单词 | 克服 |
释义 | 〔certainty〕 Conviction is certainty arising from the vanquishment of doubt: Conviction 是由克服疑虑而产生的自信: 〔outwear〕To get over (something) by the passage of time; outgrow:度过,丢弃:随时光的流逝而克服(某事);放弃:〔shall〕The sentenceYou shall have your money expresses a promise ("I will see that you get your money"), whereasYou will have your money makes a simple prediction. · Such, at least, are the traditional rules.But the distinction has never taken firm root outside of what H.W. Fowler described as "the English of the English" (as opposed to that of the Scots and Irish), and even there it has always been subject to variation.Despite the efforts of generations of American schoolteachers, the distinction is largely alien to the modern American idiom.In Americawill is used to express most of the senses reserved for shall in English usage, andshall itself is restricted to first person interrogative proposals, as inShall we go? and to certain fixed expressions, such asWe shall overcome. Shall is also used in formal style to express an explicit obligation,as inApplicants shall provide a proof of residence, though this sense is also expressed bymust or should. In speech the distinction that the English signal by the choice ofshall or will may be rendered by stressing the auxiliary, as in I will leave tomorrow ("I intend to leave"); by choosing another auxiliary, such as must or have to; or by using an adverb such as certainly. · Many earlier American writers observed the traditional distinction betweenshall and will, and some continue to do so.The practice cannot be called incorrect,though it may strike American ears as somewhat mannered.But the distinction is difficult for those who do not come by it natively,and Americans who essay ashall in an unfamiliar context run considerable risk of getting it wrong, and so of being caught out in that most embarrassing of linguistic gaffes, the bungled Anglicism.See Usage Note at should 句子你将得到你的钱 表达了一种承诺(“我将保证你得到你的钱”), 而你会得到你的钱 仅仅做出了简单预测。 这些至少是传统规则。但是这种用法上的区别仅局限于H·W·福勒所描述的“英格兰人的英语”(与苏格兰人和爱尔兰人的英语相对),即使在英格兰英语中它一直在变化。尽管经过几代美国学校教师的努力,这种区别对现代美国习惯用语仍是相当生疏的。在美国,will 被用来表达在英国用法中大多为 shall 保留的含义, 而shall 则限于第一人称疑问句式的提议, 如在我们该走了吧? 及某些固定表达中, 例如我们会克服的。 Shall 也用在正式文体中表示明确职责,如申请者应提供居留证明 , 虽然这个意义也可用must 或 should 表达。 在口语中可以通过强调助动词shall 或 will ,如 我 将 于明天离开 (“我打算明天离开”);或通过选择另一个助动词 must 或 have to ;或通过使用如 certainly 这样的副词来表达英国人用这两个词时的区别。 许多早期的美国作家注意到了shall 和 will 之间的传统区别, 而且一些人仍在继续这样做。这种用法不能被称作不正确,虽然美国人听起来有点矫揉造作的意味。但是这种区别对于那些不能通过母语了解它的人是困难的,而且在一个不熟悉的上下文中,试图用shall 的美国人很有可能犯错误, 因而在许多令人难堪的语言即被搞得一团糟的英式英语中出丑 参见 should〔victory〕Success in a struggle against difficulties or an obstacle.克服:在争斗中对抗困难或者障碍的胜利〔Erikson〕German-born American psychoanalyst who proposed that people acquire mature psychosexual traits by overcoming a series of personal crises. His works includeChildhood and Society (1950). 埃里克逊,埃里克·洪堡:(生于 1902) 出生于德国的美国心理分析家,他认为人们是通过克服一系列的个人危机而获得成熟的精神性品质,他的著作包括《儿童与社会》 (1950年) 〔stubborn〕Difficult to treat or deal with; resistant to treatment or effort:棘手的:难对付的;难于治好或克服的:〔surprise〕Middle English surprisen [to overcome] 中古英语 surprisen [克服] 〔breakthrough〕An act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction.突破:克服或穿越障碍或限制的行为〔defeat〕overcome a physical handicap. 克服身体上的残疾 〔face〕To overcome by confronting boldly or bravely:正视:通过直率而勇敢地面对来克服:〔pull〕Force exerted in pulling or required to overcome resistance in pulling.(牵引时所用的)力量:在拉时所施的力或要克服的阻力〔surmount〕To overcome (an obstacle, for example); conquer.克服(例如,障碍);战胜〔cope〕To contend with difficulties and act to overcome them:对抗:与困难作斗争并且克服它们:〔pull〕To come or bring successfully through trouble or illness.成功地突破困苦:成功地通过或克服麻烦或疾病〔overcome〕To prevail over; surmount:胜过,克服,越过:〔valid〕Convincing implies the power to dispel doubt or overcome resistance or opposition: Convincing 是指消除疑虑或克服抵制或反对的力量: 〔face〕To attain mastery over or overcome by confronting in a resolute, determined manner:用目光压倒,降伏,威镇:通过坚定果断地面对而获得征服或克服:〔conquer〕scientists battling to conquer disease; a singer who conquered the operatic world.科学家奋力克服疾病;征服了戏剧界的歌手〔difficulty〕The central meaning shared by these nouns is "something that requires great effort to overcome": 这些名词的中心意思均为“需很多努力去克服的事情”: 〔rock〕Confronted with equally unpleasant alternatives and few or no opportunities to evade or circumvent them.面临同样令人不愉快的几乎没有机会逃避或克服的选择〔pass〕To gain passage despite obstacles:艰辛地度过:克服阻碍而通过:〔break〕To overcome (a force or resistance):克服(武力或抗拒):〔Browning〕British poet. Overcoming ill health and the jealous objections of her tyrannical father, she eloped to Italy with Robert Browning and married him in 1846. Her greatest work,Sonnets from the Portuguese (1850), is a sequence of love poems written to her husband. 勃朗宁,伊丽莎白·巴雷特:(1806-1861) 英国诗人。她克服了疾病和她暴虐父亲的专横反对,与罗伯特·勃朗宁私奔到意大利,并于1846年与他结婚。其杰作《葡萄牙十四行诗集》 (1850年),是一部写给她丈夫的爱情组诗 〔rise〕 Climb connotes steady, often effortful progress, as against gravity: Climb 意指平稳,常常付出努力的前进,如为克服地球引力: 〔obstacle〕 Obstacle applies to something that stands in the way and must be removed, circumvented, or surmounted: Obstacle 用于指挡在路中,必须被搬走或绕行或被克服的事物: 〔conquer〕To overcome or surmount by physical, mental, or moral force:克服:以体力、脑力或道德力量克服或超越:〔Borlaug〕American agronomist. He won the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize for his attempts to overcome world hunger through advances in agriculture.布劳格,诺曼·欧内斯特:(生于 1914) 美国农学家,因试图通过革新农业来克服世界性饥荒而获1970年诺贝尔和平奖〔superable〕from superāre [to overcome] 源自 superāre [克服] 〔hurdle〕To overcome or deal with successfully; surmount:克服,战胜:战胜或成功地处理;克服:〔indomitable〕Incapable of being overcome, subdued, or vanquished; unconquerable.不屈不挠的:不能被打倒的、不屈服的或不能被克服的;不可征服的〔arduous〕Hard to traverse, climb, or surmount.See Synonyms at burdensome ,hard 难攀登的,陡峭的:难以通过、攀登或克服的 参见 burdensome,hard〔overcome〕tried to overcome the obstacles of poverty.尽量克服贫穷的障碍〔slog〕To make (one's way) with a slow, heavy pace against resistance.缓慢而吃力的走:用缓慢、沉重的步子克服阻碍向前走〔vanquish〕To overcome or subdue (an emotion, for example); suppress:克服:克服或抑制(如感情);压制:〔detoxification〕A medically supervised treatment program for alcohol or drug addiction designed to purge the body of intoxicating or addictive substances. Such a program is used as a first step in overcoming physiological or psychological addiction.解毒疗法:一种净化酒精或瘾君子体内毒素的受医疗监督的治疗方案。该方案是克服生理或心理中毒的第一步〔live〕To overcome or reduce the shame of (a misdeed, for example) over a period of time.洗心革面:在一段时间后克服或减轻了(如罪行)带来的耻辱〔conquer〕I finally conquered my fear of heights.See Synonyms at defeat 我终于克服了我的惧高症 参见 defeat〔conciliate〕To overcome the distrust or animosity of; appease.安抚:克服厌恶或敌对情绪;平息〔lick〕licked her weight problem.克服她的体重问题〔formidable〕Difficult to undertake, surmount, or defeat:难对付的:难以完成、克服或对付的: |
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