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单词 save
释义 save 1 AHD[sāv] D.J.[seɪv]K.K.[sev]v.(动词)saved,, saves及物动词)
    1. To rescue from harm, danger, or loss.救助:救助以使…免于伤害、危险或损失
    2. To set free from the consequences of sin; redeem.拯救:赦免罪恶的后果;赎罪
    1. To keep in a safe condition; safeguard.保护:保持在一个安全的状态中;保卫
    1. To prevent the waste or loss of; conserve.节省:防止…的浪费或损失;保存
    1. To set aside for future use; store.储蓄:留下以备将来之用;积攒
    1. To treat with care by avoiding fatigue, wear, or damage; spare:免除(疲劳,磨损,损伤):为防止疲劳、磨损或损坏而精心照料;节省:save one's eyesight.保护视力
    1. To make unnecessary; obviate:省力:使不必要;排除障碍:Your taking the trunk to the attic has saved me an extra trip.你把那个大箱子拎到阁楼上去,省得我再多走一趟
    1. Sports To prevent (a goal, score, or win by an opponent).【体育运动】 避免对手得分:防止(对手命中、得分或赢球)
    2. Baseball To preserve (another pitcher's win) by protecting one's team's lead during a stint of relief pitching.【棒球】 救球:在短暂后援投掷期间为保持本队的领先地位而保护(另一个投球手的胜利)
    1. Computer Science To copy (a file) from a computer's main memory to a disk or other storage medium so that it can be used again.【计算机科学】 存档:从计算机主内存中将(文件)拷贝到磁盘或其它工具上以备再用
    1. To avoid waste or expense; economize.节省:避免浪费或花销;节约
    1. To accumulate money:攒钱:saving for a vacation.为假期攒钱
    1. To preserve a person or thing from harm or loss.挽救:保护某人或事物免于受到伤害和损失
    1. Sports An act that prevents an opponent from scoring.【体育运动】 不让对方得分:阻止对方得分的行为
    1. Baseball A preservation by a relief pitcher of another pitcher's win.【棒球】 救援:通过后援投掷来保护另一个投球手的胜利
Idioms习惯用语save (one's) breath
  1. To refrain from a futile appeal or effort:不必白费劲:省去无用的请求或努力:Save your breath; you can't dissuade them.别白费劲儿了;你劝阻不了他们的
    1. Middle English saven 中古英语 saven
    1. from Old French sauver 源自 古法语 sauver
    1. from Late Latin salvāre 源自 后期拉丁语 salvāre
    1. from Latin salvus [safe] * see sol- 源自 拉丁语 salvus [安全的] * 参见 sol-
Related Forms继承用法savʹable saveʹable adj.(形容词)savʹer n.(名词)References参考词汇save, rescue, reclaim, redeem, deliver
    1. These verbs are compared in the sense of freeing a person or thing from danger, evil, confinement, or servitude.这些动词意为使人或事物免于危险、邪恶、受困或奴役,其比较如下面所述。
    1. Save, the most general, applies to an act of keeping safe or preserving from danger, harm, or the consequences of evil: Save 一般指保证安全或防止危险、伤害或恶果发生的行为: The smallpox vaccine has saved many lives.天花疫苗挽救了许多人的生命。A police officer saved the tourist from being cheated.一位警官使旅游者免于受骗。
    1. Rescue usually implies saving from immediate harm or danger by direct action: Rescue 通常指采取直接的行动而免于即刻发生的伤害或危险: rescue a rare manuscript from a fire;从大火中抢出珍本;rescued sailors from a torpedoed ship.从被击沉的船上抢救出船员。
    1. Reclaim, applied to people,means to bring back,as from error to virtue or to right or proper conduct;it can also mean to return a thing to usefulness or productivity: Reclaim 适用于人,意思是改过,如从谬误到美德或正义或正当的行为的改过;也指将某物转变为有用的或有生产能力的事物: "To reclaim me from this course of life was the sole cause of his journey to London" (Henry Fielding). “他伦敦之行的首要目的是使我改过自新” (亨利·费尔丁)。 "The foundations of the capital were gradually reclaimed from the watery element" (William Hickling Prescott).Toredeem is to free someone from captivity or the consequences of sin or error or to save something from pawn or from deterioration or destruction;the term can imply the expenditure of money or effort: “首都的地基逐渐从含水物质中露出来” (威廉·希克林·普雷斯科特)。Redeem 是将某人从关押、犯罪恶果或谬误中解放出来, 或将某物从当铺或变坏的状况和毁灭状态中赎回或挽救回来;该词也暗指花费金钱和努力: The price exacted by the hijackers for redeeming the hostages was extortionate.劫持者为交换人质而索要的代价太过分了。He redeemed his ring from the pawnbroker.他从当铺赎回了他的戒指。
    1. Deliver in this comparison applies to liberating people from something such as misery, peril, error, or evil: Deliver 在此比较中指使人从悲伤、危险、谬误或邪恶中解脱出来: "consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them" (George Washington).“处于人力无法摆脱的苦恼状态之中” (乔治·华盛顿)

save 2 AHD[sāv] D.J.[seɪv]K.K.[sev]prep.(介词)
  1. With the exception of; except:除…之外;除了:"No man enjoys self-reproach save a masochist"(Philip Wylie)“除了受虐狂者没人喜欢自责”(菲利普·怀利)
    1. Were it not; except:若不是;除了:The house would be finished by now, save that we had difficulty contracting a roofer.要不是我们找屋顶工人不好找,房子现在早就盖好了
    1. Unless.除非
    1. Middle English 中古英语
    1. from Old French sauf 源自 古法语 sauf
    1. from Latin salvō [ablative sing. of] salvus [safe] * see sol- 源自 拉丁语 salvō salvus的夺格单数 [安全的] * 参见 sol-




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