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单词 克劳德
释义 〔Hayes〕American actress whose 50-year career included acclaimed performances on stage, as inDear Brutus (1918) and Victoria Regina (1935-1939), and in motion pictures, such as The Sin of Madelon Claudet, for which she won an Academy Award (1932). 海斯,海伦:(生于 1900) 美国女演员,她五十年的演艺生涯包括广受好评的舞台表演,如《亲爱的希鲁特思》 (1918年)和 《维多利亚女王》 (1935-1939年)及获1932年奥斯卡奖的 《马德伦·克劳德的罪孽》 等电影 〔Bowers〕American diplomat, writer, and historian whose works includeThe Young Jefferson (1945) and Embassy Windows (1958). 鲍尔斯,克劳德·格纳德:(1878-1958) 美国外交官、作家和历史学家,其作品有《少年杰斐逊》 (1945年)和 《大使馆的窗户》 (1958年) 〔scatter〕"Truth is a torch that gleams through the fog without dispelling it" (Claude Adrien Helvétius).“真理是一支火把,它不用驱散就能穿透迷雾” (克劳德·阿德里安·爱尔维修)〔Garamond〕French type designer known for establishing the roman-style letter as the standard in printing.加拉蒙,克劳德:(1480?-1561) 法国打印设计者,因创立了标准打印的罗马形字母而闻名〔Duvalier〕Haitian dictator. Elected president in 1957, he declared himself president for life in 1964 and ruled in an authoritarian manner until his death. His sonJean-Claude (born 1951), known as "Baby Doc,” succeeded him in 1971 but fled the country in 1986 after widespread civil unrest. 杜瓦利埃,弗朗索瓦:(1907-1971) 海地独裁者。1957年当选总统,1964年他宣布自己任终身总统并实行独裁统治直到去世。他的儿子杰·克劳德 (生于1951年),人称“多克宝贝”,1971年继承父位,在大规模的民众动乱之后,1986年逃离海地 〔intuit〕Claude often intuits my feelings about things long before I am really aware of them myself. 在我自己真正意识到之前,克劳德通常能凭直觉知道我对事物的感觉。 〔predacious〕"the most vicious, predacious, esurient and desperate elements of this society"(Claude Brown)“这个社会中最为恶毒的、掠夺成性的、贪婪的和绝望的成分”(克劳德·布朗)〔Dornier〕German aircraft builder who designed the first all-metal airplane (1911).道尼尔,克劳德:(1884-1969) 设计了德国第一架全金属飞机(1911年)的飞机制造家〔Monet〕French painter and founder of impressionism who captured on canvas his spontaneous reaction to landscapes and outdoor events. He created several series of paintings, such as theWater Lilies murals (1899-1925), that examine the effect of changing light and atmosphere on a subject. 莫内,克劳德:(1840-1926) 法国画家和印象主义的创始人,他在画布上捕捉大自然的风景和户外的景物并做忠实的反应。他创作了几个绘画系列,如《睡莲》 壁画(1899-1925年),它研究了改变光线与空气给一个主题带来的效果 〔Simon〕French writer who was a proponent of the antinovel. He won the 1985 Nobel Prize for literature.西蒙,克劳德·叶甫盖尼·亨利:(生于 1913) 法国作家,是反小说的倡导者获1985年诺贝尔文学奖〔Haiti〕A country of the West Indies comprising the western part of the island of Hispaniola and two offshore islands. A French colony after 1697, the country became independent in 1804 following a slave revolt led by Toussaint L'Ouverture. In the 20th century the country's history has been marked by the regimes of François ("Papa Doc") Duvalier, who ruled from 1957 to 1971, and his son Jean-Claude ("Baby Doc"), who was ousted in 1986. Port-au-Prince is the capital and largest city. Population, 5,053,791.海地:位于西印度群岛的一个国家,由伊斯帕尼尔奥拉群岛的西部和两个近海岛屿组成。自1697年后为法国殖民地,1804年在由杜桑·卢瓦杜尔领导的奴隶抗争之后独立。20世纪历史中的重要事件是弗朗索瓦·杜瓦里埃(老道克)从1957年到1971年的统治,还有他的儿子让·克劳德(小道克)的独裁统治,于1986年被赶下台。太子港是该国首都和最大城市。人口5,053,791〔confirm〕"We must never make experiments to confirm our ideas, but simply to control them" (Claude Bernard). “我们不要用实验来验证我们的想法,只需操纵它们就行了” (克劳德·伯纳德)。〔Bernard〕French physiologist noted for his study of the digestive and nervous systems.贝尔纳,克劳德:(1813-1878) 法国生理学家,以其在消化系统和神经系统方面的研究而著称〔Lorrain〕French painter known especially for his skill in depicting light in his landscapes and seascapes.洛兰,克劳德:(1600-1682) 法国画家,以其描绘陆上和海上的光线的技巧而闻名〔Chamberlin〕American geologist who with the astronomer Forest Ray Moulton (1872-1952) proposed (1906) the planetismal hypothesis for the formation of the planets in the solar system.钱伯林,托马斯·克劳德:(1843-1928) 美国地质学家,与天文学家弗雷斯特·雷·摩尔顿(1872-1952年)于1906年共同提出了太阳系行星形成的行星假说〔McKay〕Jamaican-born American writer who figured prominently in the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920's. His works include collections of poetry, such asConstab Ballads (1912), and novels, including Home to Harlem (1928). 麦凯,克劳德:(1890-1948) 牙买加裔美国作家,为20世纪20年代的哈莱姆文艺复兴时期的杰出代表人物。他的作品有诗集如《康斯特布民歌》 (1912年)以及小说如 《回到哈莱姆的家》 (1928年) 〔sculpt〕"Zoning is a blunt instrument that can at best shape but should not try to sculpt cities"(H. Claude Shostal)“地区化是一种直截了当的办法,可以用于体现但不能用于塑造城市”(H.克劳德·肖斯塔尔)〔Debussy〕French composer who is considered the first exponent of musical impressionism. His works include the tone poemL'Après-midi d'un Faune (1894). 德布西,克劳德·阿希礼:(1862-1918) 法国作曲家,被看作是印象派音乐的奠基人,其作品包括管弦乐曲《午后牧神前奏曲》 (1894年) 〔Johnson〕First Lady of the United States (1963-1969) as the wife of President Lyndon Johnson. She directed a nationwide beautification project.约翰逊,克劳德·阿尔塔·泰勒:(生于 1912) 美国第一夫人(1963-1969年),林顿·约翰逊总统的妻子。她曾主持一个全国性美化工程〔Killy〕French alpine skier who won three gold medals at the 1968 Olympic games. Skiing with the skis further apart to increase stability was a style introduced to downhill by Killy.基利,简-克劳德:法国高山滑雪选手,在1968年奥运会上独得三枚金牌。为增加稳定性而将滑雪板同滑雪运动进一步分离的方式被基利用于下坡速滑〔Villars〕French diplomat and soldier who served under Louis XIV. He is famous for his victories during the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714).维拉尔,克劳德·路易斯·赫克托尔·德:(1653-1734) 路易十四时代的法国外交官、战士。他以在西班牙战争(1701-1714年)中的胜利而著名〔intergenerational〕"These social-insurance programs are intergenerational andall Americans benefit from their success" (Claude D. Pepper)“上代人创造的这些社会保险项目使所有的 美国人从他们的成就中获益” (克劳德D.佩波)〔Claude〕Luxembourg-born Belgian biologist. He shared a 1974 Nobel Prize for contributions to the understanding of living cells.克劳德,阿尔贝特:(1899-1983) 卢森堡裔比利时生物学家,因其对活细胞研究的贡献获得1974年诺贝尔奖




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