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单词 准确性
释义 〔inexactitude〕Lack of exactitude; inexactness.不准确:缺乏准确性;不精确〔check〕The act or an instance of inspecting or testing, as for accuracy or quality; examination:检查:为准确性或质量而做的调查或检验;检查核对:〔query〕Abbr. q.,qu.A notation, usually a question mark, calling attention to an item in order to question its validity or accuracy.缩写 q.,qu.疑问号:一个记号,通常为问号,以引起对某一事物的注意以便就其有效性或准确性提出质疑〔check〕The wordscheck , chess , and shah are all related. Shah, as one might think, is a borrowing into English of the Persian title for the monarch of that country.The Persian wordshāh was also a term used in chess, a game played in Persia long before it was introduced to Europe.One saidshāh as a warning when the opponent's king was under attack. The Persian word in this sense,after passing through Arabic,probably Old Spanish, and then Old French,came into Middle English aschek about seven hundred years ago. Chess itself comes from a plural form of the Old French word that gave us the word check. Checkmate, the next stage after check, goes back to the Arabic phraseshāh māt, meaning "the king is stymied.”Through a complex development having to do with senses that evolved from the notion of checking the king,check came to mean something used to ensure accuracy or authenticity. One such means was a counterfoil, a part of a check, for example,retained by the issuer as documentation of a transaction.Check first meant "counterfoil" and then came to mean anything,such as a bill or bank draft, with a counterfoil—or eventually even without one.单词check , chess 和 shah 是互相关联的。 Shah 就象有人可能想象的那样, 是英语里的外来词,原指波斯国王的称号。波斯词语shah 也是国际象棋中的术语, 国际象棋在被引进欧洲之前早就在波斯流传。当对手的“国王”受到攻击时我们说shah 作为一种警告。 这个意义的波斯单词,通过阿拉伯语,可能还有古西班牙语和后来的古法语,大约在七百年前被收入中世纪英语中chek 。 Chess 本身来自于古法语 check 的复数形式。 Checkmate ,是 check 的下一步, 来自于阿拉伯短语shah mat, 意思是“国王进退两难”。从对“国王”将军这个概念演化而来,check 的含义经历了复杂的发展过程,它后来指用以确保准确性或真实性的某种东西。 例如,其中一个含义是指作为支票的一部分的存根,由签发支票的人保留作为交易的单据。Check 最初是指“存根”, 后来指任何有存根的东西,如帐单或银行汇票等,最后甚至指没有存根的东西〔check〕To inspect so as to determine accuracy, quality, or other condition; test:检查:为确定准确性、质量或别的情况而进行检查;测试:〔agitprop〕Something, such as a film, that is designed to impress a certain political or social perspective on its audience, with little or no consideration given to accuracy:政治宣传品:如电影一类的东西,目的是给观众施加政治的或社会的影响,很少考虑或根本不考虑其准确性〔warrant〕To guarantee or attest to the quality, accuracy, or condition of.保证,担保:担保或证实…的质量、准确性或条件〔audit〕An examination of records or financial accounts to check their accuracy.查帐:对财政帐务的审查记录来核实其准确性〔equal〕It has been argued thatequal is an absolute term— two quantities either are or are not equal—and hence cannot be qualified as to degree.Therefore one cannot logically speak ofa more equal allocation of resources among the departments. However, this usage was accepted by 71 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey.What is more, objection to the usage betrays a widespread but questionable assumptionthat it is in mathematics and logic that we find the model of accuracy most appropriate to the everyday use of language,a supposition that also underlies traditional grammatical discussions of words such asunique, parallel, and center. According to this account,the "precise" or "literal" meaning ofequal is realized in the use of the equal sign in an arithmetic expression such as 5 + 2 = 7; and the ordinary-language uses of the term,though they may be permissible,represent "loose" or "imprecise" extensions of that sense.But in fact the mathematical concept of equality is a poor model for using the wordequal to describe relations between things in the world. As applied to such things,statements of equality are always relative to an implicit standard of tolerance.When someone saysThe two boards are of equal length, we assume that the equality is reckoned to some order of approximation determined by the context;if we did not,we would be required always to usenearly equal when speaking of the dimensions of physical objects. What is more,we often want to predicate equality of things that do not admit of quantitative measurement,as when we sayThe college draft was introduced in an effort to make the teams in the National Football League as equal as possible, orThe candidates for the job should all be given equal consideration. In all such cases,equality is naturally a gradient notionand so is amenable to modification in degree.This much is evident from the existence of the wordunequal. The prefixun- attaches only to gradient adjectives: we sayunmanly but not unmale; and the worduneven can be applied to a surface (whose evenness may be a matter of degree) but not to a number (whose evenness is an either-or affair). ·The adverbequally is generally regarded as redundant when used in combination with as, and the following examples employingequally as were termed unacceptable by 63 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey: 单词equal 一向被认为是一个很绝对的词语—— 两个数量要么相同要么不同——这样就不能有程度上的差别。所以,如果有人说在各部门间对资源更公平的分配 ,那么就不合逻辑了。 但是这种用法在早先的用法调查中被百分之七十一用法使用小组的人接受。而且,对这种用法的反对体现出了一种很流行但却值得怀疑的假设,那就是我们从数学和逻辑中得出适用于日常语言准确性的实例,而这种假设也可从我们对一些词,如unique,parallel 和 center 传统的语法讨论中体现出来。 根据这个解释,equal “准确”或“书面”的意思则是由在算术表达式,如5+2=7中所运用的相同的符号而表达清楚的; 而该词在日常语言中的用法,虽然被允许,但却代表了其含意“松散”或“不严谨”的引申。但是实际上用数学概念上的相等来运用equal 这个词描述世上各种事物之间的关系是一个很差劲的例子。 当该词应用于生活中的事物时,相等的观念往往与暗含的容忍相关联。当有人说两块木板同样长 时, 我们会认为由于上下文的关系,相等可以被看作大约近似;如果我们不这样想,那么当我们谈到物体的尺寸时,就要经常使用nearly equal 。 另外,我们常常会预测和数量无关的事物的相同性,比如我们会说,引入大学的要求是为了使全国足球联合会中的各队尽可能平等 , 或者应给予该项工作的应征者同等的考虑 。 在所有这些例子中,相等是个可变化的概念,所以可在程度有所不同。Unequal 这个词的存在就是很好的证明。 un- 这个前缀只附加于有程序变化的形容词, 我们说unmanly 但不说 unmale ; 而uneven 这个词只能用于某物的表面(其平坦可有程度上的差别), 而不能用于数目(数目只能说相等或不相等)。Equally 这一副词在与 as 连用时通常被认为是多余的, 在早先的用法调查中,以下这些使用equally as 的句子遭到百分之六十三使用小组的人反对: 〔intonation〕A manner of producing or uttering tones, especially with regard to accuracy of pitch.吟咏:产生或发出音调的方式,特指注意音高准确性的发音方式〔precision〕The state or quality of being precise; exactness.精确:精确的状态或性质;准确性




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