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单词 军事
释义 〔preemptive〕Relating to or constituting a military strike made so as to gain the advantage when an enemy strike is believed to be imminent:先发制人的:关于或构成为了胜过将临的敌方攻击而进行的军事打击的:〔Buckingham〕English courtier and statesman whose military and political policies caused continual friction with Parliament. He was assassinated by a disgruntled naval officer.白金汉:英王宠臣和政治家。其军事和政治策略导致他和议会之间的长期摩擦,后被一名心情恶劣的海军军官暗杀〔anent〕"This question remains a vital consideration anent the debate over the possibility of limiting nuclear war to military objectives"(New York Times)“这个关于把核战争限制为军事目的可能性的讨论,仍然引起人们的深切关注”(纽约时报)〔anabasis〕A large-scale military advance, specifically the Greek mercenary expedition across Asia Minor in 401b.c. led by Cyrus the Younger of Persia, as described by Xenophon. It was unsuccessful, and the Greeks, led by Xenophon, retreated to the Black Sea. 长征:大规模军事进军,特别指《远征记》中色诺芬所描述的公元前 401年波斯的小居鲁士率领希腊佣兵穿过小亚细亚的远征。远征很不成功,色诺芬率领的希腊人撤到了黑海 〔Turkistan〕A historical region of west-central Asia extending east from the Caspian Sea to the border of China and south from the Aral Sea into Afghanistan. It has long been a crossroads for trade and conquest between East and West. Much of the region is now part of the U.S.S.R.土耳其斯坦:亚洲中西部的一个历史上的区域,自里海向东延伸至中国的边境,向南从里海延伸至阿富汗。它很久以来就是东西方贸易和军事交通要道。这个地区的大部分属于今天的俄罗斯〔Rantoul〕A village of east-central Illinois north of Champaign. A U.S. military air technical school was established here in 1917. Population, 17,212.兰图尔:伊利诺斯州中东部的一个村庄,位于尚佩恩北部。1917年这里建立了一个美国空军军事技术学校,人口17,212〔breakthrough〕A military offensive that penetrates an enemy's lines of defense.突围:突破敌人防线的军事攻击〔warfare〕Military operations marked by a specific characteristic:特殊战争:以某个特殊特点为标记的军事作战行为:〔Sparta〕A city-state of ancient Greece in the southeast Peloponnesus. Settled by Dorian Greeks, it was noted for its militarism and reached the height of its power in the sixth centuryb.c. A protracted rivalry with Athens led to the Peloponnesian Wars (460-404) and Sparta's hegemony over all of Greece. Its ascendancy was broken by Thebans in 371. 斯巴达:伯罗奔尼撒半岛东南部古希腊的一个城邦。该城邦由多利安希腊人建立,以其军事主义著名,于公元前 6世纪达到全盛。它与雅典的长期对抗导致了伯罗奔尼撒战争(公元前460-404年)和斯巴达对整个希腊的霸权。它的支配地位于371年被底比斯人摧毁 〔soldier〕An active, loyal, and militant follower:斗士:积极的、忠诚的和军事上的追随者:〔blockhouse〕A military fortification constructed of sturdy material, such as concrete, and designed with ports for defensive firing or observation.碉堡:用混凝土等坚固的物质构筑起的军事防御工事,而且设有用于防御时射击或观察的孔口〔Voroshilov〕Soviet military and political leader. He fought in the civil war (1918-1920) following the Russian Revolution of 1917 and later served as a member of the politburo (1926-1960) and as commissar for defense (1925-1940).伏罗希洛夫,克利蒙·伊夫雷莫维奇:(1881-1969) 苏联军事和政治领导。他在俄国1917年革命后的内战(1918-1920年)中作战,后成为政治局委员(1926-1960年)和国防部委员(1925-1940年)〔salient〕The area of a military defense, such as a battle line, that projects closest to the enemy.突出阵地:军事阵地的一部分地区,如战线中突近敌人的部分〔strategic〕Intended to destroy the military potential of an enemy:战略性的:旨在摧毁敌军军事潜力的:〔blind〕a blind item in a military budget.军事预算中秘密的一项〔Antipater〕Macedonian general and regent (334-323) who governed the empire during Alexander III's military campaigns. He served again as regent in 321 to 319.安提帕特:马其顿王国的将军和摄政者(公元前334-323年),在亚历山大三世军事战争期间统治帝国。公元前321至319年间再次摄政〔Cid〕Spanish soldier and national hero whose military exploits, including the capture of Valencia (1094), are recounted in several literary works.熙德,: (1043?-1099) 西班牙战士和民族英雄,军事功绩包括占领瓦伦西亚(1094年), 在许多文学著作中被描述过〔militaria〕Objects, such as weapons and uniforms, that are connected with warfare or military service and are usually collected for their historical interest.军事收藏品,与军事有关的收藏品:与战争或服军役有关的物品,如武器或军装,通常由于其历史纪念意义而被收藏〔cordon〕A line of people, military posts, or ships stationed around an area to enclose or guard it.封锁线:驻扎于一个地区周围包围或保卫它的一列人、军事岗位或船只〔operate〕To carry on a military or naval action or campaign.进行军事或海上活动〔Kshatriya〕The second of the four Hindu classes, responsible for upholding justice and social harmony. In ancient India this was the royal or warrior class; in modern India, the professional, governing, or military class.刹帝利:四个印度种姓中的第二级,负责执法和维护社会安定。在古代印度,它由皇族和武士阶层构成;在现代印度,它表示职业、统治和军事阶层〔garrison〕To occupy as or convert into a military post.占领或占用一军事驻地〔Gillingham〕A municipal borough of southeast England north of Maidstone. The Royal School of Military Engineering is here. Population, 95,900.格林厄姆:英格兰东南部的一个市政自治区,位于梅德斯通的北部。英国皇家军事工程学校座落在此。人口95,900〔guardroom〕A room in which military prisoners are confined.军中禁闭室:关押军事犯人的房间〔expedition〕Middle English expedicioun [military campaign] 中古英语 expedicioun [军事战役] 〔company〕A subdivision of a military regiment or battalion that constitutes the lowest administrative unit. It is usually under the command of a captain and is made up of at least two platoons.连:军事团或营的再分单位,组成最低行政单位。它通常由上尉指挥,并至少有两个排组成〔Lysander〕Spartan military leader who won the final victory over Athens (404) in the Peloponnesian War.来山得:斯巴达军事统帅,他在404年的伯罗奔尼撒战争中取得了对雅典作战的最后胜利〔reveille〕The first military formation of the day.晨号列队:一天的第一次军事列队〔cite〕To commend officially for meritorious action in military service.嘉奖:官方赞扬军事服务中的有功行为〔photoreconnaissance〕Photographic aerial reconnaissance especially of military targets.空中照相侦察:空中照相侦察,尤指军事目的的〔evacuate〕To relinquish military possession or occupation of (a town, for example).撤退:放弃军事地区或占领地(如一城镇)〔marshal〕A high official in a royal court, especially one aiding the sovereign in military affairs.王室最高军务官:王室的高阶官员,尤指帮助君主处理军事事务的人〔Newcastle〕Or Newcastle upon Tyne [tīn] A borough of northeast England on the Tyne River north of Leeds. Built on the site of a Roman military station, it became a coal-shipping port in the 13th century and was the principal center for coal exports after the 16th century. Its prominence in the trade gave rise to the expressionto carry coals to Newcastle, meaning "to do something superfluous or unnecessary.” Population, 285,300. 或 Newcastle upon Tyne [tīn] 纽卡斯尔:英格兰东北部自治区,位于利兹以北泰恩河畔。建于罗马军事站的地点,13世纪它成为一个煤炭出口港口,16世纪以后成为主要的煤炭出口中心。它在贸易中的杰出地位引出这样一句话 to carry coal to Newcastle(送煤给纽卡斯尔) 意思是“多此一举。”人口285,300 〔Hussein〕Iraqi military and political leader. The president of Iraq since 1979, he waged war against Iran over a territorial dispute (1980-1988) and invaded and occupied Kuwait (1990).侯赛因,萨达姆:(生于 1937) 伊拉克军事和政治领袖。自1979年以来任伊拉克总统,1980-1988年由于领土争端与伊朗长期交战,1990年入侵并占领了科威特〔Rabin〕Israeli military and political leader who commanded Israeli forces in the Six-Day War (1967) and served as prime minister (1974-1977).拉宾,伊察克:(生于 1922) 以色列军事和政治领袖,1967年六日战争期间负责指挥以色列军队,并曾出任总理(1974-1977年)〔perimeter〕A fortified strip or boundary usually protecting a military position.周界:筑有防御工事的地带或边界,常用以保护一军事地点〔lieutenant〕What is the connection between a lieutenant governor and a lieutenant in the army?In the etymology of the wordlieutenant, at least, the connection lies in their holding a place;that is, the wordlieutenant is from an Old French compound made up of lieu, "place,” and tenant, "holding,” the present participle of the verb tenir, "to hold.” The word in Old French and the borrowed Middle English wordlieutenant, first recorded near the end of the 14th century, referred to a person who acted for another as a deputy.This usage has survived,for example, in our termlieutenant governor, the deputy of the governor and the one who replaces the governor if need be. In military parlancelieutenant appears by itself as well as in compounds such asfirst lieutenant and second lieutenant, which muddy the water a bit,but the original notion of the word in military usage was that the officer it referred to ranked below the next one upand could replace him if need be.A lieutenant in the U.S. Army could thus step into the shoes of a captain.副州长和陆军中尉之间有什么联系?就lieutenant 这个单词的词源来说, 至少,联系在于他们都拥有一个位置;也就是说,lieutenant 这个词源于一个古法语复合词,这个词由 lieu (“场所”)和 tenant (“拥有”)及动词 tenir (“持有,拥有”)的现在分词组成。 古法语的这个词和借用的中古英语词lieutenant 的最早记录出现在14世纪末, 该词指的是代理别人做某事的人。这种用法至今仍使用,例如,我们的短语lieutenant governor(副州长) 州长的副职和必要时代替州长的人。 在军事用语中,lieutenant 单独出现, 也在复合词如first lieutenant 及 second lieutenants 中出现, 这把情况搞复杂了一些,但这个词在军事用语中的原始意义是它所指的军官低于上一级军官,在必要时可以取代他。因此,美国陆军中的一名中尉可以取代上尉〔fall〕To undergo conquest or capture, especially as the result of an armed attack:被攻陷:遭到军事上的总失败或俘虏,尤指一武装进攻的结果:〔assault〕The concluding stage of an attack in which close combat occurs with the enemy.突击:军事攻击中与敌人展开近距离肉搏的最后阶段〔martial〕Relating to or connected with the armed forces or the profession of arms.军事的:与军队或兵器行业有关的或相联系的




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