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释义 〔Bunraku〕after the Bunraku-za theater built in the early 19th century by Bunraku-ken Oemurea (died 1810) 源自 文乐剧院 ,19世纪初期由文乐(卒于1810年)建立 〔Honduras〕A country of northern Central America. Originally inhabited by a Mayan civilization, Honduras was colonized by the Spanish in the early 1500's and proclaimed its independence in 1821. Tegucigalpa is the capital and the largest city. Population, 4,092,000.洪都拉斯:中美洲北部一国家。最早是玛雅文化所在地,16世纪初期为西班牙殖民地,1821年宣布独立。特古西加尔巴为首都和最大的城市。人口4,092,000〔transpire〕Transpire has been used since the mid-18th century in the sense "leak out, become publicly known,” as inDespite efforts to hush the matter up, it soon transpired that the colonels had met with the rebel leaders. This usage was objected to as a Gallicism when it was first introducedbut has long been standard.The more common use oftranspire to mean "occur" or "happen" has had a more troubled history.Though it dates at least to the beginning of the 19th century,it has been the object of critical opprobrium for more than a hundred years,charged with being both pretentious and unetymological.There is some signthat resistance to this sense oftranspire is abating, however. In a 1969 survey the usagewas acceptable only to 38 percent of the Usage Panel;in the most recent surveyit was acceptable to 58 percent in the sentenceAll of these events transpired after last week's announcement (though many of the Panelists who accepted the usage also remarked that it was pretentious or pompous).Transpire 这个词从18世纪中叶开始一直有“泄漏,为公众所知”的意思, 如尽管竭力掩盖事实真相,但人们很快就得知军官们已经与反叛者的领导人会晤。 当这种用法一开始出现时,有人把它当作法国式用法而提出异议,但现在它早已成为标准用法。Transpire 更为普通的用法是“发生”或“碰巧发生”的意思, 这个用法的历史更为复杂。尽管这种用法至少可以追溯到19世纪初期,但一百多年以来它一直遭到批评反对,人们认为这个用法不仅矫饰而且在词源上毫无根据。但是有迹象表明,对transpire 的这个词义的异议正在消失。 在一次1969年进行的调查中,用法委员会成员中只有38%的人接受这种用法。在最近进行的一次调查中,有58%的人认为象在所有这些事件都发生在上个星期的宣告之后 这样的句子中,这个词的用法是可以接受的 (许多接受这种用法的使用者也指出这种用法很矫柔造作)〔cologne〕The wordcologne, denoting toilet water, is fromCologne, the French name of the city in Germany that in German is calledKöln, where cologne has been made since the beginning of the 18th century.The first use ofcologne for toilet water is recorded in English in 1814, with the word being used in the compoundcologne water, a translation of eau de cologne, the French name for this liquid. With a history dating back to the Roman Empire, a history reflected in its name,in fact, which comes from the Latin wordColōnia, meaning "colony,” Cologne is memorialized in English, though in a hidden way, as the name of a minor luxury.科隆 一词指代花露水, 来源于德国一城市的法语名字Cologne , 在德语中叫Koln , 自18世纪初期科隆香水在此制造。cologne 第一次用于花露水是1814年, 在英语中用于复合词 cologne water ,是法语 eau de cologne 的译文。 科隆一词的历史可追溯到罗马帝国时期,事实上它来源于拉丁语Colonia ,意指“殖民地”, 在英语中一提到科隆,虽然不太明显,一般来说是轻度奢侈的代名词〔Weber〕Russian-born American painter whose abstract works helped introduce the European avant-garde movements of the early 20th century to American art.韦伯,马克斯:(1881-1961) 俄裔美籍画家。他的抽象派作品有助于引进20世纪初期欧洲的先锋派运动到美国艺术〔beginning〕the beginning of a new era in computer technology;计算机技术新时代的初期〔early〕Of or belonging to a previous or remote period of time:初期的,早期的:属于时间的早期或初期的部分:〔gangbuster〕came on like gangbusters at the start of his campaign; a career that took off like gangbusters.在他竞选初期带有极大的影响力;使人没有热情的事业〔international〕Any of several socialist organizations of international scope formed during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.共产国际:19世纪后期以及20世纪初期形成的多个国际范围的社会主义组织之一〔May〕The springtime of life; youth.人生的初期;青春〔preproduction〕The preliminary arrangements, as concerning financing or personnel, that are made upon the inception of a project:试验:方案初期进行的初步安排,如在财务上或人事方面:〔Osage〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting western Missouri and later southeast Kansas, with a present-day population in north-central Oklahoma. Substantial oil reserves were discovered on Osage lands in the early 20th century.奥塞奇人:美洲土著民族,最先居住于密苏里州西部,后移居至堪萨斯州东南,现在集中在俄克拉荷马州中北部。20世纪初期这里发现大量石油〔earwig〕In an Anglo-Norman text written around the beginning of the 15th century we are told that elephants guard their ears diligently against flies and earwigs.Elephants have good cause to protect themselves against these insects if, as folklore has it, earwigs go through the ear into the head.The earwig, however, prefers to dine on things such as flowers, fruit, and small insectsrather than brain tissue.Folklore is responsible, though, for the insect's name,which was formed in Old English fromēare, the Old English source of our word ear, and wicga, "insect,” a word presumably related to our word wiggle. 大约在15世纪初期,有一本盎格鲁·诺曼的课本提到大象很小心地保护它们的耳朵,以防苍蝇和蠼螋。民间传说讲,蠼螋会通过耳朵进入大脑,大象防范这些昆虫是很有理由的。但是蠼螋喜欢吃花朵、水果及一些小昆虫,而不是大脑组织。然而民间传说却产生了这种昆虫的名字,当时是由古英语词eare ,即我们的 ear 的古英语词源及可能和现代词 wiggle 有关的意为“昆虫”的 wicga 组成的 〔Eocene〕Of, relating to, or designating the geologic time, rock series, sedimentary deposits, and fossils of the second oldest of the five major epochs of the Tertiary Period, extending from the end of the Paleocene to the beginning of the Oligocene, and characterized by the rise of mammals. See table at geologic time 始新世的:关于或标明第三纪的五个世中第二世的地质时代、岩系段,沉积矿床和化石的,该世由古新世末期到渐新世初期,以哺乳动物的繁盛为特征 参见 geologic time〔Methodist〕A member of an evangelical Protestant church founded on the principles of John and Charles Wesley in England in the early 18th century and characterized by active concern with social welfare and public morals.循道宗信徒:基督教新教路德教会的成员,此教会建立在英格兰的约翰和查尔斯·卫斯理在18世纪初期提出的原则之上,以积极关心社会福利和公众道德为特点〔primeval〕From Latin prīmaevus [early in life] 源自 拉丁语 prīmaevus [生命的初期] 〔metastasis〕A secondary cancerous growth formed by transmission of cancerous cells from a primary growth located elsewhere in the body.转移瘤:继发性癌肿,由从生长在身体别处的初期癌肿转移来的癌细胞形成〔Stow〕English historian and antiquarian noted for his collection of medieval manuscripts and for hisSurvey of London (1598), a description of London at the dawn of modern time. 斯托,约翰:(1525-1605) 英国历史学家、文物工作者,以其对中世纪手稿的收集和描写现代初期的伦敦的《伦敦鸟瞰》 (1598年)而闻名 〔Moluccas〕A group of islands of eastern Indonesia between Celebes and New Guinea. Discovered in the early 16th century, the islands were settled by the Portuguese but taken in the 17th century by the Dutch, who used them as the basis for their monopoly of the spice trade.摩鹿加群岛,香料群岛:印度尼西亚东部、西里伯岛和新几内亚岛之间的一组群岛。发现于16世纪初期,葡萄牙人最早定居于此,但在17世纪被荷兰人攻占,并把群岛作为他们垄断香料贸易的基地〔Bloomsbury〕A residential district of north-central London, England, famous for its associations with members of the intelligentsia, including Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, and John Maynard Keynes, in the early 20th century.布鲁姆伯利:英国伦敦中北部的居住区,因在20世纪初期与知识界的人物,包括弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫、E.M.福斯特及约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯的关系而闻名于世〔inceptive〕Incipient; beginning.初期的;开始的〔Natchez〕A Native American people formerly located on the lower Mississippi River near present-day Natchez. The Natchez ceased to exist as a people after war with the French in the early 18th century.纳齐兹族:一个美洲印第安民族,以前居住在密西西比河下游,现在的纳齐兹附近。18世纪初期纳齐兹族在和法国人作战后不再作为一个民族而存在〔chancre〕A dull red, hard, insensitive lesion that is the first manifestation of syphilis.下疳:一种暗红色坚硬不敏感的引起机能障碍的一种病,为梅毒的初期症状〔malaise〕A vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an illness.身体不适:一种难以言状的身体不适感,如在生病初期〔embryonic〕Also em.bry.ot.ic [-ŏtʹĭk] Rudimentary; incipient: 也作 em.bry.ot.ic [-ŏtʹĭk] 基本的;初期的:〔germinal〕Of, relating to, or occurring in the earliest stage of development:未成熟的,初期的:属于、有关或发生在发展的最初阶段的:〔dedifferentiation〕Regression of a specialized cell or tissue to a simpler, more embryonic, unspecialized form. Dedifferentiation may occur before the regeneration of appendages in plants and certain animals and in the development of some cancers.去分化,反分化:指高度分化的细胞或组织向更简单,更初期非特化的形式的退化。去分化发生在植物和某些动物的附器的再生之前,或一些癌症出现的时候〔infant〕Newly begun or formed:初期的:刚刚开始的或新创建的:〔early〕At or during a remote or initial period:初期地,古代地:属于时间的早期或初期阶段:〔Akron〕A city of northeast Ohio south-southeast of Cleveland. Its first rubber factory was established in 1869 by B.F. Goodrich (1841-1888). In the early 20th century Akron was known as "the rubber capital of the world.” Population, 223,019.阿克伦:美国俄亥俄州东北部一城市,位于克利夫兰东南偏南部。它的第一家橡胶厂由B·F·古德里奇(1841-1888年)于1869年在此建立。在20世纪初期阿克伦市以“世界橡胶之都”而闻名。人口223,019〔Garifuna〕A member of a people of mixed Carib and African ancestry living along the Caribbean coast of Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, and Nicaragua. The Garifuna were deported to the area in the late 18th century after their defeat by the British on the island of St. Vincent, where shipwrecked and escaped African slaves had intermarried with the indigenous Carib population beginning in the early 17th century.卡利福那人:拥有加乐比人与非洲祖先血统的族群,住在加勒比海沿岸的宏都拉斯、危地马拉、贝里斯和尼加拉瓜,危地马拉于十八世纪末叶在圣文生岛被大英帝国击败后,卡利福那人便被逐离该地。早在十七世纪初期,圣文生岛上船难的生还者与逃难的非洲奴隶就与加勒比人联姻〔Bhopal〕A city of central India north-northwest of Nagpur. Founded in the early 18th century, it is an industrial and trade center. In 1984 a toxic gas leak at an insecticide plant killed more than 2,000 people. Population, 671,018.博帕尔:印度中部一城市,位于那格浦尔西北偏北。建于18世纪初期,是工业和贸易中心。1984年,一家杀虫剂工厂的毒气泄露导致二千多人死亡。人口671,018〔Changsha〕A city of southern China on the Xiang Jiang west-southwest of Shanghai. It was founded in the early third centuryb.c. and was long noted as a literary center. Changsha is the capital of Hunan province. Population, 1,123,900. 长沙:中国南部一城市,位于上海西南以西湘江沿岸。建于公元前 3世纪初期并长期以文学中心著称。长沙为湖南省会。人口1,123,900 〔Farrell〕American writer best known for hisStuds Lonigan trilogy of novels (1932-1935), which concerns the hardships that faced Irish-American Catholics in the early 20th century. 法雷尔,詹姆斯·托马斯:(1904-1979) 美国作家,其最著名的是三部曲小说《斯塔兹·洛尼甘》 (1932-1935年),这部小说描写了20世纪初期美籍爱尔兰天主教徒遭受的苦难 〔early〕departed early in the day; scored important victories early in the campaign.大清早离开;战役初期就获得重大胜利〔youth〕An early period of development or existence:初期,成长期:发展或存在的早期:〔Detroit〕A city of southeast Michigan opposite Windsor, Ontario, on theDetroit River, about 51 km (32 mi) long. Founded by French settlers in 1701, Detroit became known as "the automobile capital of the world" in the early 20th century. Population, 1,027,974. 底特律:密歇根东南部的一座城市,与温莎和安大略相对,位于底特律河 上,大约长51公里(32英里)。底特律城于1701年由法国占领者建立,早在20世纪初期就以“世界汽车之都”而闻名。人口1,027,974 〔outset〕The outset of any major project can be difficult.任何主要方案实施的初期都可能会有困难〔Hohenlohe〕German princely family in existence since the 12th century. Its members held a number of important military and political positions in the 19th and early 20th centuries.霍恩洛亚:12世纪出现的德国皇族,其家族许多成员在19世纪及20世纪初期担任了军事及政治要职〔infancy〕An early stage of existence:初期:事物存在的早期:




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