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单词 克里克
释义 〔Creek〕A Native American confederacy made up of the Creek and various smaller southeast tribes.克里克联盟:一个由克里克族和东南部的许多小部落组成的印第安联盟〔Watson〕American biologist who with Francis Crick proposed a spiral model, the double helix, for the molecular structure of DNA. He shared a 1962 Nobel Prize for advances in the study of genetics.沃森,詹姆斯·杜威:(生于 1928) 美国生物学家,与法朗西斯·克里克共同提出了脱氧核糖核酸分子结构的双螺旋模型。由于其在基因研究上的进展于1962年与人分享诺贝尔奖〔Beavercreek〕A village of southwest Ohio, a residential suburb of Dayton. Population, 33,626.比弗克里克:美国俄亥俄州西南部一村庄,代顿的一个居住郊区。人口33,626〔Millcreek〕A community of north-central Utah, a suburb of Salt Lake City. Population, 24,150.米尔克里克:美国犹他州中北部一社区,为盐湖城的一个郊。人口24,150〔Seminole〕A Native American people made up of various primarily Creek groups who moved into northern Florida during the 18th and 19th centuries, later inhabiting the Everglades region as well, with present-day populations in Oklahoma and southern Florida. The Seminole Wars ended in the removal of the majority of the Seminoles to Indian Territory.西米诺尔:由各个早期的克里克部落组成的北美印第安人,从18到19世纪迁入佛罗里达州北部,后来也居住在埃弗格莱兹地区,现在居住在俄克拉荷马州和佛罗里达州南部。西米诺尔战争结束后大部分西米诺尔人迁移到印第安准州〔Crick〕British biologist who with James D. Watson proposed a spiral model, the double helix, for the molecular structure of DNA. He shared a 1962 Nobel Prize for advances in the study of genetics.克里克,弗朗西斯·亨利·康普顿:(生于 1916) 英国生物学家,他与詹姆士·D.沃森一起为脱氧核糖核酸的分子结构提出了双螺旋这种螺旋模型。他因在遗传学研究方面的进展而获得1962年诺贝尔奖〔Kleenex〕A trademark used for a soft facial tissue. This trademark sometimes occurs in print, capitalized or lowercased, with the general meaning "a facial tissue":"handed out police badges to a platoon of extras and later dispensed Kleenexes to the same extras dressed in funereal black" (Los Angeles Times). “‘Does somebody have a Kleenex?’ she asked" (New York Times). The trademark is also used in print in figurative extensions as an adjective: 克里内克斯:用于一种柔软的面部用的纸巾的商标。这一商标有时在印刷、大写的或小写中出现,一般意为“面部用的纸巾”“向一队临时演员分发警徽,后来又向这些穿着黑色丧服的临时演员分发克里克斯纸巾” (洛杉矶时报) “‘有人有克里内克斯纸巾吗?’她问道” (纽约时报)、这一商标还作为一个形容词比喻的外延用于出版物中: 〔Alabama〕A tribe of the Creek confederacy formerly inhabiting southern Alabama and now located in eastern Texas.亚拉巴马部落:克里克联盟的一个部落,以前居住在美国亚拉巴马州南部,现在定居在得克萨斯州东部〔Yuchi〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting northern Georgia and eastern Tennessee, politically included in the Creek confederacy since the 19th century.尤奇族:一支美洲土著人,原先居住在乔治亚州北部和田纳西州东部,19世纪以来,政治上归属克里克联盟




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