单词 | 公认 |
释义 | 〔vote〕voted the play a success.公认这部戏是成功的〔licentious〕Having no regard for accepted rules or standards.放肆的:无视公认的规则或标准的〔romanticism〕Often Romanticism An artistic and intellectual movement originating in Europe in the late 18th century and characterized by a heightened interest in nature, emphasis on the individual's expression of emotion and imagination, departure from the attitudes and forms of classicism, and rebellion against established social rules and conventions. 常作 Romanticism 浪漫主义运动:起源于18世纪末期欧洲的一种对大自然有强烈的兴趣且注重个人情感和想象力的表达的艺术和知识上的运动,它与古典主义的观点和形式相悖并反对公认的社会制度和习俗〔acknowledged〕Commonly accepted or recognized.公认的:得到普遍承认和接受的〔admittedly〕By general admission; confessedly.普遍承认地;公认地〔foul〕Violating accepted standards or rules; dishonorable:不正当的,卑鄙的:违背公认的标准或规定的;不光彩的:〔peccant〕Violating a rule or an accepted practice; erring.有过失的,犯错的:违章的或违背公认常规的;犯错的〔ideal〕"He is indeed the perfect exemplar of all nobleness" (Jane Porter).Astandard is an established criterion or recognized level of excellence regarded as being proper, fitting, or right: “他的确是所有贵族学习的最好榜样” (简·波特)。standard 一词是指已建立起来的标准或公认的称得上是正确、恰当或合适的标准: 〔liable〕Liable, apt, and likely are often used interchangeably in constructions with following infinitives, as inJohn is liable to lose, John is apt to lose, and John is likely to lose. The three words are distinct in meaning.A widely repeated rule holdsthatliable should only be used if the subject would be adversely affected by the outcome expressed by the infinitive. The rule therefore permitsJohn is liable to fall out of his chair if he doesn't sit up straight but notThe chair is liable to be slippery, though constructions of the latter type have long been common in reputable writing.Apt usually suggests that the subject has a natural tendency enhancing the probability of an outcome, and that the speaker is in some way apprehensive about the outcome.Thusapt is more naturally used in a sentence like The fuel pump is apt to give out at any minute than in Even the clearest instructions are apt to be misinterpreted by those idiots (since the instructions are not at fault)or inThe fuel pump is apt to give you no problems for the life of the car (since there is no reason that the speaker should regard such an outcome as unfortunate).Likely is more general than either liable or apt. It ascribes no particular property to the subject that enhances the probability of the outcome:whileJohn is apt to lose the election may suggest that the loss will result from something John does or fails to do, John is likely to lose the election does not. Nor does it suggest anything about the desirability of the outcome from the point of view of either the speaker or the subject.A football coach who saysWe are apt to win may be suspected of sarcasm,and one who saysWe are liable to win may be suspected of having bet on the opposition;onlyWe are likely to win is consistent with the expression of an unambivalent expectation of victory. See Usage Note at likely Liable,apt 和 likely 在如下不定式结构中经常可以互换, 例如 John is liable to lose,John is apt to lose 和 John is likely to lose 。 这三个词的意思是有区别的。一条公认的语法规则认为,只有当主语受不定式所表示的动作或结果的不利影响时,才使用liable 。 因此这条规则允许说如果约翰不坐直身子的话,他很容易从椅子上掉下来的 , 但不允许说椅子可能很滑 , 尽管在规范的写作中,后一种类型的句型已经很普遍了。Apt 通常表示主语有增加某种结果的可能性的自然倾向, 而且说话者对此结果多少有些忧虑。因此,apt 用在句子 燃料泵可能随时停止运转 中,比用在 即使是最明了的指令也有可能被那些白痴误解 中更自然 (因为错的不是指令),也比用在燃料可能不会对你的车的使用寿命带来什么问题 中更合适 (因为说话者没有理由认为这样一个结果很不幸)。Likely 比 liable 或 apt 更具概括性。 它并不说明增加了一个结果的可能性的主语是否具有何特性:句子约翰在选举中可能会失败 可能暗示失败归因于约翰所做的或没能做的某件事, 而句子约翰在选举中有可能失败 则没有这种暗示。 另外,它也没有关于说话者或主语是否喜欢某一结果的暗示。如果一位足球教练说We are apt to win , 他可能带有讽刺意味,但如果他说We are liable to win , 他的意思是他认为他们可能会输;只有说We are likely to win ,才明确表示有希望获胜 参见 likely〔truth〕A statement proven to be or accepted as true.实话:被证明或公认为真实的陈述〔liberal〕Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.自由的,不拘泥的:不受传统的、正统的、公认的或专制的态度、观点或信条限制的;不盲从的〔authority〕An accepted source of expert information or advice:权威:一种公认的专家的信息或意见来源:〔harebrained〕The first part of the compoundharebrained is often misspelled hair in the belief that the meaning of the word is "with a hair-sized brain" rather than "with no more sense than a hare.”Thoughhairbrained has a long history, this spelling is not established usage.复合词harebrained 的前半部分常被错拼为 hair , 因为人们认为该词的含义更接近于“没什么头脑的”而不是“象野兔一样愚蠢的”。虽然后一种写法hairbrained 的产生已经有一段很长的历史, 但这种写法仍不是公认的用法〔authoritative〕Of acknowledged accuracy or excellence; highly reliable:权威性的:拥有公认的精确性或优秀性的;极可信赖的:〔ethical〕Being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong that govern the conduct of a profession.See Synonyms at moral 道德的,伦理的:合乎公认的支配职业行为的是非原则的 参见 moral〔right〕 Prerogative denotes an exclusive right or privilege, as one based on custom, law, office, or recognition of precedence: Prerogative 指某人基于习惯,法律,职务或公认地优先地位的基础得到的排他权利或特权: 〔repudiate〕To reject emphatically as unfounded, untrue, or unjust:否定:断然公认为是无根据的、不真实的或不公平的:〔obtain〕To be established, accepted, or customary:流行:确认、公认或习俗性的:〔illiterate〕Marked by inferiority to an expected standard of familiarity with language and literature.墨水少的:显得不够公认的语言文字水平的〔form〕Performance considered with regard to acknowledged criteria:表现:以公认技术为评判标准的表现:〔obscene〕Offensive to accepted standards of decency or modesty.See Synonyms at coarse 伤风败俗的:与公认的正派的或谨慎的标准有冲突的 参见 coarse〔doubt〕began to doubt some accepted doctrines.开始怀疑一些公认的教条〔ill〕Not measuring up to recognized standards of excellence, as of behavior or conduct.不符标准的,不完美的:表现或行为未达到公认的完美标准的〔habit〕 Custom is either individual or group behavior as established by long practice and especially by accepted conventions: Custom 是指由于长时间的实践;尤其是公认传统确立的个人或群体的一种行为方式: 〔lure〕I'm tempted to tell him what I really think of him. Toseduce is to entice away, as from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct; it usually suggests the overcoming of moral resistance: 我忍不住要告诉他我对他的真实看法。 Seduce 意为诱惑使脱离职责、公认的准则或适当的行为; 它通常指摆脱道德的约束力: 〔decent〕Characterized by conformity to recognized standards of propriety or morality.得体的:以符合公认的行为和道德规范为特征的〔accepted〕Widely encountered, used, or recognized:公认的,可接纳的:经常碰到的、使用的或接受的:〔fortuitous〕In its best-established sense,fortuitous means "happening by accident or chance,” with no implication as to the desirability of the outcome:a fortuitous meeting may have either fortunate or unfortunate consequences. In this century, however, the word is often used with particular reference to happy accidents,as inThe company's third-quarter profits were enhanced as the result of a fortuitous drop in the cost of RAM chips. This use may have arisenbecausefortuitous resembles both fortunate and felicitous; it is well established in the writing of reputable authors.More controversial is the use offortuitous to mean simply "lucky or fortunate,” as inHe came to the Giants in June as the result of a fortuitous trade that sent two minor-league players to the Reds' organization. This use dates back at least to the 1920's,when H.W. Fowler labeled it a malaproprism.It is still widely regarded as incorrect,and writers who are unwilling to risk censure are advised to avoid it.从最公认的意义上说,fortuitous 的意思是“偶然发生的”, 不暗示结果是否称心:临时会议 可以有好或坏的结果。 然而在本世纪这个词常用于专指好的事件,如内存条价格的意外下降导致了公司第三季度利润的增加。 这种用法可能出现,因为fortuitous 类似于 fortunate 和 felicitous; 它用于有名望的作家的写作中。更有争论的用法是fortuitous 的含义为“幸运的或好运的”时, 如一次幸运的送两名小社团的运动员去红色组织的交易使他在六月去了巨人国。 这种用法至少可追溯到20世纪20年代,当时H.W.弗劳尔把它标作一个可笑的用法错误。现在这种用法仍被广泛地认为是错误的,建议不愿冒险受指责的作者避免使用〔canon〕The calendar of saints accepted by the Roman Catholic Church.为罗马天主教会所公认的圣徒名单〔lapse〕To deviate from a prescribed or accepted way:偏离正道:偏离已经规定的或公认的道路:〔standard〕An acknowledged measure of comparison for quantitative or qualitative value; a criterion.标准:一种公认的衡量数量或者质量的标准;标准〔guru〕An acknowledged and influential advocate, as of a movement or idea:倡导者:一种运动和思潮中公认的,有影响力的倡导者:〔standard〕Widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence:公认为权威或优秀的:〔guru〕A recognized leader in a field:权威:在一个领域内公认的领导者:〔civil〕Sufficiently observing or befitting accepted social usages; not rude:有礼貌的:充分地遵守或符合公认的社会习俗的;不粗鲁的:〔asyntactic〕Not conforming to accepted patterns of syntax.结构松散的,不合句法规则的:与公认的句法型式不符合的〔literature〕Imaginative or creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value:文学作品:富有想象力或创造力的作品,尤指具有公认艺术价值的:〔reconnaissance〕from reconoistre reconoiss- [to recognize] * see recognize 源自 reconoistre reconoiss- [承认,公认] * 参见 recognize〔accepted〕"an aura of dismal monotony, an accepted tedium of both journey and season"(John Fowles)“旅行和季节都充满了乏味单调的气氛以及大家公认的烦闷”(约翰·福尔斯)〔allowedly〕By general admission; admittedly.公认地:为人们所许可;公认地 |
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