单词 | 北极 |
释义 | 〔Wilkins〕Australian explorer and aviator who was the first to explore the Arctic by air (1928).威尔金斯,乔治·休伯特:(1888-1958) 澳大利亚探险家和飞行员,是驾驶飞机到北极探险的第一人(1928年)〔husky〕A similar dog of Arctic origin.爱斯基摩狗:一种产于北极地区的类似的狗〔permafrost〕Permanently frozen subsoil, occurring throughout the Polar Regions and locally in perennially frigid areas.永冻土:永久冰冻的下层土壤,出现在整个北极地区和部分长期寒冷的地区〔prepare〕prepared the ship for an arctic expedition.装备北极探险的船只〔decay〕The intact carcass of the prehistoric animal was prevented from putrefying by the arctic cold.史前时期动物的完整尸体,是由于北极严寒的保护不致腐烂。〔qiviut〕The soft wool lying beneath the long coat of the musk ox, valued for its use as a fiber.北极金羊毛:位于麝牛长毛下的柔软绒毛,用作纤维织物很有价值〔Sverdrup〕Norwegian explorer who led many expeditions to the Arctic and observed a number of previously unknown islands.斯维尔德鲁普,奥托·诺伊曼:(1855-1930) 挪威探险家,曾率领几次北极探险并发现一些以前未知的岛屿〔oldsquaw〕A marine duck(Clangula hyemalis) that is black with a white breast and is found in Arctic and North Temperate regions. Also called long-tailed duck ,oldwife 长尾鸭:一种(长尾鸭) 黑色,有白色胸脯,生长于北极和北温带的海鸭 也作 long-tailed duck,oldwife〔Hall〕American explorer who led three expeditions to the Arctic (1860-1862, 1864-1869, and 1871).霍尔,查尔斯·弗朗西斯:(1821-1871) 美国探险家,曾三次远征北极(1860-1862,1864-1869和1871年)〔Nunavut〕A territory of northern Canada including part of the mainland west of Hudson Bay and north of latitude 60° north, islands in the Hudson Bay, and most of the Arctic Archipelago. Nunavut, which comprises what was formerly the eastern portion of Northwest Territories, is primarily inhabited and controlled by the Inuit. It officially became a new territory of Canada on April 1, 1999. Iqaluit, at the head of Frobisher Bay on Baffin Island, is the capital. Population, 28,159努纳乌特:加拿大北部地区,包括哈得孙湾以西和北纬60度以北的部分大陆、哈得孙湾群岛以及北极群岛大部分。努纳乌特由原西北地区东部组成,因纽特人在此定居并拥有管辖权。1999年4月1日努纳乌特正式成为加拿大的新地区。位于巴芬岛弗罗比歇湾顶端的伊凯鲁特是其首府。人口28,159〔tundra〕A treeless area between the icecap and the tree line of Arctic regions, having a permanently frozen subsoil and supporting low-growing vegetation such as lichens, mosses, and stunted shrubs.苔原:北极地区冰盖和乔本植被线之间的无树地区,有永冻底土,并支撑低的植物,如苔藓、地衣和发育不全的灌木〔Greely〕American army officer and explorer who led an Arctic expedition (1881-1884) that reached the northernmost point achieved up until that time, 83°24′.格里利,阿道夫斯·华盛顿:(1844-1935) 美国陆军军官、探险家。他领导的北极探险队(1881-1884年) 到达了前人从未达到的最北点,即北纬83°24′〔Bartlett〕American explorer who accompanied Robert E. Peary's expedition to the North Pole (1909) and led numerous other Arctic voyages.巴特利特,罗伯特·阿布拉姆:(1875-1946) 美国探险家,1909年曾同罗伯特·伊·皮瑞的探险队一起到过北极还进行了多次北冰洋的航行〔polar〕Relating to, connected with, or located near the North Pole or South Pole.近极地的:关于北极或南极的,与极地相连的,或位于北极或南极附近的〔Nobile〕Italian aeronautical engineer and Arctic explorer who designed several airships, including the semirigid dirigibleNorge in which he flew over the North Pole with Roald Amundsen (1926). 诺毕尔,翁贝托:(1885-1978) 意大利航空工程师以及北极探险者,他设计了几艘飞船,包括半硬式飞船Norge ,乘此飞船他与诺尔德·亚孟森一起飞到北极(1926年) 〔north〕The cardinal point on the mariner's compass located at 0°.北极:水手罗盘上位于0度的基本点〔gyrfalcon〕A large falcon(Falco rusticolus) of Arctic regions, having color phases that range from black to gray to white. 矛隼:一种生长在北极地区的大隼(矛隼 隼属) 它羽毛的颜色包括黑色,灰色和白色等色型 〔Bennett〕American aviator and Arctic explorer who piloted with Richard E. Byrd the first flight over the North Pole (1926).贝内特,弗洛伊德:(1890-1928) 美国飞行员和北极探险者,1926年与理查德·E·拜尔德共同驾飞机首次飞越北极〔polar〕Passing over a planet's north and south poles:越过极地的:经过一个行星的南极和北极上空的:〔auk〕Any of several diving sea birds (family Alcidae) of northern regions, such as the razor-billed auk, having a chunky body, short wings, and webbed feet.海雀:北极地区的一种潜水海鸟(海雀科),如刀嘴海雀,身体矮胖,短翅,蹼足〔ptarmigan〕Any of various grouses of the genusLagopus, inhabiting arctic, subarctic, and alpine regions of the Northern Hemisphere and having feathered legs and feet and plumage that is brown or gray in summer and white in winter. 雷鸟:任一种雷鸟属 的松鸡,栖息在北极、亚北极和北半球的高山地区,有覆有羽毛的腿和爪,全身羽毛在夏天是棕色或灰色的,在冬天是白色的 〔MacMillan〕American explorer noted for his use of aircraft in several Arctic explorations between 1913 and 1937.麦克米兰,唐纳德·巴克斯特:(1874-1970) 美国探险家,以其乘飞机在1913到1937年间数次北极探险而闻名〔Barents〕Dutch Arctic explorer who led several expeditions (1594-1597) in search of the Northeast Passage.巴伦支,威廉:(1550?-1597) 荷兰的北极探险者,为寻找东北航道曾率领过多次远征(1594-1597年)〔Davys〕English navigator who explored the Arctic while searching for the Northwest Passage and later sailed to the South Seas. He discovered the Falkland Islands in 1592.戴维斯,约翰:(1550?-1605) 英国航海家,在寻找西北航道时发现了北极,后来又航行到南海地区,他于1592年发现了福克兰群岛〔Peary〕American naval officer and Arctic explorer who led the expedition credited with first reaching the North Pole (1909).皮尔里,罗伯特·埃德温:(1856-1920) 美国海军军官和北极探险者,他率远征队第一次到达北极(1909年)〔Ross〕British naval officer and Arctic explorer whose expeditions (1818 and 1829-1833) in search of the Northwest Passage yielded several geographic discoveries.罗斯,约翰:(1777-1856) 英国海军军官及北极探险家,他在寻找西北航路的探险中(1818和1829-1833年)有许多地理学上的发现〔exploration〕Arctic exploration; exploration of new theories.北极探险;新理论的探索〔endure〕endure an Arctic winter.忍受北极的冬天〔Rasmussen〕Danish ethnologist and Arctic explorer who conducted extensive research on Eskimo culture and heritage.拉斯穆森,努德·约翰·维克托:(1879-1933) 丹麦民族学家和北极考察者,曾对爱斯基摩文化和传统作过认真研究〔crowberry〕A low-growing evergreen shrub(Empetrum nigrum) native to cool regions of the Northern Hemisphere and having tiny leaves, small pinkish or purplish flowers, and black, berrylike fruits. 岩高兰:一种原产于北极寒冷地区且生长缓慢的常绿灌木(岩高兰属 岩高兰) ,生有细小的叶子,开粉红色或紫色的小花,结黑色的浆果状果实 〔Thule〕A Native American culture that spread eastward across coastal Arctic regions to eastern Canada and Greenland from its beginnings in the Bering Strait region, flourishing from about 1000 to 1600.世界最北区:美洲原住民文化,从其在白令海峡地区的起源地,向东延伸,覆盖从北极沿海地区到加拿大东部以及格陵兰的区域,其昌盛时期约为1000年至1600年间〔binturong〕A civet(Arctictis binturong) of southeast Asia with a long, prehensile tail. Also called bearcat 熊狸,香猫:产于东南亚的香猫(北极熊狸), 有易于缠绕的长尾巴 也作 bearcat〔Nansen〕Norwegian explorer, zoologist, and politician who led an Arctic expedition (1893-1896) and directed the League of Nations relief programs for refugees of World War I. He won the 1922 Nobel Peace Prize.南森,弗里德托夫:(1861-1930) 挪威探险家、动物学者和政治家,曾领导过北极探险(1893-1896年),并组织了民族联盟救济一战难民的工作,他获得了1922年的诺贝尔和平奖〔Arctic〕A region between the North Pole and the northern timberlines of North America and Eurasia.北极地区:在北极与北美洲和欧亚大陆北部林木线之间区域〔parka〕A hooded fur pullover outer garment worn in the Arctic.毛皮风雪大衣,派克大衣:一种在北极地区穿的带风帽的皮外衣〔lay〕lay in supplies for an Arctic winter.为北极的严冬储备给养〔Henson〕American explorer who accompanied Peary on seven Arctic expeditions, including the 1909 expedition that claimed to have first reached the North Pole.汉森,马修·亚历山大:美国探险家,他曾经随皮尔里参加过七次极地远征探险,包括1909年宣称首度到达北极的探险〔reindeer〕A large deer(Rangifer tarandus) of the Arctic and northern regions of Eurasia and North America, having branched antlers in both sexes. 驯鹿:北极、亚欧大陆和北美洲北部地区的一种大鹿(驯鹿) 雌雄两性都有分叉的鹿角 〔Cook〕American physician and Arctic explorer who announced that he had reached the North Pole in 1908, a claim that was rejected by the scientific community.库克,弗雷德里克·阿尔贝特:(1865-1940) 美国医生和北极探险家,曾于1908年宣布已达到北极,但未获科学界的承认 |
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