单词 | 再一次 |
释义 | 〔ticket〕The resemblance in form between the wordsticket and etiquette is not accidental. Both words have the same ultimate source, Old Frenchestiquet, but each was borrowed into English at a different time and with a different meaning.Old Frenchestiquet meant "a note, label.” Having been changed in form toetiquet in French, the word was adopted into English in the 16th century (first recorded in 1528)in a form,tiket, without the initiale. The earliest uses of the word in English were in the senses "a short written notice,” "a notice posted in a public place,” and "a written certification.”The word is first recorded with reference to something like a ticket of admission in 1673.In French, meanwhile, the word (in the formetiquette in the 18th century) came to mean "ceremonial"; court ceremonies were noted down or labeled in a book known asl'étiquette. The French word was borrowed again into English, this time in its French form, which is first recorded in 1750.ticket 与 etiquette 这两个词在形式上相似并非偶然。 它们从根本讲都源于古法语中的estiquet 这个词, 但它们被借用到英语中的时间不同且意思也不一样。古法语中的estiquet 的意思是“注解,标签”, 它在法语中变成了etiquet , 16世纪时它被吸收到了英语中(最早的文字记载是在1528年),形式是tiket, , 没有了字首的e. 。 这个词在早期英语中的意思是“写得很短的通知”、“贴在公共场所的通告”和“文字证明”。这个词最早的文字记载意为1673年时使用的一种类似入场券的东西。同时在法语中,这个词(18世纪时的形式是etiquette )的意思是“仪式的”; 在一本叫I'etiqutte 的书里被记载为宫廷仪式。 最早的文字记载在1750年,这个法语词再一次被借用于英语,这次使用了它的法语形式〔reconstruct〕To construct again.重建:再一次地建造〔rebind〕To bind again, especially to put a new binding on (a book).重新装订:再一次装订,尤指对(某书)重新装订〔recast〕To mold again:重铸:再一次地浇铸:〔perestroika〕pere- [around, again] from Old Russian * see per 1pere- [周围,再一次] 源自 古普鲁士语 * 参见 per 1〔rebroadcast〕To repeat the broadcast of (a program).重播:再一次播放(节目)〔renormalize〕To bring into a normal or more normal state once again.使重新正常化:使再一次进入正常或更正常状态〔bis〕Used to request an additional performance.用于请求再一次表演〔reassemble〕To bring or gather together again:再集合:再一次地集合或聚集在一起:〔rebuild〕To build again.重建:再一次地建造〔urge〕We urged her to reconsider the offer, but she refused.我们竭力地怂恿她再一次地考虑这个提议,但她拒绝了。〔reaffirm〕To affirm or assert again.重申:再一次地强调或断言〔newly〕Once more; anew:再一次;更新:〔recrudesce〕Latin recrūdēscere [to grow raw again] 拉丁语 recrūdēscere [再一次变生] 〔recover〕To bring under observation again:再次发现:再一次观察到:〔afresh〕Once more; anew; again:重新:再一次;重新;又一次:〔principle〕Despite generations of spelling lessons,the wordsprinciple and principal are still commonly confused. Perhaps an understanding of their history will help in keeping them straight.Both words go back to the same Latin word,prīnceps, meaning "first, as in time, position, or authority.”The split that has caused all the trouble occurred in the next stage of development.Fromprīnceps were derived the noun prīncipium, "start, origin, guiding principle,” the adjectiveprīncipālis, "first in importance or esteem,” and the noun prīncipālis, "a leading citizen.” Clearly the latter two words with theā between the p and the l have given us the adjectiveprincipal (first recorded around 1300) and the noun principal (also first recorded in a work composed around 1300).Perhaps it should not be mentioned that one Middle English spelling for the noun wasprinciple. On the other hand,the Latin wordprīncipium and its Old French descendant principe were involved in the creation of the word principle in Middle English, first recorded in a work written around 1380.Words likemanciple and participle influenced the spelling of this new word, but again perhaps we should keep silent about the fact that we also find the word spelledprincipal and prinsipal in Middle English. A key point to remember about these seemingly aberrant Middle English spellings isthat in Middle English spelling was not nearly as fixed as it usually is today,a development that was much furthered by the invention of printing.When we interchange spellings forprinciple and principal, we are doing something that would have been less of a fault in the days before the conformity imposed on us by this marvelous invention. 尽管在拼写课上反复强调,principle 和 principal 还是被人们搞混。 或许了解一下这两个词的历史有助于我们弄清楚它们的拼写。两个词都可追溯到同一个拉丁词princeps, 意为“在时间,地位或权威上第一的”。引起所有麻烦的分裂出现在发展过程的下一个阶段。从princeps 派生出了名词 principium, 意为“开端,根源,指导性原则,” 形容词principalis “最重要的或最受尊敬的”及名词 principalis 意为“处于领导地位的公民”。 显然,后两个词在p 和 l 之间带有 ā, 这就使我们有了形容词principal (最早记录于1300年左右)和名词 principal (最早记录也是在大约1300年左右创作的作品中)。或许我们不应提到这个名词在中古英语中的一种拼法是principle 。 另一方面,拉丁词principium 和其古法词的派生词 principe 共同作用创造了中古英语单词 principle, 最早记录于写于约1380年的一部作品。象manciple 和 participle 这样的单词都影响了这个新单词的拼写, 但是或许我们应该再一次对于这个单词也曾在中古英语中被拼写成principal 和 prinsipal 这一事实保持沉默。 记住这些在中古英语中貌似反常的拼写的关键在于,在中古英语中的拼写方式几乎不象今天这么固定,因为当时还没有发明印刷术。当这项神奇的发明把拼写一致的原则加到我们头上之前,我们把principle 和 principal 的拼写互相交换,也算不上什么大错 〔encore〕French [still, yet, again] 法语 [仍然,还,再一次] 〔reargue〕To argue again or repeatedly.重复,争执:再一次地或重复性地争执〔rebroadcast〕A broadcast that is repeated or that is relayed from another station.重播节目,转播节目:再一次播放的节目或从另一个台站传送过来的节目〔reassemble〕To fit or joint the parts of (something) together again:重新装配:再一次地将(某物)的部件组合或装配起来:〔line〕"Careers were on the line once again"(Seymour M. Hersh)“职业再一次面临危险”(西摩M.赫什)〔again〕Middle English influenced by Old Norse i gegn [again] 中古英语 受 古斯堪的纳维亚语 i gegn的影响 [再一次] 〔quote〕As a transitive verbquote is appropriately used to describe the use of an exact wording drawn from another source. When the original source is paraphrased or alluded to,the more general termcite is usually preferable. · The nounquote is well established as a truncation of quotation, though many critics regard it as unduly journalistic or breezy.As such, it is best avoided in formal literary discussions.The use of the noun was acceptable to only 38 percent of the Usage Panel in the sentenceHe began the chapter with a quote from the Bible. But the usage is less objectionable in informal contexts or in reference to less august sources;the word was acceptable to 53 percent of the Panel in the sentenceHe lightened up his talk by throwing in quotes from Marx Brothers movies. · The nounquote is sometimes used as a synonym for "dictum, saying,” as inHis career is just one more validation of Andy Warhol's quote that "in the future, everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes.” This example was unacceptable to 76 percent of the Usage Panel.作为一个及物动词,用quote 一词来指从另一出处中抄取完全一样的用语是很恰当的。 当原文出处被意译或是间接提及时,一个意义更广泛的词cite 更可取。 quote 这名词形式是由 quatation 削减而来,也已被普遍接受, 虽然许多批评家认为这个词染有不恰当的记者文风或不太正式。因此,在正式的文学讨论中最好避免使用。在用法专题使用小组的调查中,只有38%的人认为这个名词在这章的开始他引用了《圣经》中的一段 文字 这个句子中的用法是可行的。 但在不正式的语境下或提及的出处不很严肃时,对于这种用法的反对意见要少一些。在他插入了一段引自马克斯兄弟电影中的 话 来活跃谈话气氛 这个句子中, 53%的小组成员认为这个词可以接受。 Quote 这个名词有时也可用作“格言、名言”的同义词, 如在他的一生再一次证实了安迪·霍尔的 格言 “将来,每个人都将享有十五分钟的知名度” 这个句子中, 用法专题使用小组中76%的成员认为这个例句无法接受〔receptacle〕from receptāre [to receive again] [frequentative of] recipere [to receive] * see receive 源自 receptāre [再一次接收] recipere的重复动词 [接收] * 参见 receive〔examine〕A student who is being examined might prefer at times to deal with a swarm of bees rather than be weighed in the balance once again.The history of the wordexamine involves both phenomena. Examine, first recorded in English in a work composed before 1338,goes back to the Latin wordexāmināre, which in turn is derived fromexāmen, meaning both "a swarm of bees" and "the apparatus or process of weighing, balance.” Exāmen has these senses because it is formed from the prefixex-, "out of,” and the root .ag-, "to drive, force.” The semantic possibilities of this combination are shown by the senses of the related verbexigere, which meant "to drive out,” "to exact payment,” "to demand,” and "to inquire after or into.”The verbexāmināre derived from exāmen has the sense "to swarm" as well as the senses "to weigh, balance,” and "to consider critically.”一个正在考试的学生有时宁愿去对付一群蜜蜂也不愿再一次参加考试。examine 这个词的历史涉及到以上两种现象。 Examine 在英文最早的记录是出现于1338年以前的一本书中,回溯到拉丁文中的examinare, 其源自examen, 意思不但包括“蜂群”,还包括“衡量和平衡的程序或装置”。 Examen 具有这些含义是因为它由前缀ex-, 意为“超出”,和词根 ag-, 意为“驱使,强迫”组成的。 这个组合在语义上包含的几种可能被相关动词exigere 的意义表达出来, 它的含义有“赶出”、“要求支付”、“需要”和“问候或调查”。examinare 这个动词源自 examen, 含有“云集”的意思, 同时也有“衡量、平衡”和“吹毛求疵地考虑”等含义〔recombine〕To combine (things) again.重新结合:再一次地将(事物)结合起来〔recalculate〕To calculate again, especially in order to eliminate errors or to incorporate additional factors or data.重新计算:再一次地计算,尤指为消除错误或加入附加的因素或数据而进行的再计算〔recommit〕To refer (proposed legislation, for example) to a committee again.重新提出:将(例如,方案)再一次地发给委员会讨论〔reproduce〕To produce again or anew; re-create.再生产或再一次;再创造〔rebook〕To book again.重新预订:再一次地预订 |
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