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单词 力量
释义 〔analcime〕alkimos [brave] from alkē [strength] alkimos [勇敢的] 源自 alkē [力量] 〔nature〕The forces and processes that produce and control all the phenomena of the material world:自然力:产生和控制所有物质世界现象的力量和进程:〔sting〕A stinging power, quality, or capacity.刺伤力:叮或刺的力量,特点或能力〔corrupt〕was corrupted by limitless power;被无限的力量所毁坏;〔efficacy〕Power or capacity to produce a desired effect; effectiveness.效验:产生预期效果的力量或能力;效力〔neutralize〕"American life is a powerful solvent. It seems to neutralize every intellectual element . . . and to fuse it in the native good will, complacency, thoughtlessness, and optimism" (George Santayana).“美国人的生活是一种强大的不断对事物进行削弱的力量,它好象在抵销一切智力因素…使其同民族精神、自信心、无私奉献精神和乐观主义精神融合起来” (乔治·桑塔亚那)。〔Brahman〕A religious formula or prayer and the holy or sacred power in it and in the officiating priest.婆罗门:一种宗教仪式或祈祷及其与执行僧侣所具有神圣的力量〔languid〕Lacking vigor or force; slow:疲倦的:缺乏活力或力量的;缓慢的:〔religious〕These adjectives mean having or showing a belief in and veneration for God or a divine power, especially as it is reflected in the practice of religion.这些形容词都意味着有或显示出对上帝或神圣力量的信仰和尊敬,特别反映在宗教行为上。〔insignificant〕Lacking power, position, or value; worthy of little regard.缺少力量、职位或价值的;不值得一提的〔Midas〕The fabled king of Phrygia to whom Dionysus gave the power of turning to gold all that he touched.迈达斯:传说中的弗里吉亚国王,酒神狄俄尼索斯赐给他一种力量使他能够把他用手触摸的任何东西变成金子〔invoke〕To call on (a higher power) for assistance, support, or inspiration:乞灵:祈求(一种更高的力量)给予帮助,支持,或灵感:〔skirmish〕A minor battle in war, as one between small forces or between large forces avoiding direct conflict.小规模战斗:战争中的小规模战斗,如发生在小股力量之间或避免直接冲突的大部队之间的战斗〔drive〕To move along or advance quickly as if pushed by an impelling force.猛冲:迅速地移动仿佛被强迫力量推动〔unsubstantial〕Lacking firmness or strength; flimsy.脆弱的:缺乏坚强或力量的;脆弱的〔beneath〕Under the force, control, or influence of.在…力量、控制或影响之下〔demon〕A persistently tormenting person, force, or passion:邪恶的事物,邪念:不断驱使人的人、力量或情感:〔confidence〕"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face" (Eleanor Roosevelt). “每当你经历一次真正的危险,你的力量、勇气和信心就会增加一次” (爱琳娜·罗斯怀特)。〔ladylike〕Lacking virility or strength.缺乏男子气概和力量〔intense〕Extreme in degree, strength, or size:极端的,强烈的:在程度、力量或体积是特别的:〔deindustrialize〕To cause (a nation or an area) to lose industrial capability or strength:减低工业生产力:使(一个国家或地区)丧失工业能力或工业力量〔preponderance〕Superiority in weight, force, importance, or influence.优势:重量、力量、重要性或影响力方面的优势〔dyne〕From Greek dunamis [power] * see dynamic 源自 希腊语 dunamis [力量] * 参见 dynamic〔bewitch〕To place under one's power by or as if by magic; cast a spell over.迷惑:通过或似通过魔力施加某人力量;用符咒迷惑〔transcend〕To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass:胜过:比…大,如在强度或力量上,超过:〔plow〕To make or form with driving force:费力穿过:以驱动的力量做或形成:〔dominate〕To control, govern, or rule by superior authority or power:支配:以权威或力量控制、支配或统治:〔zip〕To give speed and force to.给予…速度和力量〔mesmerism〕When the members of an audience sit mesmerized by a speaker,their reactions do not take the form of dancing, sleeping, or falling into convulsions.But if Franz Anton Mesmer were addressing the audience,such behavior could be expected.Mesmer, a visionary 18th-century physician,believed cures could be effected by having patients do thingssuch as sit with their feet in a fountain of magnetized waterwhile holding cables attached to magnetized trees.Mesmer then came to believe that magnetic powers resided in himself,and during highly fashionable curative sessions in Parishe caused his patients to have reactions ranging from sleeping or dancing to convulsions.These reactions were actually brought about by hypnotic powers that Mesmer was unaware he possessed.One of his pupils, named Puységur, then used the termmesmerism (first recorded in English in 1802) for Mesmer's practices. The related wordmesmerize (first recorded in English in 1829), having shed its reference to the hypnotic doctor, lives on in the sense "to enthrall.”当一群观众被一位演讲者深深吸引时,他们的反应方式不会是舞蹈、睡眠或哄堂大笑。但是如果换了弗兰茨·奥顿·梅斯梅尔来给这群听众作演讲的话,那么这些行为是有可能发生的。梅斯梅尔,这位18世纪眼光远大的医师,认为可以通过诸如以下方法来治疗疾病,即让病人把脚放在有磁性的水中,同时手执与磁力场相连接的电线。此后,梅斯梅尔又认为他自己体内就存在着磁力,并且他在巴黎推行他的治疗方法的过程中,他又使他的病人们作出了睡眠、舞蹈直至抽搐等各种反应。这些反应实际上是他所拥有的催眠力导致的,但他自己却不知道自己拥有这样的力量。后来,梅斯梅尔的一个叫做皮勒塞格尔的学生采用了mesmerism (在英语中始见于1802年)这一字眼来给梅斯梅尔的治疗方法命名。 另一相关词汇mesmerize (在英语中始见于1829年)则摒弃了与这位催眠医师的关系, 现在这个词意是“迷惑住”〔soften〕To undermine or reduce the strength, morale, or resistance of.使软弱:破坏或削弱…的力量、士气或抵抗〔cramp〕A compressing or restraining force, influence, or thing.约束,束缚:压缩或限制的力量、影响或事物〔deadlock〕A standstill resulting from the opposition of two unrelenting forces or factions.僵局,僵持:由两种僵持不下的力量或派别的对立而形成的僵局〔indwell〕To inhabit or reside within as such a spirit, force, or principle.存在于…之中:如精神、力量或本性存在于…之中〔sinew〕The source or mainstay of vitality and strength. Often used in the plural:力量源泉:活力和力量的来源和主要支柱常用于复数中:〔crew〕Middle English creue [military reinforcement] 中古英语 creue [加强军事力量] 〔force〕A capacity for affecting the mind or behavior; efficacy:说服力,有效力:影响思想或行为的力量;有效力:〔relieve〕Mitigate andpalliate connote moderating the severity, force, or intensity of something that causes suffering: Mitigate 和palliate 都意味着减弱造成痛苦的事物严重性、力量或强度: 〔counterforce〕A contrary or opposing force, especially a military force capable of destroying the nuclear armaments of an enemy.反力,阻力:一种相反或对立的力量,尤指能够摧毁敌人核军事装备的军事力量〔relinquish〕Abandon andsurrender agree in implying no expectation of returning to or recovering what is given up, but the terms differ in thatsurrender implies the operation of compulsion, demand, or force: Abandon 和surrender 在意味不存在已失去的东西的回归或恢复的希望时是一致的, 但是这两个词的区别是surrender 意味着强迫、命令或力量之下的行动: 〔synergy〕The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.协同作用:两种或多种动力或力量的相互作用,以便其联合效果大于各单独作用之和




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