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单词 兰士瓦
释义 〔Pretoria〕The administrative capital of South Africa, in the northeast part of the country north of Johannesburg. Founded in 1855, it became the capital of Transvaal in 1860 and capital of South Africa in 1910. Population, 435,100.比勒陀利亚:南非的行政首都,位于东北部,在约翰内斯堡的向北方向。建于1855年,在1860年成为德兰士瓦省的省府,在1910年成为南非的首都。人口435,100〔Kruger〕South African politician. A founder (1852) and president (1883-1900) of Transvaal, he instituted nationalist policies that led to the Boer War (1899-1902).克留格尔,斯蒂凡诺斯·约翰内斯·保罗斯:(1825-1904) 南非政治家。他是德兰士瓦省的创立者(1852年)和省长(1883-1900年),他推行民族主义政策,由此引发了布尔战争(1899-1902年)〔Rhodes〕British financier and colonizer who became prime minister of Cape Colony in 1890 but was forced to resign in 1896 after attempting to overthrow the Boer regime in the Transvaal. He later helped colonize the territory now called Zimbabwe.罗兹,塞西尔·约翰:(1853-1902) 英国资本家和殖民者,他于1890年成为开普殖民地的首相,但在企图推翻德兰士瓦省的布尔人统治后被迫于1896年辞职。他后来协助殖民化了现在称作津巴布韦的领土〔Jameson〕South African physician and colonial administrator whose unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Boer government of Transvaal (1895) led to the political fall of Cecil Rhodes.詹姆森,利恩德·斯塔尔:(1853-1917) 南非内科医生和殖民地行政长官,他企图推翻德兰士瓦的布尔政府的失败行动(1895年)导致了塞西尔·罗兹政治上的失败〔uitlander〕Uitlander A native of Great Britain who resided in either of the former republics of the Orange Free State and Transvaal. Uitlander 外侨:居住在以前的奥兰治自由邦共和国和德兰士瓦的英国人〔Pretorius〕Afrikaner soldier and politician who led the defeat of the Zulus (1838) and negotiated the independence of the Transvaal (1852). His sonMarthinus Wessels Pretorius (1819-1901) founded Pretoria (1855) and was president of the Transvaal (1857-1877) as well as the Orange Free State (1859-1863). 比利陀利乌斯,安德里斯·威廉姆斯·雅各布斯:(1798-1853) 布尔人的战士和政治家,领导打败了祖鲁人(1838年)并签订承认德兰士瓦省独立的条约(1852年)。他的儿子马蒂纳斯·韦塞尔斯·比利陀利乌斯 在1855年建立比勒陀利亚市,曾任德兰士瓦省省长(1857-1877年)和奥兰治自由部的总统(1859-1863年) 〔Transvaal〕A region of northeast South Africa. Inhabited by Bantu-speaking Black Africans, the area was settled by Boer farmers who formed an independent state, called the South African Republic, in the 1850's. Great Britain annexed the territory in 1877, but the discovery of gold in 1886 led to an influx of settlers, further tensions between the British and the Boers, and the eventual formation of the Transvaal as a crown colony (1900) after the Boer War. Transvaal became a part of South Africa in 1910.德兰士瓦省:南非东北部一个地区。这一地区居住着讲班图语的非洲黑人,19世纪50年代布尔农民建立此区,布尔人还成立了一个独立国家,称作南非共和国。1877年英国吞并了这个地区,但是1886年在该地区发现黄金后,大批拓居者纷纷涌入,加剧了英国和布尔人之间的矛盾,并最终使德兰士瓦省在布尔战争后成为一个直辖殖民地(1900年)。1910年德兰士瓦省成为南非的一部分




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