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单词 加强语气
释义 〔even〕Indeed; moreover. Used as an intensive:甚至:甚至,连…,用于加强语气〔blessed〕blessed Used as an intensive: blessed 用作一个加强语气词:〔precisely〕Used as an intensive:用作加强语气的词:〔damned〕Used as an intensive:无比地,非常地:用作加强语气词:〔roaring〕Used as an intensive:用作加强语气词:〔incalescent〕in- [intensive pref.] * see in- 2in- [多用于加强语气] * 参见 in-2〔corking〕Used as an intensive:作为加强语气的语言成分:〔last〕Used as an intensive:用于加强语气〔whopping〕Used as an intensive:异常地,格外地:用于加强语气〔even〕To a greater degree or extent. Used as an intensive with comparative adjectives and adverbs:更加:至一更深的程度,比…更,与形容词或副词的比较级连用,加强语气〔prodigious〕No one would now say, as did a character in Fanny Burney'sEvelina (1778), "You are prodigiously kind!”But this utterance, exclamation point and all,illustrates two important points about intensives, linguistic elements,such asextremely or awfully, that provide force or emphasis.One point is that we press words that originally had other meanings into service as intensives.Prodigiously is an adverb formed on prodigious, which meant such things as "ominous, amazing, enormous,” going back to the Latinprōdigiōsus, "portentous, marvelous, unnatural.”Prodigiously, first recorded in 1595, meant "portentously, ominously,”and was later used to mean "wonderfully, astonishingly,”therefore making a perfect candidate for use as an intensive.The other point about intensives illustrated byprodigiously is that they go in and out of fashion. The character inEvelina used prodigiously in a way that was no doubt very stylish; no one would find it so today.Perhaps the main reason for such shifts in the use of these intensives is that once they have been used for a whilethey no longer intensify.现在没有人会象芬妮·伯尼的小说埃维莉娜 (1778年)中的人物那样说, “您真是太好了!”但这种说法,感叹号和全句,说明了关于加强语气的重要两点,如extremely 或 awfully 这样的语言要素, 具有加强语气或表示强调的作用。要点之一是我们把一些最初有其他意思的词当作了加强语气的词来使用。Prodigiously 是在意为“不祥的,惊人的,巨大的”的形容词 prodigious 基础上形成的副词, 可追溯到拉丁词prodigiosus, 意思是“不祥的,奇异的,不自然的。”Prodigiously 最早记录于1595年, 意为“预兆性地,不祥地,”后来意为“奇妙地,惊人地,”因此很适于用作强调词。Prodigiously 说明的关于强调词的另一个要点是这些词流行一时然后就过时了。 埃维莉娜 中的人物使用 prodigiously 的方式无疑是很时髦的; 但今天已没有人这样用了。或许这些强调词用法变换的主要原因是一旦这些词被使用了一段时间后,其加强语气或强调作用就不再明显了〔parget〕from Old French pargeter, parjeter [to throw about] par- [intensive pref.] from Latin per * see per 1 jeter [to throw] from Latin iactāre [frequentative of] iacere * see yē- 源自 古法语 pargeter, parjeter [盖住] par- [加强语气的前缀] 源自 拉丁语 per * 参见 per 1 jeter [喷射] 源自 拉丁语 iactāre iacere的重复动词 * 参见 yē- 〔deserve〕dē- [intensive pref.] * see de- dē- [加强语气的前缀] * 参见 de-〔world〕Used as an intensive:用作加强语气词:〔royal〕Used as an intensive:用于加强语气〔heckuva〕Used as an intensive:用以加强语气〔damned〕Used as an intensive:十足的,该死的:用作加强语气词:〔combustion〕blend of com- [intensive pref.] * see com- 混合了 com- [加强语气的前缀] * 参见 com-〔frigging〕Used as an intensive.该死的:用作加强语气的词〔blasted〕Used as an intensive:非常讨厌的:用作加强语气词:〔resent〕When we read the statement "Should we not be monstrously ingratefull if we did not deeply resent such kindness?” (from theSermons of Isaac Barrow, written before 1677), we may be pardoned for momentarily thinking we are in never-never land.For a time ranging roughly from the last part of the 17th century to the second half of the 18th,the wordresent did refer to gratefulness and appreciation as well as injury and insult. Resent has also been used in other senses that seem strange to us, such as "to feel pain" or "to perceive by smell.”The thread that ties the senses together is the notion of feeling or perceiving.The Old French source of our word,resentir, "to feel strongly,” is made up of the prefix re-, acting in this case as an intensive, and sentir, "to feel or perceive.” There is much that one can feel,but at least for now this word has narrowed its focus to a feeling of indignation.当我们读到“假如我们对这种仁慈不深表感激,我们就应该极度地忘恩负义吗”(选自伊萨克·巴罗的启示 ,写于1677年以前)这一叙述时, 我们瞬间地想到我们处于人烟稀少的边远地区就可以得到原谅了。在大致从17世纪后期到18世纪下半期这段时间内,resent 一词确实意指感激和赏识,同时又可以指伤害和侮辱。 Resent 还可以用于在我们看来很古怪的其它意义上, 如“感到痛楚”或“通过气味感知”等。把这些意义联结在一起的线是感觉或感知的概念。该词意为“强烈地感觉”的古法语语源resentir 是由用于加强语气的前缀 re- 以及意为“感觉或感知”的 sentir, 构成的。 可以感觉到的东西很多,但至少现在这个词的重点用法已被集中于愤怒的感觉〔sucker〕An unspecified thing. Used as a generalized term of reference, often as an intensive:不特定之物:未指明的事物用来作为一种概括的引证,通常用来强调或加强语气〔tight〕Tight is used as an adverb following verbs that denote a process of closure or constriction, assqueeze, shut, close, tie, and hold. In this useit is subtly distinct from the adverbtightly. Tight denotes the state resulting from the process,whereastightly denotes the manner of its application. As such,tight is more appropriate when the focus is on a state that endures for some time after the activity has ended. The sentenceShe closed up the house tight suggests preparation for an impending blizzard. By the same token, it is more natural to sayThe windows were frozen tight than The windows were frozen tightly, since in this case the tightness of the seal is not likely to be the result of the manner in which the windows were frozen.With a few verbstight is used idiomatically as an intensive and is the only possible form: sleep tight; sit tight. Tight can be used only following the verb:The house was tightly (not tight ) shut. Tight 作副词用在表示关闭或压迫过程的动词后, 如squeeze,shut,close,tie 和 hold 。 在这种用法中,它与副词tightly有细微的差别。 Tight 表示过程导致的状态,而tightly 表示使用这些动作的方式。 因此,当焦点放在动作结束后仍然能持续一段时间的状态时,用tight 更为恰当。 句子她把房子的门窗紧紧地关起来 中表示准备迎接即将来到的暴风雪。 同样,我们说The windows were frozen tight 比 The windows were frozen tightly 更为自然, 因为这里的密封不大可能是窗子被冻上的结果。tight 还与几个动词结合惯用为加强语气的成分,且是唯一可能的形式: sleep tight; sit tight。 Tight 只能用于动词后:房子紧紧地 (而非 tight ) 关闭着 。 〔sucker〕A person. Used as a generalized term of reference, often as an intensive:强调“人”:一种概括的说法,通常用来强调或加强语气〔damned〕There are many regional variants, mostly euphemisms, fordamned, both as an oath and as a mild intensive. Southern exclamations and intensives tend to begin withdad-, a euphemism for "god"—hencedadblamed, dadblasted, dadburn, and dadgum. Dadgum can be combined withit in the interjection dadgummit. Another such euphemism is the better knowndoggone, probably originally Southern but now widespread.Likedadgum, doggone is used as a mild intensive: "The best doggone deals in Alabama" (billboard in Montgomery). Doggone likewise appears in phrasal interjections: Doggonit, I dropped my hammer. A common regional variant ofdamned is durn, also euphemistic and relatively mild,as in this snatch of Baltimore dialogue: "If that's not just the weirdest durn thing I ever laid eyes on" (Anne Tyler).作为诅咒和轻度的加强语气词,damned 有许多宗教上的替换形式,其中大多为委婉语。 南方人的感叹词和加强语气词倾向于以dad- 作为开始, “上帝”的一种委婉说法——因而出现dadblamed,dadblasted,dadburn 和 dadgum。 Dadgum 在感叹词dadgummit 中,可与 it 结合在一起。 另一个这样的委婉词比doggone 知道的人更多, 可能最初为南方人使用而现在已普遍应用了。象dadgum,daggone 被用作轻度的加强语气词: “亚拉巴马最好的交易” (蒙哥马利的大型广告牌)。 Daggone 同样也出现在短语感叹词: 他妈的,我弄掉了锤子。 dammed 是 durn 的一个常见局部性的变体, 它也是一个委婉语且相对较轻,正如巴尔的摩的几句对话中出现的: 如果那不是最奇特的东西,我绝不会看一眼的 (安妮·泰勒)〔corrival〕com- [intensive pref.] * see com- com- [加强语气的前缀] * 参见 com-〔colluvium〕com- [intensive pref.] * see com- com- [加强语气前缀] * 参见 com-〔however〕In what way. Used as an intensive ofhow : 怎样。用作how 的加强语气词: 〔commence〕Latin com- [intensive pref.] * see com- 拉丁语 com- [加强语气的前缀] * 参见 com-〔boiling〕Used as an intensive:极其,非常:用作加强语气的词:〔bloody〕Used as an intensive:用作加强语气〔bejesus〕Used as an intensive:的确:用作加强语气的词:〔implement〕in- [intensive pref.] * see in- 2in- [加强语气的前辍] * 参见 in-2〔sforzando〕s- [intensive pref.] from Latin ex- * see ex- s- [加强语气的前缀] 源自 拉丁语 ex- * 参见 ex-〔himself〕Used for emphasis:他本人:作为强调,加强语气〔rousing〕Used as an intensive:用于加强语气〔fucking〕Used as an intensive.该死的:用于加强语气〔comfort〕Latin com- [intensive pref.] * see com- 拉丁语 com- [加强语气的前缀] * 参见 com-〔right〕Used as an intensive:用干加强语气〔commend〕com- [intensive pref.] * see com- com- [加强语气的前缀] * 参见 com-




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