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单词 几部分
释义 〔part〕Any of several equal portions or fractions that can constitute a whole or into which a whole can be divided:等分:可组成一个整体或可被分割的整体的几等分或几部分之一:〔dissolution〕Decomposition into fragments or parts; disintegration.分裂,分解:碎片或几部分;分解〔fissiparous〕Tending to break up into parts or break away from a main body; factious.有分裂倾向的,内讧的:倾向于分裂成几部分或从主体中分裂出去;内讧的〔form〕 Configuration stresses the pattern formed by the arrangement of parts within an outline: Configuration 强调在轮廓内将几部分排列起形成的模型: 〔piece〕To mend by adding pieces or a piece to.修补:通过给…加上一部分或几部分来修补〔posigrade〕Of, relating to, or being an auxiliary rocket on a multistage spacecraft that is fired in the direction of the spacecraft's motion to separate the sections.正加速度的火箭:多节航天器上的辅助火箭的,这种火箭点燃后沿航天器运行方向推进,并分为几部分〔tergite〕A sclerite forming one of the constituents of a tergum.背甲:组成动物背甲几部分之一的一种硬壳〔isthmus〕A narrow strip of tissue joining two larger organs or parts of an organ.峡:连接两个较大器官或一个器官的几部分的组织狭带〔lewis〕A dovetailed iron tenon made of several parts and designed to fit into a dovetail mortise in a large stone so that it can be lifted by a hoisting apparatus. Also called lewisson 起重爪,吊楔:燕尾形铁榫,由几部分构成,可以拼拢嵌进一块巨石上的燕尾形榫眼,由此可通过一个起吊装置举起大石 也作 lewisson〔severalfold〕Having several parts or members.几部分:有几部分或几个成员




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