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单词 勘探
释义 〔dowser〕A person who uses a divining rod to search for underground water or minerals.勘探队员:运用探测竿勘探地下水或矿物的人〔explore〕To search into or travel in for the purpose of discovery:勘探:为有所发现而进行的探测或旅行:〔Vermont〕A state of the northeast United States bordering on Canada. It was admitted as the 14th state in 1791. Explored by Samuel de Champlain in 1609, the region was first permanently settled by the British in 1724. Claims to the area were relinquished by Massachusetts in 1781, New Hampshire in 1782, and New York in 1790. Montpelier is the capital and Burlington the largest city. Population, 564,964.佛蒙特州:美国东北部的一个州,与加拿大接壤。它于1791年被接受为美国的第十四个州。1609年塞缪尔·德·查普兰勘探了这个地区,1724年英国人在该地区永远定居了下来。马萨诸塞州、新罕布什尔州和纽约州于1781年、1782年和1790年相继放弃了对这个地区的权利。该州首府为蒙彼利埃,伯林顿是最大的城市。人口564,964〔locator〕One that locates, as a person who fixes the boundaries of mining claims.勘探地界者:定位的人,如一个确立矿区申请购买地边界的人〔Arizona〕A state of the southwest United States on the Mexican border. It was admitted as the 48th state in 1912. First explored by the Spanish in 1539, the area was acquired by the United States in 1848 through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Phoenix is the capital and the largest city. Population, 3,677,985.亚利桑那:美国西南部一个州,与墨西哥接壤。1912年成为美国第48个州。西班牙人首次在1539年到此勘探,1848年通过瓜达卢佩-伊达尔戈条约该地区划归美国。菲尼克斯为该州首府和最大城市。人口3,677,985〔York〕A cape of northwest Greenland in northern Baffin Bay. It was used as an exploration base by Robert E. Peary, who discovered its famous iron meteorites.约克角:格林兰岛西北一海角,位于巴芬湾北部,在此地发现著名铁陨星的罗伯特·E.·皮里将这作为一勘探基地〔Idaho〕A state of the northwest United States. It was admitted as the 43rd state in 1890. First explored by the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1805, the region was held jointly by Great Britain and the United States from 1818 to 1846. Idaho became a separate territory in 1863. Boise is the capital and the largest city. Population, 1,011,986.爱达荷州:美国西北部的一个州。1890年作为第四十三个州加入美国。1805年刘易斯和克拉克考察队第一次勘探了该州,从1818至1846年,该地区由英国和美国共管。1863年成为一个独立的国家。博伊西是该州首府。人口1,011,986〔picket〕A pointed stake often driven into the ground to support a fence, secure a tent, tether animals, mark points in surveying, or, when pointed at the top, serve as a defense.尖木桩:通常插入地面的尖木桩,用来支撑篱笆、固定帐篷、拴动物,在勘探时作标记,当尖头在顶端时则用作防御工具〔prospector〕One who explores an area for mineral deposits or oil.探矿者:勘探一个地区是否有矿藏或石油的人〔explorer〕An implement or a tool used for exploring; a probe.勘探器,探测器:一种用于考察或勘探的器具或工具;探测器〔cruise〕To inspect in order to determine lumber yield.勘探木材产量:勘查以探明木材产量




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