发音与 your 中的 y 相似, 引起go 中的元音 ō 变得如德语 schon 中的 ö 。 后来在古英语中ō 变为 ē, 发音如 labor 中的 a, 最后在1500年前变得如bee 中的 e 。 通过这种变化,以及其他变化,blodhjan 成为了现代英语的 bleed 〔monophthong〕Two written vowels representing a single sound, asoa in boat. 书写中代表一个发音的两个元音,如boat 中的 oa 〔syllabic〕Designating a consonant that forms a syllable without a vowel, such as the (l) inriddle (rĭdʹl). 成音节的:表明某一个辅音无需元音即构成一个音节的,如riddle (rid'l)中的(l) 〔thataway〕The history of the English language is full of examples of epenthesis,the addition to a word of a vowel or consonant not part of the original word.This process is still active in regional dialects.Two examples now used chiefly in Southern and Midland dialects arethisaway and thataway, which show epenthetic vowels intruding betweenthis way and that way. Another highly excoriated instance of vowel epenthesis,not regional, is the pronunciation ofathlete as (ăthʹə-lēt'). 英语的历史充满了增音的例子,即增加一个不是原词部分的元音或辅音词。这种现象在方言中依然很活跃。现在主要用于南部和中部方言的两个例子是thisaway 和 thataway , 它们显示了在this way 和 that way 之间插入的元音发音。 另一个备受非议的增加元音的例子,不是方言,而是athlete(运动员) 如(ath'□-let')的发音 〔vocalise〕An exercise, a composition, or an arrangement in which a performer sings sol-fa syllables or other meaningless vocal sounds rather than a text.练声曲:一种练习、曲子或排练,歌手在进行过程中演唱视唱法音节或其它一些无意义的元音,而非演唱歌曲〔vowel〕A letter, such asa, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y in the English alphabet, that represents a vowel. 元音字母:英语字母表中a,e,i,o,u 之一,有时字母 y 也在此列,表示一个元音 〔open〕an open syllable.以元音结尾的音节〔vowel〕A speech sound created by the relatively free passage of breath through the larynx and oral cavity, usually forming the most prominent and central sound of a syllable.元音:由通过咽喉和口腔中相对自由的气息发出的声音,常形成音节最突出和中心的音〔open〕Articulated with the tongue in a low position, as the vowel infar. 以低音调发音的,象far 中的元音 〔labialize〕To round (a vowel); make labial.以圆唇发(元音),圆唇化;使唇音化〔umlaut〕A vowel sound changed in this manner. Also called vowel mutation 变元音:由这种方式改变的元音发音 也作 vowel mutation〔assonance〕Resemblance of sound, especially of the vowel sounds in words, as in:谐音:发音相似,尤指词中元音的相似,如在:〔vocal〕Of or resembling vowels; vocalic.元音的:属于或象元音的;有元音〔drawl〕To speak with lengthened or drawn-out vowels.拉长调说话:说话时将元音拉长〔orinasal〕An orinasal speech sound, such as a French nasal vowel.一种鼻音化元音语音,比如法国鼻元音〔drawl〕To utter with lengthened or drawn-out vowels:拉长了元音发出:〔schwa〕The symbol (ə) used to represent an unstressed neutral vowel and, in some systems of phonetic transcription, a stressed mid-central vowel, as inbut. 非中央元音:符号(ə)过去用于表示非重读性元音及在某些发音标注系统中的一个重读的非中央元音,如but 〔formant〕Any of several frequency regions of relatively great intensity in a sound spectrum, which together determine the characteristic quality of a vowel sound.共振峰:声谱中有相应强度的几个共鸣带中的任何一个,他们共同决定着元音的音质〔breathing〕Either of two marks used in Greek to indicate aspiration of an initial vowel or diphthong (') or the absence of such aspiration (’).送气符号,送气音:希腊语中两种符号之一,表示首元音或双元音的送气发音的符号(')或不发这种送气音的符号(’)〔iotacism〕The conversion of other vowel sounds in Greek, such as eta or upsilon, to the sound of iota.希腊语中的其它元音,如η或ν,向l这个元音的转化〔vocalize〕To change (a consonant) into a vowel during articulation.使发成元音:在发音中变(辅音)为元音〔graph〕A written character that represents a vowel, consonant, syllable, word, or other expression and that cannot be further analyzed.书写单位;书写符号:代表一个元音、辅音、音节、词或其它表达方式,并且不能进一步分解的书写符号〔trigraph〕Three letters spelling one consonant, vowel, or diphthong, such asSch in Schiller or igh in high or thigh. 三合字母:三个字母拼成一个辅音、元音或双元音,如schiller 中的 sch high 或 thigh 中的 igh 〔umlaut〕To modify by umlaut.使元音变为曲音〔flat〕Designating the vowela as pronounced in bad or cat. 平舌的:指如bad 或 cat 中元音 a 的发音 〔triphthong〕A compound vowel sound resulting from the succession of three simple ones and functioning as a unit, as (wou) inwow. 三合元音:由三个单位的元音相连形成的复合元音,作为一个单元,如wow 中的(wou音) 〔macron〕A diacritical mark placed above a vowel to indicate a long sound or phonetic value in pronunciation, such as (ā) in the wordmake. 长音:一个发音符号,置于元音之上,表示长音或发音中的音值,如(ā)在make 中的发音 〔drudge〕"Out here on the Chesapeake,they call it ‘drudging for arsters,’”says Charles Kuralt in his bookOn the Road with Charles Kuralt. The standard English verbdredge is pronounced with a centralized vowel by Chesapeake Bay oyster fishermen, yielding drudge. Drudge in turn has been picked up by city dwellers on the Delmarva Peninsula;a survey of some young people from Baltimore revealed thatthey did not even know that there was a standard English verbdredge. Kuralt gives the regional pronunciation a whimsical folk etymology with the standard meaning ofdrudge, "to do tedious, menial, or unpleasant work,” observing, "Whatever you do for a living, it's not as hard as ‘drudging for arsters.’”在切萨皮克湾那边,他们把它称之为“为捕虾做苦工,”查尔斯·库洛特在他的与查尔斯·库洛特同游 一书中谈及。 标准英语动词dredge ,在发音时其元音被切萨皮克湾捕虾渔民发成中元音,随后产生 drudge。 Drudge 又被德尔马瓦半岛一城市居民吸收;对来自巴尔的摩的一部分年轻人的调查表明,他们甚至不知道有一个标准英语动词dredge 。 对具有标准含义的drudge “做单调、卑贱或无趣工作”,库洛特给出了一个稀奇古怪的民俗语源, 他说道,“无论你以何谋生,再没有比捕虾做的工更苦的了”〔monophthong〕A single vowel articulated without change in quality throughout the course of a syllable, as the vowel of Englishbed. 单元音:在一个音节的发音过程中不改变音质的单元音,如英文单词bed 中的元音 〔umlaut〕A change in a vowel sound caused by partial assimilation especially to a vowel or semivowel occurring in the following syllable.元音变化:尤指因与下一音节的元音或半元音的部分相似而引起的元音变化〔prevocalic〕Of or relating to a form of a linguistic element, such as a suffix, prefix, or word, that occurs only before a vowel.与那些只出现在元音之前的语言要素形式,如后缀、前缀或词语有联系的或仅出现于元音之前的语言要素形式(如后缀、前缀或词语)的〔orinasal〕Pronounced with both nasal and oral passages open.鼻音化元音的:发音时鼻腔和口腔同时张开的〔strong〕Of or relating to those verbs in Germanic languages that form their past tense by a change in stem vowel, and their past participles by a change in stem vowel and sometimes by adding the suffix-(e)n, as sing, sang, sung or tear, tore, torn. 动词不规则变化的:属于或关于日耳曼语中动词变化的,通过词干中元音的变化形成过去时,过去分词通过词干元音的变化形成,有时通过加后缀-(e)n 形成,如 sing,sang,sung 或 tear,tore,torn




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