单词 | 几个 |
释义 | 〔artichoke〕Those who have been warned to watch out for the sharp-tipped bracts toward the innermost part of an artichoke may have wondered whether the name of this vegetable has anything to do with choking.Originally it did not.Our word goes back to an Arabic word for the same plant,al-Caršūf. The Arabic word passed into Spanish,a not uncommon occurrence given the fact that Moslems ruled much of Spain for several centuries during the Middle Ages.The Old Spanish wordalcarchofa was variously modified as it passed through Italian, a Northern dialect form beingarticiocco, which looks more like artichoke than al-Caršūf. In English, where the word is first recorded in the early 16th century, a potpourri of spellings and explanations of it are found.For example, people who did not know the long history of the word explained it by the notion that the flower had a "choke,”that is, something that chokes, in its "heart.”那些被告知要当心这种朝鲜蓟的最内层部分的尖苞片的人,可能会猜想这种蔬菜与窒息有一些联系。最初并没有。这个词可以追溯到阿拉伯语言关于这种植物的名称,al-harsuf。 这个阿拉伯名称又传入了西班牙,这件极普通的事情指出,在中世纪时期穆斯林曾统治西班牙大部地区,长达几个世纪的事实。旧的西班牙词alcarchofa 又经历了不同的变化,如传入意大利, 北方方言的形式形成articicco, 这看起来更象 artichoke 而非 al-harsuf。 在英语中,这个词在16世纪初被记录下来时,有许多不同的拼法和解释。例如,不知道这个词的悠久历史的人解释这个词时依据的看法是花会令人“窒息”,也就是说,是一种在它“心中”窒息的东西。〔trite〕 Trite, hackneyed, andshopworn imply overfamiliarity resulting from overuse or repetition; the terms often suggest reduction of something once forceful to an empty formula or cliché: Trite, hackneyed 和shopworn 暗指因为过度使用或重复而导致熟悉了; 这几个词通常暗示曾一度强有力的东西已为成了空洞无味的套式或陈词滥调: 〔peg〕To fasten or plug with a peg or pegs.钉木钉,用木钉钉牢:用一个或几个钉栓锁住或插上〔Glashow〕American physicist. He shared a 1979 Nobel Prize for theorizing that electromagnetism and weak interaction are facets of the same phenomenon.格拉肖,谢尔登·李:(生于 1932) 美国物理学家。他因建立了电磁力学理论和微相互作用是同一现象的几个方面的理论而获1979年的诺贝尔奖〔untouchable〕The class, comprising numerous subclasses, that is excluded from and considered ritually unclean and defiling by the four Hindu classes.贱民;不可接触者:印度的一个种姓,由许多阶层构成,他们被排除在印度的四个种姓之外,并被这几个种姓的人认为是在宗教上不洁的和对人有污损性的〔Monet〕French painter and founder of impressionism who captured on canvas his spontaneous reaction to landscapes and outdoor events. He created several series of paintings, such as theWater Lilies murals (1899-1925), that examine the effect of changing light and atmosphere on a subject. 莫内,克劳德:(1840-1926) 法国画家和印象主义的创始人,他在画布上捕捉大自然的风景和户外的景物并做忠实的反应。他创作了几个绘画系列,如《睡莲》 壁画(1899-1925年),它研究了改变光线与空气给一个主题带来的效果 〔other〕other centuries; other generations.前几个世纪;后代〔Nuba〕A member of any of several peoples inhabiting the hills of south-central Sudan.努巴人:居住在苏丹中南部山区的几个民族的成员〔subtopic〕One of the divisions into which a main topic may be divided.副题:主题被分成的几个部分之一〔sherbet〕The wordsherbet has been in the English language for several centuries (first recorded in 1603) but not as a name for what one normally thinks of as sherbet.The word came into English from Ottoman Turkishsherbet or Persian sharbat, both going back to Arabicšarbah, "drink.” The Turkish and Persian words referred to a beverage of sweetened, diluted fruit juicethat was popular in the Middle East and imitated in Europe.Eventually in Europesherbet came to refer to a carbonated drink. Because the original Middle Eastern drink contained fruit and was often cooled with snow,sherbet was applied to the frozen dessert (first recorded in 1891). It is thus distinguished slightly fromsorbet, which can also mean "a fruit-flavored ice served between courses of a meal.”Sorbet (first recorded in English in 1585) goes back through French ( sorbet ) and then Italian ( sorbetto ) to the same Turkish sherbet that gave us sherbet. 单词sherbet 引入英语语言中已经有几个世纪了(首次记录于1603年), 但它并不是象人们通常认为的果汁牛奶冻名称。这个单词是由奥斯曼土耳其语sherbet 或波斯语 sharbat 形成英语的, 二者都可回溯到阿拉伯语sarbah ,意为“饮料”。 该词土耳其及波斯语指一种加甜的、稀释的水果汁饮料,它流行于中东并在欧洲被仿制。最后,在欧洲,sherbet 指一种碳酸饮料。 因为最初的中东饮品中包含有水果汁并常用雪冷却,所以sherbet 用于指冰冻甜点(首次记录于1891年)。 这样它与Sorbet 稍有区别, 但也可指“在一顿饭的几道菜之间供应的果味冰”。Sorbet (在英语中首次记录于1585年)通过法语( sorbet )和意大利语( sorbetto )可以回溯到向我们提供 sherbet 的相同的土耳其词 sherbet 〔preview〕An advance viewing or exhibition, especially the presentation of several scenes advertising a forthcoming movie; a trailer.预(试)演,预(试)映,预(试)展预告片:预先观看或展览,尤指放映即将公映的影片中的几个镜头以作宣传;(电影,电视等)的预告片〔separate〕To become divided into components or parts:分开:分开成为几个成份或部分:〔stochastic〕Involving or containing a random variable or variables:随机的:包含或涉及一个或几个随机变量的:〔Prague〕The capital and largest city of Czechoslovakia, in the western part of the country on the Vltava River. Known since the 9th century, it was a leading cultural and commercial center by the 14th century and came under Hapsburg rule in 1526. In 1618 citizens of Prague expressed their dissatisfaction of Hapsburg rule by throwing several royal officials out of the windows of the Hradčany Castle in the so-called Defenestration of Prague. The city became the capital of newly formed Czechoslovakia in 1918. Population, 1,189,828.布拉格:捷克斯洛伐克首都及最大城市,位于这个国家的西半部,临瓦尔塔瓦河。该城自公元9世纪就已闻名于世,到14世纪为止是一个处于领先地位的文化及商业中心,于1526年开始为哈布斯堡王朝所统治。1618年,为了表示对哈布斯堡王朝统治的不满,布拉格市民将几个皇家官员从克拉克尼城堡的窗中扔了出去,从而制造了所谓的“布拉格扔出窗外”事件。1918年该城成为新形成的捷克斯洛伐克的首都。人口1,189,828〔initialism〕An abbreviation consisting of the first letter or letters of words in a phrase (for example,IRS for Internal Revenue Service ), syllables or components of a word ( TNT for trinitrotoluene ), or a combination of words and syllables ( ESP for extrasensory perception ) and pronounced by spelling out the letters one by one rather than as a solid word. 起首字母:包含句子中每一个字的第一个或是几个字母的缩写(例如IRS 指的是 Internal Revenue Service“内部收益服务” )、某个字的数个音节或是其组成分子( TNT 指的是 trinitrotoluene“强烈炸药” )、或是数个字或数个音节的合并( ESP 指的是 extrasensory perception“超感觉的知觉” ),并且会将一个字的组成字母一个接着一个以其拼法发音而非发出整体一个字的音 〔Australia〕A commonwealth comprising the continent of Australia, the island state of Tasmania, two external territories, and several dependencies. The first British settlement, a penal colony at Fort Jackson (now part of Sydney), was established in 1788. The present-day states grew as separate colonies; six of them formed a federation in 1901. In 1911 Northern Territory joined the commonwealth and the Capital Territory, site of Canberra, was created. Canberra is the capital and Sydney is the largest city. Population, 15,544,500.澳大利亚:联邦制国家,由澳洲大陆塔斯马尼亚州岛,两块外部疆域及几个附属岛屿组成。英国于1788年在杰克逊堡(现悉尼一部分)建立第一块流放殖民者居住地。现今的各州已成为独立的殖民地;其中六州于1901年组建联邦。1911年北部地区加入联邦,作为首都地区的堪培拉这时也形成了。堪培拉为首都,悉尼为最大城市。人口15,544,500〔peg〕To designate or mark by means of a peg or pegs.以木栓标出:以一个或几个桩的方式指明或标出〔intersection〕A set that contains elements shared by two or more given sets.交集:一个包含两个或几个已知集合共有元素的集合〔Burgas〕A city of southeast Bulgaria on the Black Sea. It is one of the country's several major ports. Population, 192,000布尔加斯:黑海之滨的保加利亚东南部城市。是该国的几个主要港口之一 。人口192,000〔partition〕To divide (a country) into separate, autonomous nations.使(国家)分裂:把(一个国家)分割成独立的、自治的几个国家〔mascot〕The wordmascot, which usually denotes something or someone that brings good luck, enjoys a positive meaning that is a distinct improvement over the meanings of some of its ancestors. Mascot came into English as a borrowing of the French wordmascotte, meaning "mascot, charm.”The English word is first recorded in 1881 shortly after the French word, itself first recorded in 1867,was popularized by the operaLa Mascotte, performed in December 1880. The French word in turn came from the Modern Provençal wordmascoto, "piece of witchcraft, charm, amulet,”a feminine diminutive ofmasco, "witch.” This word can probably be traced back to Late Latinmasca, "witch, specter.”Perhaps a mascot is as powerful as people think;fortunately, it is now in our corner.mascot 这个词通常指能够带来好运的某物或某人, 与其最早来源的几个词的词意相比,这个词所具有的褒义色彩是明显的进步。 Mascot 是借自法语的mascotte, 意思是“符咒,魔力。”该法语词的记录1867年出现不久,就在1881年有了这个英语词汇的最早记录,因1880年12月演出的一出歌剧La Mascotte 而流传开来。 法语中单词来源于现代普罗旺斯语mascoto , 意思是“女巫的魔法,魔术,护身符”,一个意为“女巫”的masco 的阴性小词。 这个词可能追溯到后期拉丁语的masca , 意为“女巫,幻象”。或许吉祥物这个词是指象人们想的一样魔力无边;幸运的是,它被我们记录进来了〔together〕The bells rang out together.几个铃同时响了起来〔early〕in the early morning; scored two runs in the early innings.清晨;在前几个回合中就得了两分〔citied〕Having a city or cities.有城市的:有一个或几个城市的〔word〕A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single morpheme or of a combination of morphemes.词,文字:一种声音或声音的结合,或以书写或印刷为代表,它象征或传达一个意思,也许包含一个词素或几个词素的组合〔algebra〕A generalization of arithmetic in which symbols, usually letters of the alphabet, represent numbers or members of a specified set of numbers and are related by operations that hold for all numbers in the set.代数学:计算的普遍原理,其中通常为字母表中字母的符号,其代表数字或一组特定数字中的几个数字,它们通过对组中全部数字都适合的运算法则相联系〔bring〕The President will take several advisers with him when he goes to Moscow. 总统去莫斯科时要带走几个顾问。 〔device〕A contrivance or an invention serving a particular purpose, especially a machine used to perform one or more relatively simple tasks.设计:为特定的目的而做出的设计或发明,尤指用于完成某个或几个简单的相关的任务的机器〔constrain〕a life that had been constrained by habit to the same few activities and friends.习惯于被束缚在一成不变的几个活动和朋友中的生活〔other〕others The remaining ones of several: others 其余的人:几个中剩余的一些:〔Beethoven〕German composer. The greatest composer of his day, he began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was deaf by 1819. His music, which formed a transition from classical to romantic composition, includes 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, a violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, several other sonatas, 2 Masses, and an opera.贝多芬,路德维希·范:(1770-1827) 德国作曲家,是他那个时代最伟大的作曲家。1801年他开始失去听力,到1819年完全耷了。他的音乐有了从经典到浪漫作品的转变,包括9个交响乐、5个钢琴协奏曲、一个小提琴协奏曲、32个钢琴奏鸣曲和几个其它奏鸣曲、2部弥撒曲及一部歌剧〔east〕The former Communist bloc of countries in Asia and especially in Eastern Europe.东方集团:以前由亚洲和特别是东欧几个国家组成的共产主义集团〔cyclization〕The formation of one or more rings in a hydrocarbon.环化,环化作用:在碳氢化合物里,一个或者几个环的形成〔Rockville〕A city of central Maryland north-northwest of Washington, D.C. It is the site of several research laboratories. Population, 44,835.罗克维尔:美国马里兰州中部一城市,位于华盛顿特区西北偏北。是几个科研实验室的所在地。人口44,835〔ours〕Used to indicate the one or ones belonging to us:我们的:用于指一个(人或物)或几个(人或物)是属于我们的:〔include〕Include, like the remaining terms,more often implies an incomplete listing: Include 和其余的几个词语一样,更多是指不完全的纳入: 〔yagi〕A directional radio and television antenna consisting of a horizontal conductor with several insulated dipoles parallel to and in the plane of the conductor.八木天线:一种定向的收音机或电视的天线,由与水平的避雷针平行的几个绝缘振子和绝缘平面组成〔edit〕made several last-minute edits for reasons of space.临时编了几个版以填满篇幅〔consult〕a retired executive who consults for several large companies.为几个大公司担任顾问的退休官员〔recension〕A critical revision of a text incorporating the most plausible elements found in varying sources.校订:通过结合几个源本中最合理的因素来对某个文本进行评判性地修订 |
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