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释义 〔Argos〕A city of ancient Greece in the northeast Peloponnesus near the head of the Gulf of Argolis. Inhabited from the early Bronze Age, it was one of the most powerful cities of ancient Greece until the rise of Sparta.阿戈斯:古希腊的一个城邦,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛东北部,靠近阿尔戈利斯湾上方。青铜器时代早期开始有人居住,斯巴达兴盛前是古希腊最强盛的城邦之一〔Chavin〕An early pre-Incan civilization that flourished in northern and central Peru from about 900 to 200b.c., known for its carved stone sculptures and boldly designed ceramics. 查文文化:印加文明之前于今日秘鲁中北部一度兴盛的早期文明(公元前 900年200年),以其石雕像及大胆设计风格的陶器闻名 〔Godspeed〕spede [third person sing. present subjunctive of] speden [to prosper] from Old English spēdan from spēd [success] * see speed spede speden的现在虚拟语气动词第三人称单数 [兴盛,繁荣] 源自 古英语 spēdan 源自 spēd [成功,顺利] * 参见 speed〔Cathar〕A member of a heretical Christian sect that flourished in western Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries and professed a dualistic belief emphasizing ascetic renunciation of the world.清洁派成员:一种基督教异教派别的成员,该派别兴盛于12世纪与13世纪的西欧,怀有双重信仰,重点强调世界范围内放弃禁欲主义〔Cologne〕A city of western Germany on the Rhine River north of Bonn. It was a Roman settlement called Colonia Agrippina aftera.d. 50 and passed under Frankish control in the 5th century. During the 15th century it flourished as a member of the Hanseatic League. Population, 922,286. 科隆:西德一城市,位于莱茵河上波恩北部。公元 50年后成为一个罗马人定居地称为阿格丽品娜殖民地,5世纪时经历了法兰克人统治。15世纪时兴盛一时,成为汉撒同盟的一员。人口922,286 〔Croesus〕Last king of Lydia (560-546) whose kingdom, which had prospered during his reign, fell to the Persians under Cyrus.克罗伊斯:吕底亚王国的末代国王(560-546年),他的王国在他的统治期间曾一度兴盛,后被居鲁士率领的波斯军队攻占〔Uxmal〕An ancient ruined Mayan city of Yucatán in southeast Mexico. It flourished from 600 to 900. The ruins include many impressive structures, such as the Pyramid of the Magician.乌斯马尔:墨西哥东南部尤卡坦州的玛雅人城的遗址。兴盛于600年到900年之间。此遗址有许多给人留下深刻印象的建筑,如巫师金字塔〔palmy〕Prosperous; flourishing:繁荣的;兴盛的:〔bright〕Full of promise and hope; auspicious:前景光明的,充满希望的;兴盛的:〔halcyon〕Prosperous; golden:繁荣的;兴盛的:〔Nijmegen〕A city of eastern Netherlands on the Waal River near the German border. Founded in Roman times, it flourished under Charlemagne (eighth-ninth century) and later became a free imperial city and a member of the Hanseatic League. Population, 147,102.奈梅亨:荷兰东部的一座城市,临瓦尔河与德国交界。建于罗马时代,兴盛于查理曼统治时期(8至9世纪),后来成为一个独立的帝国城市且为汉萨同盟的一员。人口147,102〔Aegean〕Of or relating to the Bronze Age civilization that flourished in the Aegean area, as at Crete.爱琴文化的:属于或关于兴盛于爱琴海,如克里特等地的青铜器时代文化的〔Nicomedia〕An ancient city of northwest Asia Minor near the Bosporus in present-day Turkey. It flourished from 264b.c. until it was sacked by Goths in a.d. 258. Diocletian chose it for the capital of his Eastern Roman Empire, but it was soon superseded by Byzantium. 尼科美底亚:位于小亚细亚西北部的一座古城,在当今土耳其境内临博斯普鲁斯海峡。自公元前 264年开始兴盛直至 公元 258年被哥特人掠走。戴科里先将它定为东罗马帝国的首都。但不久又被拜占庭取代 〔thrifty〕Industrious and thriving; prosperous.兴旺的:勤劳而兴盛的;兴旺的,繁荣的〔Nazca〕A pre-Incan civilization that flourished on the southern coast of Peru from about 200b.c. to about a.d. 600, known for its polychrome vessels decorated with stylized designs and for the enormous drawings of geometric and zoomorphic forms etched in the desert floor 200 miles south of Lima. 纳斯卡文明:约从公元前 200年至 公元 600年一度兴盛于秘鲁南岸的前印加文明,以其多彩且设计独特的容器以及位于利马以南200英里沙漠中庞大的几何与兽形绘画闻名




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