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释义 〔coverage〕complete news coverage of the election.关于选举的全部新闻报道〔humus〕A brown or black organic substance consisting of partially or wholly decayed vegetable or animal matter that provides nutrients for plants and increases the ability of soil to retain water.腐殖质:一种棕色或黑色的有机物,由全部或部分腐烂的植物或动物体构成,它能为植物提供养分并提高土壤蓄水的能力〔navy〕Often Navy A nation's entire military organization for sea warfare and defense, including vessels, personnel, and shore establishments. 常作 Navy 海军:一个国家对海上军事和防御的全部军事组织,包括船只,人员和海军机构〔general〕Concerned with, applicable to, or affecting the whole or every member of a class or category:全体的,全面的:与一个集团或类别的全部或每一成员有关系的、适用的、有影响力的:〔cystectomy〕Surgical removal of all or part of the urinary bladder.膀胱切除术:全部或者部分膀胱的手术切除〔progestin〕A natural or synthetic progestational substance that mimics some or all of the actions of progesterone.孕激素:天然或人工妊娠素物质,其模仿黄体荷尔蒙的部分或全部活动〔alone〕"Only solitary men know the full joys of friendship" (Willa Cather).Frequently, however, it stresses physical isolation that is self-imposed: “只有孤独的人才知道友谊的全部快乐” (威拉·凯瑟)。然而这个词通常强调自己所强加的隔离状态: 〔parastatal〕A company or an agency owned or controlled wholly or partly by the government.国营企业,半国营集团:全部或部分归政府所有或掌握的企业或集团〔omnirange〕A radio network that provides aircraft with complete information on bearings. Also called omnidirectional radio range 全向导航网,全向无线电信标:能给飞机提供方位方面的全部信息的无线电网 也作 omnidirectional radio range〔pandemic〕pan- [pan-] pan- [前缀,表“整个,全部”] 〔every〕Constituting each and all members of a group without exception.每个的,所有的:无一例外的群体中的每一成员或全部〔span〕The distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger when the hand is fully extended, formerly used as a unit of measure equal to about nine inches (23 centimeters).掌距:手掌全部张开时,从拇指尖到小指尖的距离,曾用作测量单位,相当于9英寸(23厘米)〔span〕To measure by or as if by the fully extended hand.以掌测量:用或象是用全部张开的掌距测量〔sleep〕A natural, periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli. During sleep the brain in human beings and other mammals undergoes a characteristic cycle of brain-wave activity that includes intervals of dreaming.睡眠:意识和身体的自然的、周期性的休息状态,在这种状态中,眼睛通常闭上,意识全部或部分地丧失,身体活动减少,对外界刺激的反应减少。人类和其它哺乳动物在睡眠期内大脑经历一种特有的脑电波活动循环,其中有做梦时的间歇〔buy〕To purchase the entire stock, business rights, or interests of.买尽:买下全部货物、产权或利润〔algebra〕A generalization of arithmetic in which symbols, usually letters of the alphabet, represent numbers or members of a specified set of numbers and are related by operations that hold for all numbers in the set.代数学:计算的普遍原理,其中通常为字母表中字母的符号,其代表数字或一组特定数字中的几个数字,它们通过对组中全部数字都适合的运算法则相联系〔overarching〕Extending over or throughout:全部的:延及全部的或包罗万象的:〔holograph〕A document written wholly in the handwriting of the person whose signature it bears.亲笔文件:全部由签名的人亲笔书写的文件〔monocoque〕A metal structure, such as an aircraft, in which the skin absorbs all or most of the stresses to which the body is subjected.硬壳式构造:一种金属构造,如飞机,其外壳承担机身受到的全部或大部分压力〔melt〕Thaw applies to the partial or complete melting of something, such as ice, that is frozen;figuratively it suggests the softening or dissolution of something,as of formality or reserve, likened to a frozen substance: Thaw 用于指某物,例如固体冰,其部分或全部地融解;其比喻用法表示某物的变软或消失,例如被比作冰冻物质的严谨或节制: 〔reduplicate〕To double (the initial syllable or all of a root word) to produce an inflectional or derivational form.重叠音:为产生曲折变化或衍生形式而重复(词根的第一个音节或全部〔pandemonium〕Greek pan- [pan-] 希腊语 pan- [前缀,表“整个,全部”] 〔palsy〕Complete or partial muscle paralysis, often accompanied by loss of sensation and uncontrollable body movements or tremors.瘫痪:全部或部分肌肉麻痹,经常伴随着失去知觉和失控的运动或颤动〔pandect〕pan- [pan-] pan- [前缀,表“整个,全部”] 〔majority〕The greater number or part; a number more than half of the total.大多数,过半数:大多数;超过全部的一半的数〔atelectasis〕Total or partial collapse of the lung.肺病:肺部全部或部分的病变〔panspermia〕pan- [pan-] pan- [前缀,表“整个,全部”] 〔encircle〕To move or go around completely; make a circuit of.围绕,环绕:全部环绕或移动;绕…行一周〔semipublic〕Partially but not entirely open to the use of the public:半公共的:部分地而不是全部对公众使用开放的:〔pull〕"The federal government pulled the plug on deficit spending"(Christian Science Monitor)“联邦政府取消了对赤字开支的全部限制”(基督教科学箴言报)〔apron〕A garment, usually fastened in the back, worn over all or part of the front of the body to protect clothing.围裙:一种服装、通常系在背后,穿起来覆盖身体前部的全部或部分以保护衣服〔estate〕The whole of one's possessions, especially all the property and debts left by one at death.遗产:某人全部的财产,尤指一个人死后留下的所有的财产和债务〔open〕Of, relating to, or being a set such that at least one neighborhood of every point in the set is within the set.开集合的:指集合中的每一个点都有一个邻域,而且这些点全部在此集合中的〔burton〕A light tackle having double or single blocks, used to hoist or tighten rigging.轻型滑车:双滑轮或单滑轮轻型滑车,用于升起或拉紧支撑船桅和帆的全部绳索〔omnivorous〕omni- [omni-] omni- [前缀,表“全部,遍及”] 〔mass〕Total; complete:完整的,全部的;完全的:〔entire〕Having no part excluded or left out; whole:全部的:没有留下任何部分的;整个的:〔desex〕To remove part or all of the reproductive organs of; neuter.阉割:割去部分或全部生殖器官;阉割〔through〕Over the total distance; all the way:一路:覆盖全部距离;整条路:〔preconception〕An opinion or a conception formed in advance of full or adequate knowledge or experience; a prejudice or bias:先入之见,事先构想:在掌握全部或充分知识或经验之前所形成的观点或概念;偏见或成见:




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