单词 | 分娩 |
释义 | 〔show〕The discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina indicating the start of labor.现血(见红):表明分娩开始的从阴道中排放出的血色粘质〔pain〕pains The pangs of childbirth. pains 阵痛:分娩时的剧痛〔childbed〕The condition of a woman in the process of giving birth.产褥:处于分娩过程中的妇女的情况〔puerperium〕Latin [childbirth] 拉丁语 [分娩] 〔multiparous〕Giving birth to more than one offspring at a time.一产多胎的:一次分娩多个幼体的〔stillbirth〕A child or fetus dead at birth.死胎:分娩时死去的胎儿〔Diana〕The virgin goddess of hunting and childbirth, traditionally associated with the moon and identified with the Greek Artemis.黛安娜(月亮和守猎女神):狩猎和分娩女神,传统上同月亮有关系并且与希腊阿耳忒弥斯(月亮和狩猎女神)是一致的〔tocology〕The science of childbirth; midwifery or obstetrics.产科学:分娩的科学;助产学或产科学〔episiotomy〕Surgical incision of the perineum during childbirth to facilitate delivery.外阴切开术:分娩时切开外阴以助生产的手术〔couvade〕A practice in certain non-Western cultures in which the husband of a woman in labor takes to his bed as though he were bearing the child.拟娩,假分娩:一些非西方文化中的习俗,丈夫在其妻子分娩时卧床,好象他也在分娩〔birth〕The act or process of bearing young; parturition:生产,分娩:生产幼子的动作或过程;生产:〔multiparous〕Having given birth two or more times.经产的:曾经历两次或多次分娩的〔oxytocic〕From alteration influenced by Late Greek *oxutokia [sudden delivery] 源自 受 后期希腊语 *oxutokia的影响 [突然分娩] 〔gestation〕The period of development in the uterus from conception until birth; pregnancy.怀孕:子宫里从受孕至分娩的发育时期;怀孕〔childbearing〕The human act or process of giving birth; parturition.分娩:人类生育的行为或者过程;分娩〔gestate〕To carry within the uterus from conception to delivery.孕育,怀胎:从怀孕到分娩的子宫内孕育〔septuplet〕septuplets The seven offspring of one birth. septuplets 七胞胎:一次分娩的七个儿女〔parturition〕The act or process of giving birth; childbirth.分娩,生产:生育的行为或过程;生小孩〔galactorrhea〕Spontaneous milk flow not associated with childbirth or the nursing of an infant.乳溢:乳汁自然流出,与分娩及喂奶无关〔parturient〕About to bring forth young; being in labor.临产的,分娩的:即将生育的;处于分娩期的〔birthing〕The act of giving birth.分娩:分娩的行为〔tocology〕Greek tokos [childbirth] * see tek- 希腊语 tokos [分娩] * 参见 tek- 〔afterpains〕Cramps or pains following childbirth, caused by contractions of the uterus.生产痛,产后痛:分娩之后由于子宫收缩而造成的痉挛或阵痛〔septuplet〕One of seven offspring delivered at a single birth.七胞胎中的一个:一次分娩中分娩出的七个儿女中的一个〔expect〕His sister is expecting in May.他的姐姐将在五月分娩〔crown〕To reach a stage in labor when a large segment of the fetal scalp is visible at the vaginal orifice. Used of a fetus or the head of a fetus.露顶:分娩中包括胎儿头盖的大部分出现在阴道口的阶段。用于指胎儿或胎儿的头部〔miscarriage〕Premature expulsion of a nonviable fetus from the uterus. Also called spontaneous abortion 流产:不能成活的胎儿过早地从子宫中分娩出来 也作 spontaneous abortion〔preterm〕Occurring or appearing before the expected time at the end of a full-term pregnancy:早产的:在完整怀孕期末的分娩时间之前发生或出现:〔labor〕The physical efforts of childbirth; parturition.分娩:生孩子时身体的努力;分娩〔decidua〕A mucous membrane lining the uterus, modified during pregnancy and shed at parturition or during menstruation.蜕膜:一种粘膜,附在子宫内壁上,怀孕期间减少,分娩时或月经期间脱落〔Lucina〕Latin Lūcīna [goddess of childbirth] [from feminine of] lūcīnus [light-bringing] 拉丁语 Lūcīna [分娩女神] 源自lūcīnus的阴性词 [带来光明的] 〔throe〕A severe pang or spasm of pain, as in childbirth.See Synonyms at pain 剧痛:如分娩时剧烈的痛楚或疼痛的痉挛 参见 pain〔puerperium〕The approximate six-week period lasting from childbirth to the return of normal uterine size.产褥期:从分娩到子宫恢复正常大小之间的大约六周时间〔doula〕A woman who assists another woman during labor and provides support to her, the infant, and the family after childbirth.助产士:协助分娩并于之后提供母亲、婴儿与新生家庭协助的女性〔obstetrics〕The branch of medicine that deals with the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the recuperative period following delivery.产科医学:医学的一个分支,处理妇女怀孕、分娩及产后恢复阶段的医护工作 |
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