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单词 划分
释义 〔scan〕To analyze (verse) into metrical patterns.分析韵脚:将(诗)划分音步〔gerrymander〕To divide (a geographic area) into voting districts so as to give unfair advantage to one party in elections.不公正划分选区:在选举中为让某党派有不公正的好处而(把一个地理区域)划分成选区〔division〕The physical separation and regrouping of members of a parliament according to their stand on an issue put to vote.分组表决:根据议员对某提案的表决态度而作的划分或分组〔subtribe〕A subdivision of a tribe.分部落:部落再划分的一个部分〔scan〕To analyze verse into metrical patterns.分析韵律:将诗划分音步〔dichotomous〕Divided or dividing into two parts or classifications.两分的:被划分划分成两部分或类群的〔class〕A division based on quality, rank, or grade, as:等级,阶层:基于品质、阶级或等级的划分,如:〔watch〕Any of the periods of time into which the day aboard ship is divided and during which a part of the crew is assigned to duty.值班时间:一天中被划分的要求部分船员在甲板上值班的那段时间〔dichotomize〕To separate into two parts or classifications.划分成两部分或两个等级〔calendar〕Any of various systems of reckoning time in which the beginning, length, and divisions of a year are defined.历法:任一种用于标识时间的系统,确定了一年的开始、时长和划分〔syllabize〕from Greek sullabizein [to syllabify] 源自 希腊语 sullabizein [使构成音节(使划分成音节)] 〔divide〕To sector into units of measurement; graduate.刻尺度:将计量单位标以刻度;划分度数〔Vinland〕An unidentified coastal region of northeast North America visited by Norse voyagers as early as c. 1000. The region, variously located from Labrador to New Jersey, was named for the grapes growing plentifully in the area.温兰德:北美东北部一个没有明确划分的海滨地区,早在11世纪挪威人曾航海到过此地。这一地区不同地分布于拉布拉多至新泽西,以其丰富的葡萄产量得名〔forest〕A defined area of land formerly set aside in England as a royal hunting ground.英国御猎场:从前在英国拨出的一块被划分的土地,专用于皇族狩猎〔dichotomy〕Division into two usually contradictory parts or opinions:二分法:通常因矛盾而彼此排斥的两部分或意见的划分〔dichasium〕from Greek dikhasis [division] 源自 希腊语 dikhasis [划分] 〔Candolle〕Swiss botanist who introduced the method of classifying plants by structure.康多尔,奥古斯丁·安拉姆·德:(1778-1841) 瑞士植物学家,引入了按照植物结构划分植物种类的方法〔civil〕Being in accordance with or denoting legally recognized divisions of time:民用的:代表被合法承认的时间的划分或与之一致的:〔lot〕To divide (land) into lots.划分(土地):将(土地)分成块〔slice〕To divide into portions or shares; parcel out.划分:分成部分或份额;把…划成部分然后分配〔platoon〕Abbr. plat.A subdivision of a company of troops consisting of two or more sections and usually commanded by a lieutenant.缩写 plat.排:由两个或多个分排组成,通常由一名中尉指挥的军队中连的划分〔apostolic〕Of or relating to a succession of spiritual authority from the 12 Apostles, regarded by Anglicans, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and some others to have been perpetuated by successive ordinations of bishops and to be requisite for valid orders and administration of sacraments.使徒传统的:继承十二使徒神圣权威的或与之有关的,英国圣公会、罗马天主教、东正教及其他一些教派,认为对十二使徒神圣权威的继承已因承继的主教圣职授受仪式而成为永恒,并且对有效的神职等级划分和圣礼的执行极为必要的〔ecotype〕The smallest taxonomic subdivision of an ecospecies, consisting of populations adapted to a particular set of environmental conditions. The populations are infertile with other ecotypes of the same ecospecies.生态型:生态种的最小划分单位,由适应某一特定环境条件的群体组成。这些群体与其他同种异型的物种不能杂交〔kismet〕from qasama [to divide, allot] 源自 qasama [划分,分配] 〔watch〕Any of the periods into which the night is divided; a part of the night.更:夜晚被划分成几段之任一段;夜晚的一部分〔partition〕The decomposition of a set into a family of mutually exclusive sets.划分,分类:把一个集合分拆成几个互相排斥的集合族〔Gracchus〕Roman social reformer. Known with his brotherGaius Sempronius Gracchus (153-121 b.c. ) as "the Gracchi,” he sought to aid poor farmers through greater subdivision of land but was killed in a riot. Gaius assumed his brother's work, initiating several reforms, and met a similar fate. 格拉古·提比略,提比略·森普罗斯:(163-133) 罗马社会改革家。与其弟盖约·森普罗纽·格拉古 ( 公元前 153-121年)以“格拉古兄弟”之称闻名,寻求通过土地的大规模再划分来帮助贫穷的农民,但在一次暴乱中被杀。盖约接替其兄的工作,发动了几次改革,但遭到了类似的命运 〔assign〕We allot a half hour a day for recreation. Toapportion is to divide according to prescribed rules and implies fair distribution: 我们每天留出半小时为文体活动的时间。 词apportion 是指根据已定规则划分并含有公平分配的意思: 〔depart〕partir [to divide] from Latin partīre from pars part- [part] * see part partir [划分] 源自 拉丁语 partīre 源自 pars part- [分开] * 参见 part〔polecat〕A chiefly nocturnal European carnivorous mammal(Mustela putorius) of the weasel family that ejects a malodorous fluid to mark its territory and ward off enemies. Also called fitch 鸡貂,臭鼬:鼬鼠科中的一种主要在夜间活动的欧洲肉食性哺乳动物(鼬属 欧洲艾鼬) ,能排出一种有臭味的液体以划分其所占区域并驱走敌人 也作 fitch〔Negroid〕Of, relating to, or being a major human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as brown to black pigmentation and often tightly curled hair and including peoples indigenous to sub-Saharan Africa. No longer in scientific use.黑人的:有关或与人类的一个主要种族相关的,这一种族传统上按身体特征来划分,如棕到黑色的皮肤、常有紧密的卷发,包括非洲撒哈拉以南地区的各土著民族。科学上已不再使用〔zoogeography〕The biological study of the geographic distribution of animals, especially the causes and effects of such distribution.动物地理学:对动物的地域划分进行的生物学研究,特别是这种划分的原因和影响〔tide〕from Old English tīd [division of time] * see dā- 源自 古英语 tīd [时间的划分] * 参见 dā- 〔caste〕Any of numerous hereditary, endogamous social subclasses stratified according to Hindu ritual purity.种姓:根据印度教仪式的纯洁性划分的无数个世袭的、内部通婚的次等级之一〔lifestyle〕Whenlifestyle began to gain wide currency a generation ago, a number of critics objected to it as voguish and superficial,perhaps because it appeared to elevate habits of consumption, dress, and recreation to a primary basis of social classification.Nonetheless, the word has proved durable and useful,if only because such categories doin fact figure importantly in the schemes that Americans commonly invoke in explaining social values and social behavior,whether appropriately or not,as in Rachel Brownstein's remark that 当life style 在上一代人中开始广泛使用时, 许多评论家认为这个词浅薄且只风行一时,因此反对它,这可能是因为它看上去把消费习惯、衣着和享乐上升为社会阶级划分的主要基点。但是,这个词证明是持久有用的,如果仅仅因为这些范畴,事实上确实成为美国人解释社会价值与社会行为时所采用的极其重要的标准,无论合适与否,例如在雷切尔·布朗斯坦的话中 〔trivium〕The lower division of the seven liberal arts in medieval schools, consisting of grammar, logic, and rhetoric.三文科:中世纪学校的七种文科的较低一级划分,包括语法、逻辑学和修辞学〔period〕An analogous unit or division of classical Greek or Latin prose.诗文的划分:古希腊或拉丁散文中类似的分段〔gerrymander〕The act, process, or an instance of gerrymandering.不公正划分选区的行为、过程或实例〔geodesy〕daiesthai [to divide] * see dā- daiesthai [划分] * 参见 dā- 〔caesura〕In Latin and Greek prosody, a break in a line caused by the ending of a word within a foot, especially when this coincides with a sense division.暂停:在拉丁或希腊韵律学中,表示在一个音步中由于单词的收尾而引起的行间停顿,尤其是当这一中断与意义的划分相一致的时候




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