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单词 几乎没有
释义 〔whence〕a remote village, whence little news reached the wider world. 遥远偏僻的村庄,几乎没有消息可传到更广阔的世界。 〔rock〕Confronted with equally unpleasant alternatives and few or no opportunities to evade or circumvent them.面临同样令人不愉快的几乎没有机会逃避或克服的选择〔off〕So as to be smaller, fewer, or less:变小,变少:更小、更少或几乎没有〔brave〕"a coat of brave red lipstick on a mouth so wrinkled that it didn't even have a clear outline"(Anne Tyler)“涂在皱得几乎没有清晰轮廓的嘴上的一层艳红色唇膏”(安妮·泰勒)〔ill〕Scarcely or with difficulty.勉强地,几乎没有〔nonchalant〕A nonchalant person is not likely to become warm or heated about anything,a fact that is underscored by the etymology of the wordnonchalant. Non-,the first part of the word, is easy to spot as a familiar negative prefix;since this word was formed in Old French,we havenon-, the Old French descendant of Latin nōn-. The second element,chalant, is the Old French present participle of the verb chaloir, meaning "to be concerned.”This in turn came from the Latin wordcalēre, which from its concrete sense "to be hot or warm" developed the figurative sense "to be roused or fired with hope, zeal, or anger.”Obviously the Old French verbchaloir has lost some of the warmth of Latin calēre, but then, the nonchalant person has little warmth or concern.The wordnonchalant is first recorded in English before 1734, although Frenchnonchalance, a derivative of French nonchalant, seems to have entered English first. Englishnonchalance is first recorded in 1678. 态度冷漠的人是不太可能变得热心或对某事激动的,这一事实被词语nonchalant的词源所强调。 Non-,这个词的第一部分, 很容易认出是个很熟悉的否定前缀;因为此词形成于古法语,我们可以说non-,来自 拉丁语 non- 在古法语中的衍生词。 第二个组成部分chalant, 是动词 chaloir 的古法语现在分词, 意思是“担忧的,关心的”。此词同样也来自于拉丁词calere , 从其具体的感觉“热的或暖和的”演变到比喻的感觉“被激起或引起希望、热心或愤怒”。很明显古法语动词chaloir 已去掉了一些拉丁语 calere 的温暖, 不过,冷漠的人确是几乎没有什么热心或关心的。词语nonchalant 在1734年前第一次被记录在英语中, 尽管法语nonchalence, 是法语 nonchalant 的派生词似乎已首先进入英语。 英语中的nonchalance 于1678年第一次被记录下来 〔attach〕Very little prestige attaches to this position.几乎没有什么尊严属于这个职位〔hardly〕To almost no degree; almost not:几乎不:任何程度上几乎不;几乎没有〔clean〕Having few alterations or corrections; legible:整洁的,清晰易读的:几乎没有交迭或更改的;可读的:〔stolid〕Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; impassive:不易激动的,冷淡的:几乎没有或很少表现出感情或感受的;冷漠的:〔impracticable〕Impracticable applies to a course of action that is impossible to carry out or put into practice;impractical, though it can be used in this way, also can be weaker in sense,suggesting that the course of action would yield an insufficient return or would have little practical value.A plan for a new baseball stadium might be rejected asimpracticable if the site was too marshy to permit safe construction; but if the objection was merely that the site was too remote for patrons to attend games easily,the plan would better be described asimpractical. See Usage Note at practicable Impracticable 用于不可能实行或行不通的动作过程;impractical 虽然也能这样用, 但也有较弱意思的用法,指动作过程能产生不足的回报或者几乎没有实际的价值。如果建筑地点过于湿软而不能保证稳固的建筑,那么修建棒球体育场的计划就可能因其impracticable (不可行)而遭到反对; 但是如果反对的理由仅仅是场址太偏远而使得爱好者们不能轻易到场观看比赛的话,这个计划还是应该被看成是impractical(不切实际的) 参见 practicable〔canned〕Used repeatedly with little or no change:千篇一律的:几乎没有或没有变化反复地使用:〔barely〕By a very little; hardly:仅仅;几乎没有〔steady〕Free or almost free from change, variation, or fluctuation; uniform:不变的:完全或几乎没有改变、变化或波动的;一惯的:〔close〕Having little or no space between elements or parts; tight and compact:紧密的:在各元素或各部分之间没有或几乎没有空间;紧紧的和紧密的:〔enormous〕"Of creatures, how few vast as the whale" (Herman Melville). “作为生物,几乎没有比鲸鱼更巨大的” (赫尔曼·梅尔维尔)〔hardly〕Barely; just.仅仅:几乎没有;刚刚〔fibrillation〕Fine, rapid twitching of individual muscle fibers with little or no movement of the muscle as a whole.纤维性颤动:个别肌肉纤维细微的、快速的抽搐,整块肌肉并没有或几乎没有运动〔luciferin〕A chemical substance present in the cells of bioluminescent organisms, such as fireflies, that produces an almost heatless, bluish-green light when oxidized under the catalytic effects of luciferase.荧光素:存在于生物性发光有机体(比如萤火虫)中的一种化学物质,它在荧光素酶催化作用下氧化时发生几乎没有热量的蓝绿光〔scabland〕An elevated area of barren, rocky land with little or no soil cover, often crossed by dry stream channels:不毛之地:贫瘠、多岩石的高地,用很少或几乎没有土层覆盖,常有干涸的沟渠纵横:〔follow〕Supervene, in contrast, refers to the coming after of a thing that has little relation to what has precededand that is often unexpected: Supervene 则相反地指一件事的发生与前面发生的事几乎没有关系,通常是不期望的: 〔zero〕"The town has . . . practically no opportunities for amusement, zero culture"(Robert M. Adams)“这座城市几乎没有机会娱乐,也没有文化”(罗伯特M.亚当斯)〔toy〕Something of little importance; a trifle.小事:几乎没有重要性的某事物;琐事〔pad〕To move or walk about almost inaudibly.放松脚步走:几乎没有声响地移动或走〔saying〕Few writers have coined more aphorisms than Benjamin Franklin. 几乎没有其它的作家比本杰明·富兰克林编撰的格言多 〔paucity〕from paucus [few] * see pau- 源自 paucus [少,几乎没有] * 参见 pau- 〔data〕We have very little data on the efficacy of such programs, 在这样项目的功效上,我们几乎没有资料, 〔there〕Although this usage is strictly incorrect,the attraction of the verb to the singular noun phrase following it is so strong that few writers manage to avoid the construction entirely. ·The demonstrative formsthat there and this here are nonstandard. 尽管严格地讲,这种用法是错误的,但动词对于跟随它的单数名词短语的吸引力如此之强以至几乎没有作者能完全避免这种结构。指示形式that there 和 this here 是不标准的 〔aware〕"an importance . . . of which even Americans are barely conscious" (William Stanley Jevons). “一种甚至连美国人也几乎没有认识到的重要性” (威廉姆·斯坦利·杰文斯)。〔fanatic〕"It is unfortunate, considering that enthusiasm moves the world, that so few enthusiasts can be trusted to speak the truth" (A.J. Balfour).More commonly, however, it merely implies strong interest in something, such as a hobby, and lacks the unfavorable connotations of the other terms: “不幸的是,宗教狂热驱动着世界,几乎没有哪一个狂热分子会坚持真理” (A.J鲍尔弗)。然而更为普通的,它仅指对某事有强烈兴趣的人,比如某一爱好,不像其它词那样具有不好的含义:




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