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单词 勉强
释义 〔juggle〕To have difficulty holding; balance insecurely:拿不稳,失去平衡:勉为其难地支住;使…勉强保持平衡:〔disinclined〕Unwilling or reluctant:不愿的或勉强的:〔kiss〕barely kissed the other car with the bumper.保险杆勉强擦过另外一辆车〔lifestyle〕As such, the word has won the occasionally grudging acceptance of the Usage Panel.Fifty-three percent of the Panelists accepts the word in the sentenceBohemian attitudes toward conventional society have been outstripped and outdated by the lifestyles of millions of young people, and fully 70 percent accepts the word in the sentenceSalaries in the Bay Area may be higher, but it may cost employees as much as 30 percent more to maintain their lifestyles, where the economic context makes more apparent the need for a word that denotes categories based on consumption practices.基于这些,这个词获得了用法委员会偶尔略显勉强的承认。53%的专家小组成员接受这个词在句子千百万年轻人的生活方式超越了对于传统社会的放荡不羁的态度,并使之过时 中的用法, 70%的专家小组成员接受其在句子旧金山湾地区的薪水可能高一些,但员工们需要多于30%的薪水来维持其生活 中的使用。 在这里,简练的语境明显地需要一个基于消费习惯的表示分类的词〔fashion〕In some way or other, especially to a limited extent:勉强,马马虎虎:多少有一点儿,特指在某种受限制的范围内:〔disinclination〕A lack of inclination; a mild aversion or reluctance.不愿,厌恶:缺少爱好;比较厌恶或勉强〔fashion〕She sings after a fashion.她勉强会唱一点〔reluctance〕The state of being reluctant; unwillingness.勉强勉强的状态;不情愿〔squeeze〕To manage narrowly to pass, win, or survive.险胜,幸存:勉强经过,通过,取胜或生存〔undisposed〕Disinclined; unwilling:不愿意的;勉强的:〔near〕Just barely avoided:勉强的:好容易才避免的:〔unnatural〕Contrived or constrained; artificial:勉强的:做作的或抑制的;不自然的:〔reluct〕To show reluctance or repugnance.不情愿:显示出勉强或者厌恶〔ungenerous〕Slow or reluctant in giving, forgiving, or sharing; stingy.吝啬的;不大方的:在给予、原谅或分配上慢的或勉强的;吝啬的〔intent〕from intentus [attentive to, strained] [from past participle of] intendere [to direct attention] * see intend 源自 intentus [专心于,勉强的] 源自intendere的过去分词 [注意] * 参见 intend〔skirt〕To pass close to; miss narrowly: 避开:接近;勉强错过:〔cough〕To hand over or relinquish (money or another possession), often reluctantly.勉强交出:掏出或放弃(金钱或其他财产),通常是不情愿地〔reluctant〕Exhibiting or marked by unwillingness:勉强的:显示出或标志着不情愿的:〔forced〕Produced under strain; not spontaneous:被迫的,勉强的:在压力下产生的;不自然的:〔forced〕forced laughter.See Usage Note at forceful 勉强的笑声 参见 forceful〔grudging〕Reluctant; unwilling.不情愿的;勉强〔reticence〕The state or quality of being reluctant; unwillingness.勉强,不愿:不愿意的状态或品质;勉强〔kludge〕A system, especially a computer system, that is constituted of poorly matched elements or of elements originally intended for other applications.杂牌电脑,组装机:由勉强搭配的元件或原本用于其它用途的元件组成的系统,尤其指电脑系统〔take〕To accept (something owed, offered, or given) either reluctantly or willingly:接受:勉强的或情愿地接受(所欠的、提供的或给予的某物):〔come〕The children came reluctantly when I insisted.在我坚持下,孩子们勉强来了〔premiere〕In entertainment contextsthe verbpremiere has by now become the standard way of saying "to introduce to the public,” at least partly because of its ubiquitous use on television.Over the past 20 yearsthis use has won the sometimes grudging acceptance of the Usage Panel.The exampleThe Philharmonic will premiere works by two young Americans was acceptable to 51 percent of the Panelists in the most recent survey, up from 14 percent in 1969.But only 10 percent of the Panelists in the most recent survey accepted extension of the verb to nonentertainment contexts,as in Last fall the school premiered new degree programs in word processing and accounting. 在娱乐场合下,动词premiere 现在已经成为表示“介绍给公众”的标准说法, 这至少在某种程度上是由于它在电视上广泛地使用。在过去的二十年里,这一用法已经赢得了用法专题使用小组的有时勉强的接受。例句交响乐曲将让两个美国年轻人首次出演其作品 在最近的一次调查中已经被51%小组成员接受了, 比1969年的14%有所提高。但在这次调查中只有10%的成员接受将此用法扩展至非娱乐性场合,如去年秋天学校首次推出字处理和会计两门新的学位课程 〔half〕In a reluctant manner; unenthusiastically.不热情地:采取一种勉强的态度;不热情地〔reticent〕Reluctant; unwilling.不情愿的;勉强




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