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单词 剧院
释义 〔bowl〕A bowl-shaped stadium or outdoor theater.碗状体育场或室外剧院〔Melba〕Australian soprano primarily with London's Covent Garden (1889-1926) and the Metropolitan Opera in New York City (1893-1911).梅尔巴,奈烈:(1861-1931) 澳大利亚花腔女高音歌唱家,主要在伦敦的科文特加登歌剧院(1889-1926年)及纽约的大都会剧院(1893-1911年)演唱歌剧〔usher〕One who is employed to escort people to their seats, as in a theater, church, or stadium.引座员:剧院里,教室里或体育馆内雇来领人们入座的人〔curtain〕The movable screen or drape in a theater or hall that separates the stage from the auditorium or that serves as a backdrop.幕布:在剧院或大厅内隔开舞台和观众或作为背景幕的可移动遮蔽物或帷幕〔routine〕A set piece of entertainment, especially in a nightclub or theater.固定的娱乐节目:尤指夜总会或剧院里的固定节目〔loge〕The front rows of the mezzanine in a theater.前座:剧院楼厅前排的座位〔Olivier〕British actor and director best known for his interpretations of Shakespeare's Othello and Richard III. He was knighted in 1947 for his contributions to the theater and directed the National Theatre of Great Britain from 1962 to 1973.奥利维尔,劳伦斯·克尔:(1907-1989) 英国演员和导演,以其对莎士比亚戏剧人物奥赛罗和查理三世的精彩表演而著称。由于他对于戏剧杰出的贡献,在1947年被授予爵士头衔,并且从1962年至1973年还执掌大不列颠国家剧院〔Soho〕A district of central London, England. Inhabited in the 17th century mainly by immigrants, it is known today for its restaurants, theaters, and nightclubs.梭霍区:英格兰伦敦中部的一个区,在17世纪居住的主要是移民,现在因其饭店、剧院和夜总会而闻名〔theater〕Those who have theories about the theater are no doubt quite observant,at least the etymology of the word leads one to think so.The wordstheory and theater are related in ancestry if we look back to the Greek sources of our words. The Greek ancestor oftheater is theatron, "a place for seeing, especially for dramatic representation, theater.” Theatron is derived quite logically from the verb theasthai, "to gaze at, contemplate, view as spectators, especially in the theater,” fromthea, "a viewing.” The Greek ancestor oftheory is theōria, which meant among other things"the sending oftheōroi (state ambassadors sent to consult oracles or attend games),” "the act of being a spectator at the theater or games,” "viewing,” "contemplation by the mind,” and "theory or speculation.” The source oftheōria, theōros, "an envoy sent to consult an oracle, spectator,” is a compound of thea, "viewing,” and -oros, "seeing.” Thus, viewing is at the root of a theory and the theater.有戏剧理论的人无疑是相当善于观察的,至少这个词的词源学让我们这么想。如果我们追溯它们的希腊词源,单词theory 和 theater 的起源相关。 theater 的希腊语前身是 theatron (“尤指看喜剧表演的地方,剧院”)。 theatreon 相当符合逻辑地来自动词 theasthai (“盯着,注视,观看,尤指在剧院作为观众”), 来自thea, “观看”。 theory 的希腊语前身是 theoria , 其意义介于其它几件事物之间,它们是“派遣theoroi (派出咨询神谕或参加竟技会的政府使节)”“在剧院或竞技会上作为观众的行为”,“观看”,“专心注视”,和“看法和推测”。 theoria,theoros (“派出咨询神谕的使节;观众”)是 thea (“观看”)和 -oros (“看见”)的复合词。 这样,观看是theory(理论)和theater(剧院)的根源〔Shubert〕American producer and theatrical manager. With his brothersSam (1876-1905) and Jacob (1880-1963) he formed a chain of theaters in a number of cities, most notably the Shubert Theater (opened 1913) in New York City. 舒伯特,李:(1873?-1953) 美国制版商与剧院经理,他和其兄弟萨姆 (1876-1905年)及 雅各 (1880-1963年)在一些城市中建成了一系列剧院,其中最著名的是纽约城中的舒伯特剧院(1913年开放) 〔shoehorn〕The usher shoehorned us into the back of the crowded theater.引座员把我们推进拥挤的剧院的后排〔Farrar〕American operatic soprano. A member of the Metropolitan Opera of New York (1906-1922), she was noted for her roles inCarmen and Madame Butterfly. 法拉尔,杰拉尔丁:(1882-1967) 美国女高音歌唱家。纽约首都剧院成员(1906-1922年),因在《卡门》 和 《蝴蝶夫人》 中扮演角色而受人瞩目 〔cloakroom〕A room where coats and other articles may be left temporarily, as in a theater or school. Also called coatroom 衣帽间:一个可以暂时存放大衣及其他物品的房间,如在剧院或学校里 也作 coatroom〔Wren〕English architect who designed more than 50 London churches, most notably Saint Paul's Cathedral (1675-1710). His secular works include the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford (1664-1669) and Trinity College Library in Cambridge (1676-1684).雷恩,克里斯托弗:(1632-1723) 英国建筑师,曾设计过五十多座伦敦教堂,最著名的是圣保罗大教堂(1675-1710年)。他的非宗教类作品包括牛津的谢尔顿剧院(1664-1669年)和剑桥大学的三一学院图书馆(1676-1684年)〔tidbit〕"The book is chock-full of colorful tidbits about theater and theater people"(Alec Guinness)“这本书里充满了关于剧院剧院里的人的有趣琐事”(亚历克·吉尼斯)〔dramatic〕Characterized by or expressive of the action or emotion associated with drama or the theatre:戏剧性的:具有或表现出使人联想起戏剧或剧院的特点的行为或情感的:〔scenic〕Of or relating to the stage, stage scenery, or theatrical representation:舞台布景的:属于或关于舞台、舞台场景或剧院代表的:〔loggia〕An open balcony in a theater.剧院里开敞的楼座〔exit〕an emergency exit in a theater; took the second exit on the throughway.剧院的紧急出口;走高速公路的第二个出口〔balcony〕A gallery that projects over the main floor in a theater or an auditorium.包厢:从剧院或礼堂的主层上伸出的楼座〔theatrical〕Abbr. theat.Of, relating to, or suitable for dramatic performance or the theater.缩写 theat.剧场的;演剧的:有关或适于戏剧表演或剧院〔orchestra〕The front section of seats nearest the stage in a theater.头等席:剧院中靠近舞台的前排座位〔Henslowe〕English theatrical manager who founded the Rose Theatre in London (1587). His business journal provides insight into the world of Elizabethan drama.亨斯洛,菲利普:(卒于 1616) 英国剧院经理人。他在伦敦创建了玫瑰剧院(1587年)。他的工作日志使人们能深入地了解伊莉莎白时代的戏剧世界〔gallery〕The cheapest seats in a theater, generally those of the uppermost gallery.顶层楼座:剧院中最便宜的座席,尤指最高层楼座〔empty〕The theater emptied after the performance.表演结束后剧院空无一人〔backstage〕Of, relating to, occurring in, or situated behind the performing area of a theater.在剧院后台的:是、有关、发生在或位于剧场表演场地后面的〔prop〕A theatrical property.道具:剧院的财产〔Keene〕British-born actress and the first major woman theatrical producer in the United States. She performed inOur American Cousin at Ford's Theater on the night of Abraham Lincoln's assassination (April 14, 1865). 基涅,劳拉:(1826?-1873) 英裔女演员,美国最早的主要戏剧制作人。林肯遇刺(1865年4月14号)当晚她正在福特剧院上演《我们的美国表兄》 〔Obie〕An award that is given annually for exceptional achievement in off-Broadway theater.奥比奖:每年向纽约外百老汇剧院的杰出成就颁发的奖〔diner〕midnight diners enjoying the meal after the theater.在剧院散场后半夜进餐的就餐者〔Giulini〕Italian conductor best known for his work conducting opera. He served as conductor at La Scala in Milan (1951-1956) and Covent Garden in London (1958-1967) prior to leading the Los Angeles Philharmonic (1978-1984).朱利尼,卡罗·玛利亚:意大利指挥家,以其指挥歌剧的作品最为著称于世,在领导洛杉矶爱乐交响乐团(1978至1984年)之前,他曾经服务于米兰史卡拉交响乐团(1951至1956年)及位于伦敦哥芬特花园剧院(1958至1967年)担任指挥〔parquet〕The part of the main floor of a theater between the orchestra pit and the parquet circle.剧场正厅座位:剧院正厅中乐池与楼方锯厢下的部位之间的部分〔headline〕The Palace Theater headlines a magician.皇宫剧院大力推出一位魔术师〔lobby〕A hall, foyer, or waiting room at or near the entrance to a building, such as a hotel or theater.门厅:靠接旅馆或剧院等建筑入口处的大厅、门厅或休息室〔Goebbels〕German Nazi propaganda minister (1933-1945) who exploited the German radio, press, cinema, and theater to launch propaganda against the Jews and other groups. Intensely loyal to Hitler, he killed his family and himself after Germany's defeat.格贝尔斯,(保罗)约瑟夫:(1897-1945) 德国纳粹宣传部长(1933-1945年),他利用德军电台、新闻媒介、电影和剧院发动反对犹太人和其他团体的政治宣传。极端忠实于希特勒,德国战败后他杀掉全家并自杀〔feature〕The main film presentation at a theater.正片:剧院上映的主要影片〔repertory〕A theater in which a resident company presents works from a specified repertoire, usually in alternation.定期换演剧目的剧场:常驻剧团通常交替在此上演确定的保留剧目中的作品的剧院〔stagecraft〕Skill in the techniques and devices of the theater.舞台技术,演出技术:在剧院技术或装置方面的技巧〔butcher〕A vender, especially one on a train or in a theater.小贩:尤指在火车上或剧院里卖糖果的小贩〔orchestra〕The area in a theater or concert hall where the musicians sit, immediately in front of and below the stage.乐池:在剧院或音乐厅里器乐演奏者的位置,紧靠舞台前部并略低于舞台




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