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单词 匍匐
释义 〔restharrow〕Any of several Old World plants of the genusOnonis, having woody stems, axillary pink or purplish flowers, and trifoliate leaves with dentate leaflets. 匍匐芒柄花:一种芒柄花 属的东半球植物,具有木质茎,腋生的粉红或略呈紫色的花,及具有齿状小叶的三层复叶 〔carpetweed〕A prostrate, mat-forming annual plant(Mollugo verticillata) widespread as a weed throughout North America and having whorled leaves and small, greenish-white flowers. 轮生粟米草:一种(轮生粟米草 粟米草属 ) 属匍匐的、可做草席的一年生杂草,广泛分布在北美洲,生有轮生叶和细小的绿白色花 〔reptant〕Latin rēptāns rēptant- [present participle of] rēptāre [to creep] [frequentative of] rēpere 拉丁语 rēptāns rēptant- rēptāre的现在分词 [匍匐] rēpere的重复动词 〔creep〕To move with the body close to the ground, as on hands and knees.匍匐,爬行:躯体贴着地面爬行,如用手和膝盖〔zoysia〕Any of several creeping grasses of the genusZoysia, native to southeast Asia and New Zealand and widely cultivated for lawns. 结缕草:一种结缕草 属的匍匐草,原产于东南亚和新西兰,而且作为草场被广泛培植 〔cowberry〕A low, creeping, evergreen shrub(Vaccinium vitis-idaea), native to northern parts of North America and Eurasia and having drooping clusters of small white or pinkish flowers. 越橘:一种低生的匍匐常青灌木(越橘属 越桔) ,生长于北美洲的北部地区和欧亚大陆,开有低垂的白色或粉红色小花簇 〔cotoneaster〕Any of various erect or creeping shrubs of the genusCotoneaster in the rose family, native to Eurasia, having white to pinkish flowers and tiny, red or black applelike fruits, and frequently cultivated for ornament. 枸子属:蔷薇科枸子属 的直立或匍匐灌木的一种,原产于旧大陆,花白或粉红色,果实小,红或黑,苹果状,种植用来装饰 〔pyxie〕A creeping evergreen shrub(Pyxidanthera barbulata) having small white or pinkish flowers, native to pine barrens of the eastern United States. 岩梅:一种匍匐生长四季常青的灌木(沙盖花 盖花属) 长有白色或粉红色的小花,生长于美国东部长有松林的沙地 〔reptile〕from neuter of Latin rēptilis [creeping] 源自 拉丁语 rēptilis的中性词 [匍匐的] 〔reptant〕Creeping or crawling; repent.爬行的或匍匐的;爬行的〔rampion〕A biennial Eurasian plant(Campanula rapunculus) having rosette leaves with winged stalks, panicles of lilac-colored flowers, and an edible root used in salads. 匍匐风铃草,牧根草:一种两年生欧亚植物(匍匐风铃草 风铃草属) ,叶成莲座型,翼状的茎,有圆锥花序丁香紫色的花朵,根可食,用于沙拉




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