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单词 劈开
释义 〔clever〕Being too clever is thought to be unwise,and support for this popular notion may be afforded by the fact that the devil seems to have been the first "clever" one in English.The source of our wordclever is probably the Middle English word cliver, recorded only once in a work written before 1250,in which it is said that the devil is "cliver on sinnes.”This means something like "skillful in respect to sins.”Cliver probably goes back to the Indo-European root gleubh-, "to cut, cleave.” Although the intermediate ancestry ofcliver is unclear, the semantic connection has to do with penetration or incisiveness—that is, cutting through to the heart of the matter,just as a woodcarver cuts through material in order to realize a certain vision.太聪明被认为是愚蠢的,英语中魔鬼被认为是第一“聪明的”,这一事实可能是这一普遍概念的例证。clever 的词源可能是中世纪英语单词 cliver , 仅在一本1250年以前写的著作中出现过一次,书中说魔鬼“在犯罪方面很聪明”。这个含义有些类似于“在犯罪方面很有本事。”Cliver 可以追溯到印欧词根 gleubh- “切、削”。 虽然cliver 的中介来源尚不清楚, 但语义的联系肯定与穿透力或透彻性有关--即穿透事物的本质,就象木工劈开材料以了解其内在材质〔nuthatch〕[perhaps of Germanic origin (from its habit of wedging nuts in bark and hacking them open)] [可能源于德语(因其将坚果楔入树皮中并把它劈开,所以得名)] 〔split〕To divide from end to end or along the grain by or as if by a sharp blow.See Synonyms at tear 1劈开、切开:从一端到另一端分开,或沿着劈线分开,或以锋利一击劈开 参见 tear1〔splat〕Perhaps from Middle English splatten [to split open] 可能源自 中古英语 splatten [劈开] 〔sputum〕Latin spūtum [from neuter past participle of] spuere [to spit] 拉丁语 spūtum 源自spuere的中性过去分词 [劈开] 〔cleavage〕The act of splitting or cleaving.劈开劈开或撕裂的动作〔tear〕"They [wood stumps] warmed me twice— once while I was splitting them,and again when they were on the fire" (Henry David Thoreau). “它们[木桩] 使我温暖了两次—— 一次是当我劈开它们时,另一次是当它们正烧着的时候” (亨利·戴维·梭罗)。〔septicidal〕Dehiscing by splitting along or through the septa. Used of a seed capsule.室间开裂的:通过沿着中隔或通过中隔劈开而裂开的,用于种皮〔sleave〕from slāf [past tense of] slīfan [to split] 源自 slāf slīfan的过去时 [劈开] 〔split〕To break, burst, or rip apart with force; rend.See Synonyms at break 劈开,爆开,用力撕开;撕开 参见 break〔pinnatifid〕Divided or cleft in a pinnate fashion. Used of certain leaves.羽状半裂的:羽状分裂或劈开的。用来指某种叶子〔trifid〕findere fid- [to split] findere fid- [劈开] 〔spring〕To become warped, split, or cracked. Used of wood.翘曲,劈开,裂开:变得翘曲、劈开或裂开。用于木材〔break〕split the log with an ax;用斧子劈开木头;〔cleave〕To split with or as if with a sharp instrument.See Synonyms at tear 1劈开:用或类似于用锋利的工具劈开 参见 tear1〔wedge〕To split or force apart with or as if with a wedge.楔入,劈开:用或好象用楔子劈开或使分裂〔cleave〕cleave a path through the ice.从冰中劈开一条通路〔separate〕Divide implies separation by or as if by cutting, splitting, or branching into parts, portions, or shares;the term is often used to refer to separation into opposing or hostile groups: Divide 暗示通过或好象通过切开、劈开或分割形成几部分、几份额或几份来分离;这个词经常用来指分离成相对的或敌对的组: 〔cleavage〕The state of being split or cleft; a fissure or division.分裂,裂缝:劈开或裂开的状态;裂缝或分裂




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