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单词 击碎
释义 〔busticate〕To break into pieces.See Regional Note at absquatulate 击碎:击打成碎片 参见 absquatulate〔dash〕To break or smash by striking violently.猛掷,猛击:通过猛烈的撞击来击碎或投掷〔shiver〕To cause to break suddenly into fragments or splinters.See Synonyms at break 击碎:使…被击成碎片或裂片 参见 break〔odontophore〕A structure at the base of the mouth of most mollusks over which the radula is drawn back and forth in breaking up food.舌突起,齿担:一种生理构造,位于大多数软体动物的嘴底部,在这之上齿舌来回收缩以击碎食物〔break〕To cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently; smash.打破,击碎:使突然或猛烈地分裂成碎片;使碎裂〔dash〕To strike violently; smash.猛烈地撞击;击碎〔shiver〕To break into fragments or splinters; shatter.打碎,击碎:击成碎片或裂片;打碎〔rive〕To break into pieces, as by a blow; cleave or split asunder.击碎,撕碎:使成碎片,如通过打击;劈成或撕成碎片〔polycarbonate〕Any of a family of thermoplastics characterized by a high-impact strength, used in making unbreakable windows.聚碳酸脂:一种热塑性物质,具有很强的抗冲击力的特点,被用来制造不易击碎的窗户〔comb〕To roll and break. Used of waves.涌起,卷起:卷起并击碎。用于指浪〔stampede〕The Spanish wordestampida, meaning "explosion, bang, crash, uproar,” seems very fitting to describe a rush of animals, such as buffaloes, horses, or cattle,and was so used first in American Spanish.From this use came our wordstampede (actually from the Spanishestampido, a masculine noun corresponding to the feminine estampida, first recorded in 1828). Thusstampede, now a general English word, is an Americanism, that is, a word or expression that originated in the United States.Later the United States was to see stampedes of miners who rushed westward to find gold.Not surprisingly, an early instance of this word to describe a stampede of human beings is found in theSan Francisco Herald in 1851. 西班牙语estampida 的意思是“爆炸,巨响,击碎,吼叫”, 似乎很适合形容兽群如野牛、马群或牛的惊跑,并且首先被使用于美国西班牙语中。由此就出现了我们的stampede (事实上源于与西班牙语estampida 相对应的 estampido ,于1828年首次被记录下来)。 因此,stampede ,一个目前很普遍的英语词,是一种美国英语, 也就是说来源于美国的一个单词或词组。后来,美国目睹了成千上万向西淘金的人群。1851年在旧金山的先驱 中出现了形容大批人群蜂拥而至的这个字就不足为怪了




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