单词 | 入口 |
释义 | 〔Seine〕A river of northern France flowing about 772 km (480 mi) generally northwest to theBay of the Seine, an inlet of the English Channel, near Le Havre. It has been an important commercial waterway since Roman times. 塞纳河:法国北部的一条河,流程约772公里(480英里),大致向西北注入塞纳湾 ,哈佛附近的英吉利海峡的入口。它从罗马时代起就是重要的商业水道 〔Valleyfield〕A city of southern Quebec, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River southwest of Montreal. It is a port of entry and an industrial center. Population, 29,574.瓦雷费尔德:加拿大魁北克南部的一座城市,位于蒙特利尔西南部圣劳伦斯河上,它是一个入口港口和工业中心。人口29,574〔uphill〕an uphill mine entrance.位于上坡的一个矿井入口〔Ngami〕A lake of northern Botswana north of the Kalahari Desert. The marshy lake covered an extensive area during the Pleistocene epoch but was greatly reduced in size during the 1880's, when papyrus growth blocked the mouth of its main tributary.恩加密湖:博茨瓦纳北部的一个湖,位于卡拉哈里沙漠北部。这个沼泽湖在更新世时代覆盖了广大的面积但在19世纪80年代大为缩小,因为纸莎草的生长阻塞了它的主要支流的入口〔Forth〕A river of south-central Scotland flowing about 187 km (116 mi) eastward to theFirth of Forth, a wide inlet of the North Sea. 福思湾:苏格兰中南部的一条河流,向东187公里(116英里)流至福思湾河口, 是北海的一宽阔入口 〔pervious〕Open to passage or entrance; permeable.可透过的,可通过的:有打开通道或入口的;可渗透的〔Poole〕A municipal borough of southern England west-southwest of Southhampton onPoole Bay, an inlet of the English Channel. Chartered in 1248, Poole is a port and shipbuilding center with varied industries. Population, 120,000. 普尔:英格兰东部的一个自治市,位于南汉普顿的西南偏西处,临近普尔湾 ,是英吉利海峡的入口。该市于1248年获得自治权,现在普尔是一个港口及造船中心,并拥有多种工业。人口120,000 〔embouchure〕from emboucher [to put or go into the mouth] 源自 emboucher [放入或进入口中] 〔portal〕A doorway, an entrance, or a gate, especially one that is large and imposing.正门,大门:入口、大门,尤指大而宏伟的〔closed〕Blocked or barred to passage or entry:关闭的,堵住的:通道或入口堵塞的或拦上的:〔Quetta〕A city of west-central Pakistan west-southwest of Lahore. Ringed by mountains, it commands the entrance through the strategic Bolan Pass into Afghanistan. Population, 243,000.基达:巴基斯坦中西部一城市,位于拉合尔西南偏西。四面环山,它控制着从具有战略意义的波伦山口到阿富汗的入口。人口243,000〔doorman〕A man employed to attend the entrance of a hotel, an apartment house, or other building.门卫:雇来看守宾馆入口、公寓门口或其他建筑入口的人〔archway〕An arch over an entrance or passageway.拱门,牌楼:入口或通道上的拱顶〔intake〕An opening by which a fluid is admitted into a container or conduit.入口:流体流入容器或管道的入口〔portal〕An entrance or a means of entrance:入口或进入的手段:〔outlet〕The mouth of a river where it flows into a larger body of water.河口:河流流入更大水体处的入口〔Buffalo〕A city of western New York at the eastern end of Lake Erie on the Canadian border. It is a major Great Lakes port of entry and an important manufacturing and milling center. Population, 328,123.布法罗:纽约西部的一个城市,位于加拿大边界上伊利湖的最东岸。是五大湖区一个重要的入口港和主要的制造业及加工业中心。人口328,123〔Louisburg〕A town of Nova Scotia, Canada, on eastern Cape Breton Island. It is near the site of the fortress of Louisbourg, built c. 1712-1740 by the French to guard the entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. In 1758 the fort fell to a British land and sea attack, which reduced it to rubble. A national historical park here includes reconstructed portions of the complex.路易斯堡:加拿大新斯科夏的一个城镇,位于布莱顿岛的东部角上,路易斯堡的碉堡附近。此碉堡由法国人于1712到1740年建成,用来保护圣·劳伦斯河湾的入口。1758年这个要塞纳入英国版图,但海上战争使之毁坏。在此建造一个国家历史公园,包括重建的该建筑体的某些部分〔Cienfuegos〕A city of south-central Cuba onCienfuegos Bay, a narrow-necked inlet of the Caribbean Sea. The city is a port and a trade and processing center. Population, 102,297. 辛菲哥斯:古巴中南部城市,临辛菲哥斯湾 加勒比海狭长的入口。该城是港口贸易和加工中心。人口102,297 〔plaza〕A widened roadway forming the approach to tollbooths on a highway.收费区:公路上形成收费处入口的加宽路面〔pronaos〕The inner area of the portico of a Greek or Roman temple, leading to the cella.(古希腊神殿的)入口:希腊或是罗马神庙中引导至内殿的内门廊〔gate〕The structure surrounding such an opening, such as the monumental or fortified entrance to a palace or walled city.城门:一种构造,围绕着上述的出口或入口,比如一个山区或一设防的出口通向一宫殿或一有城墙的城市〔close〕To move (a door, for example) so that an opening or passage is covered or obstructed; shut.关闭:移动(如门)使入口或通道被盖住或堵上;关闭〔entryway〕A passage or opening by which to enter.入口:一个可以进入的通道或开口〔access〕A means of approaching, entering, exiting, or making use of; passage.通道,入口,出口,使用途径:接近、进入、出去或使用的方法手段;通道〔hogan〕A usually earth-covered Navajo dwelling traditionally built with the entrance facing east.泥盖木屋:那瓦和人居住的通常用泥土抹盖的房子,传统入口朝东〔Gary〕A city of northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan near the Illinois border. Founded on land purchased by the U.S. Steel Corporation in 1905, it is a highly industrialized port of entry. Population, 151,953.盖瑞:印第安纳西北部、临密歇根湖靠近伊利诺斯边境的一城市,建于美国钢铁公司1905年购买的土地上,是一高度工业化的入口港。人口151,953〔apron〕A platform, as of planking, at the entrance to a dock.船坞平台:船坞入口的平台,如放木材之用〔each〕Each of the suites has (not have ) its (not their ) own private entrance (not entrances ). 每个套间都有(不是 have ) 它 (不是 their ) 自己的单独入口 (不是 entrances )。 〔bonk〕She bonked her head going through the low doorway.她在通过低矮的入口时撞到了头部〔suck〕To draw (liquid) into the mouth by movements of the tongue and lips that create suction.吮吸,吸入:依靠舌和唇的运动产生的吸力而将(液体)吸入口中〔doorwoman〕A woman employed to attend the entrance of a hotel, an apartment house, or another building.女门卫:雇来看守宾馆、公寓大楼或其它建筑入口的女人〔Argolis〕An inlet of the Aegean Sea on the eastern coast of the Peloponnesus in southern Greece.阿尔戈利斯:希腊南部伯罗奔尼撒东岸爱琴海的一个入口〔inlet〕An opening providing a means of entrance or intake.入口:公开地提供入场的方式或入口〔gateway〕Something that serves as an entrance or a means of access:入口,途径:能作为一入口或一进入方式的事物:〔Atchafalaya〕A river of south-central Louisiana flowing about 362 km (225 mi) intoAtchafalaya Bay, an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico. 阿查法拉亚河:美国路易斯安那州中南部一河流,流程约362公里(225英里),注入阿查法拉亚湾, 墨西哥湾的一个入口 〔Sandusky〕A city of northern Ohio west of Cleveland onSandusky Bay, an inlet of Lake Erie. The Sandusky River, about 241 km (150 mi) long, flows west and north into the bay. Sandusky was founded in the early 1800's and is a port of entry and manufacturing center. Population, 29,764. 桑达斯基:美国俄亥俄州北部一城市,位于克利夫兰西部桑达斯基湾 沿岸,该湾是伊利湖的一个入口。 桑达斯基河 ,流程约241公里(150英里),向西和向北注入该湾。桑达斯基建于19世纪初叶,是一个输入港和制造业中心。人口29,764 〔preliminary〕Latin līmen līmin- [threshold] 拉丁语 līmen līmin- [入口,开端] 〔Cambay〕An inlet of the Arabian Sea on the northwest coast of India.坎贝湾:阿拉伯海的一个入口,位于印度西北部海岸〔brachiopod〕Any of various marine invertebrates of the phylum Brachiopoda, having bivalve dorsal and ventral shells enclosing a pair of tentacled, armlike structures that are used to sweep minute food particles into the mouth. Also called lampshell 腕足动物:一种腕足动物属的海生无脊椎动物,具有双瓣的背甲和腹甲,其中包住一对手臂状的触手结构,用于将食物微料扫入口中 也作 lampshell |
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