单词 | 充满活力 |
释义 | 〔spry〕Lively, active, and brisk; vigorous.See Synonyms at nimble 充满活力的,活跃的,敏捷的;生气勃勃的 参见 nimble〔active〕A dynamic speaker, the senator often persuades her colleagues to change their votes.这位参议员--一个充满活力的演讲者经常劝说她的同事改变他们的表决。〔yeasty〕Full of productivity or vitality; exuberantly creative.生气勃勃的:充满活力的或多产的;创造力旺盛的〔irrigate〕To make fertile or vital as if by watering.滋润:仿佛用水浇灌的方式使…变得肥沃或充满活力〔invigorate〕"A few whiffs of the raw, strong scent of phlox invigorated her"(D.H. Lawrence)“福禄考花的缕缕新鲜、浓重的香味使她充满活力”(D.H.劳伦斯)〔energize〕To give energy to; activate or invigorate:激励:赋予能量;使充满活力或令人奋发的:〔frisk〕An energetic, playful movement; a gambol.跳跃:充满活力的欢快的动作;游戏中的跳跃〔crisp〕Bracing; invigorating:清爽的;充满活力的:〔locking〕A style of dancing in which energetic manuevers are performed, especially emphasizing the use of arm movements, usually to funk or hip-hop music.锁舞:用充满活力的肢体动作表现的一种舞蹈,尤其强调手臂的动作,通常随乡土音乐或嘻哈音乐起舞〔inspirit〕To instill courage or life into; animate.See Synonyms at encourage 鼓舞:注入勇气或生命;使充满活力 参见 encourage〔vibrant〕the vibrant streets of a big city.大城市中的充满活力的街道〔action〕Habitual or vigorous activity; energy:活力,精力:习惯性的或充满活力的活动;精力:〔driving〕Energetic or active:精力充沛的或充满活力的:〔moxie〕"His prose has moxie, though it rushes and stumbles from a pent-up surge"(Patricia Hampl)“虽然他的散文由于压抑的激情时而文思流畅时而晦涩不通,但仍充满活力”(帕特里西亚·汉普尔)〔vehement〕Marked by or full of vigor or energy; strong:强烈的;猛烈的:显示或充满活力或能量的;强大的:〔sprightful〕Full of life; sprightly.充满活力;轻快活泼的〔pep〕"The duchess is full of pep, that particularly American word that expresses precisely her energy and gaiety"(Suzy Menkes)“公爵夫人充满活力,pep这个典型的美国词准确地表现出她的精力与生机”(苏西·门克斯)〔vivacious〕Full of animation and spirit; lively:有生气的:充满活力和精神的;活泼的:〔energy〕Vitality and intensity of expression:充满活力和激情的表述:〔active〕Characterized by energetic action or activity; lively.精力充沛的:以有活力的行为或活动为特征的;充满活力的〔sprightly〕Full of spirit and vitality; lively; brisk.充满活力的:充满精神和活力的;活泼的;轻快的〔act〕The wordsact and action both mean "a deed" and "the process of doing.” However, other senses ofact, such as "a decision made by a legislative body" and of action, such as "habitual or vigorous activity" show that act tends to refer to a deed while action tends to refer to the process of doing. The demands of meaning or idiom will often require one word or the other:class act and class action, for example, are not interchangeable. In cases where either can be used, either is acceptable: myact (or action ) was premature. act 及 action 两者都表示“行为”和“行动的过程”。 然而,act 的其他释义,如“立法机关所做的决定”及 action 的其他释义, 如“惯常的或充满活力的活动”表明act 偏重于指行动而 action 偏重于指行动的过程。 由于意义和习语的需求,通常只能用其中的一个单词,如:class act(出类拔萃的人) 和 class action(共同起诉) 不能互换。 在二者皆可的情况下,二者可通用:我的行为 (或 行动 )太草率 〔oppose〕 Fight andcombat suggest vigor and aggressiveness: Fight 和combat 表示充满活力和斗志: 〔regenerate〕To give new life or energy to; revitalize.获新生:给予新的生命或能量;使…重新充满活力〔inspire〕To fill with enlivening or exalting emotion:使受振奋:使人充满活力或令人兴奋的感情:〔mosso〕With motion or animation. Used chiefly as a direction.活跃地(的):充满活力或生气地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示〔doer〕A particularly active, energetic person:行动家:特别活跃,充满活力的人:〔lilt〕A light or resilient manner of moving or walking.轻快的或充满活力的移动或步伐〔peppy〕Full of or characterized by energy and high spirits; lively.精神饱满的:充满活力、劲头很高的或有此特色的;活泼的〔Tarzan〕A powerfully built man of great agility and valor.人猿泰山:小说中指一个动作敏捷、充满活力且体格健壮的男子〔Vivaldi〕Italian composer and violinist. He is best known for his lively concertos, particularlyThe Four Seasons (1725), a set of four violin concertos. 维瓦尔第,安东尼奥·卢希奥:(1675?-1741) 意大利作曲家和小提琴家。以他充满活力的协奏曲最 有名,尤其是一组小提琴协奏曲《四个季节》 (1725年) 〔futurism〕An artistic movement originating in Italy around 1910 whose aim was to express the energetic, dynamic, and violent quality of contemporary life, especially as embodied in the motion and force of modern machinery.未来主义:一种1910年左右发源于意大利的文艺思潮,意在表现当代生活有力的、充满活力的和激烈的特点,尤其主张表现现代机械文明的动感和暴力〔bloom〕The central meaning shared by these nouns is "a condition or time of greatest vigor and freshness": 这些名词都带有的核心意思是:“充满活力和朝气的全盛时期”: 〔Bellows〕American artist noted for his energetic paintings of sporting scenes, such asStag at Sharkey's (1907). 贝洛斯,乔治·韦斯利:(1882-1925) 美国艺术家,以其充满活力的运动情景绘画而著称,如《夏基斯的公鹿》 (1907年) 〔push〕To expend great or vigorous effort.努力:耗费巨大的或充满活力的努力〔Curry〕American painter noted for his vigorous depictions of the rural American scene, such asTornado over Kansas (1929). 柯里,约翰·斯托特:(1897-1946) 美国画家,以其对美国乡土风情的充满活力的描述而著称,如《堪萨斯河上的飓风》 (1929年) 〔animated〕Filled with activity, vigor, or spirit; lively.栩栩如生的:充满活力、生机或精神的;栩栩如生的〔young〕Vigorous or fresh; youthful.充满活力的:充满活力的或精力充沛的;朝气蓬勃的〔techno〕Any of various styles of dance music characterized by electronic sounds and a high-energy, rhythmic beat.电子技术音乐,电子舞曲:各种以电子声音、充满活力并富于节奏感为特征的舞曲〔provoke〕The play is bound to fail; the plot excites little interest or curiosity. Tostimulate is to excite to activity or to renewed vigor of action as if by spurring or goading: 这出戏注定失败;情节激不起观众半点兴趣和好奇心。 Stimulate 指似乎用马刺或木刺驱赶一样激起活力或使行动重新充满活力: |
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