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单词 加入联盟
释义 〔Ontario〕Abbr. ON,Ont.A province of east-central Canada. It joined the confederation in 1867. First visited by French explorers in the early 1600's, it passed to the British in 1763 and became part of the province of Quebec in 1774. It was called Upper Canada after its division from Quebec (then Lower Canada) in 1791. Reunited with Lower Canada in 1841, it became a separate province with the formation of the confederation. Toronto is the capital and the largest city. Population, 8,625,107.缩写 ON,Ont.安大略省:加拿大中东部的一个省,1867年加入联盟。最初是在17世纪由法国探险家发现,1763年转入英国人手里,1774年成为魁北克省的一部分。在1791年脱离魁北克省时称为上层加拿大(之后称下层),在1841年和下层加拿大合并成为一个具有联盟形式的独立省份。多伦多是其首府,也是最大的城市。人口8,625,107〔league〕To bring together in or as if in a league.使加入或象加入联盟〔league〕To come together in or as if in a league.加入或象加入联盟〔Newfoundland〕A province of eastern Canada including the island ofNewfoundland and nearby islands and the mainland area of Labrador with its adjacent islands. Newfoundland joined the confederation in 1949. Vikings probably visited the region c. 1000, but the area was not known to European fishermen and explorers until John Cabot's voyages in the late 15th century. England claimed Newfoundland in 1583, although the claims were disputed by France until the Treaty of Paris (1763). The province of Quebec continued to claim Labrador until 1927. St. John's is the capital and the largest city. Population, 567,681. 纽芬兰:加拿大东部的一个省,包括纽芬兰岛 和附近岛屿以及拉布多的主要陆地和附属岛屿。纽芬兰1949年加入联盟。北欧海盗可能在公元1000年到过此地,但是欧洲的渔民和探险家到15世纪晚期约翰·开普特的运航之后才知道这个地区。1583年英格兰宣称纽芬兰属英国,尽管这个宣告在《巴黎和约》(1763年)前一直遭到法国的反对。魁北克省在1927年前一直宣布占有拉布拉多。圣·约翰是纽芬兰的首都和最大城市。人口567,681 〔collogue〕of colleague [to enter into an alliance] colleague的变化 [加入联盟] 〔confederacy〕The persons, parties, or states joined in such a union.同盟成员:加入联盟的个人、党派或国家〔Fujairah〕A sheikdom of the United Arab Emirates on the Gulf of Oman. It joined the federation in 1971. Population, 32,191.富查伊拉:阿曼湾的阿拉伯联合酋长国成员。1971年加入联盟。人口32,191




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