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单词 判给
释义 〔award〕To give as legally due:判给:因司法判决给予:〔Mosul〕A city of northern Iraq on the Tigris River north-northwest of Baghdad. An important center on the historical caravan route across northern Mesopotamia, it became part of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century. Mosul was awarded to Iraq by the League of Nations in 1925. Population, 570,926.摩苏尔:伊拉克北部一城市,位于巴格达西北偏北的底格里斯河沿岸,是历史上穿越美索不达米亚北部的商队路线上的一个重要中心,16世纪成为奥斯曼帝国的一部分,在1925年被国际联盟判给伊拉克。人口570,926〔adjudge〕To award (damages, for example) by law.裁定,裁判:通过法律判给(例如,赔偿)〔adjudicate〕Latin adiūdicāre adiūdicāt- [to award to (judicially)] 拉丁语 adiūdicāre adiūdicāt- [(以司法角度)判给] 〔award〕awarded damages to the plaintiff.See Synonyms at grant 判给原告损害赔偿金 参见 grant〔Labrador〕The mainland territory of Newfoundland, Canada, on the northeast portion of the Labrador Peninsula. Its coastline was visited by Norse seamen as early as the tenth century. The area later became a possession of the Hudson's Bay Company and was eventually awarded to Newfoundland in 1927.拉布拉多:加拿大纽芬兰的陆地部分,位于拉布拉多半岛的东北部。早在10世纪,古代的斯堪的纳维亚的海员就曾到过这里的海岸。这一地区后来成为哈得逊湾公司的所有财产,并于1927年最终判给纽芬兰省




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