单词 | 北部 |
释义 | 〔Jutland〕A peninsula of northern Europe comprising mainland Denmark and northern Germany. The name is usually applied only to the Danish section of the peninsula. The largest naval battle of World War I was fought by British and German fleets off the western coast of Jutland on May 31-June 1, 1916.日德兰半岛:欧洲北部一半岛,由丹麦的大陆部分和德国北部组成。通常该名称只适于指半岛的丹麦部分。第一次世界大战期间规模最大的海战发生在1916年5月31日至6月1日,由英德舰队在离日德兰半岛西部海岸不远的海面上展开〔Bristol〕A city of central Connecticut north of Waterbury. Its clockmaking industry dates from 1790. Population, 60,640.布里斯托尔:美国康涅狄格州中部一城市,位于沃特伯北部。其钟表制造业可追溯到1790年。人口60,640〔Norwegian〕nordhr [north] * see ner- 1nordhr [北部] * 参见 ner- 1〔Huntsville〕A city of northern Alabama east-northeast of Decatur. Settled in 1805, it is a major center for space research. Population, 159,789.亨茨维尔:美国阿拉巴马州北部城市,位于迪凯特市东北偏东。1805年开始建立居民点,为重要的航天研究中心。人口159,789〔Belvidere〕A city of northern Illinois east of Rockford. It is a manufacturing center in a farming region. Population, 15,176.贝尔维迪尔:美国伊利诺斯州北部罗克福德以东的城市。是所在农业地区的制造业中心。人口15,176〔Winterthur〕A city of northern Switzerland northeast of Zurich. It passed to the Hapsburgs in 1264 and became a free imperial city in 1415. Population, 84,600.温特图尔:瑞士北部一城市,位于苏黎世东北。1264年转让给哈布斯堡王朝,1415年成为一个自由的宗主国城市。人口84,600〔Santander〕A city of northern Spain on the Bay of Biscay west-northwest of Bilbao. It was a major port after the discovery of America and is now a resort and industrial center. Population, 187,057.桑坦德:西班牙北部一城市,位于比斯开湾口,毕尔包西北偏西方。在美洲被发现后,它成为一个主要港口,现在是一个度假胜地和工业中心。人口187,057〔Skaw〕A cape on the northern extremity of Jutland, Denmark, extending into the Skagerrak.斯考:丹麦日德兰半岛北部顶端的一海角,延伸入斯卡格拉克海峡〔Nasser〕A lake of southeast Egypt and northern Sudan. It was formed in the 1960's by the construction of the Aswan High Dam on the Nile river. The rising waters of the lake submerged many historic sites.纳赛尔湖:埃及东南部和苏丹北部的一个湖。它是在20世纪60年代由于阿斯旺高水坝在尼罗河上的建设而形成的,湖水的高涨淹没了许多历史遗迹〔Teton〕The largest and westernmost of the Sioux peoples, made up of seven groups including the Oglala, Hunkpapa, Brulé, and Miniconjou. The Teton became nomadic buffalo hunters after migrating westward in the 18th century and figured prominently in the resistance to white encroachment on the northern Great Plains.提顿人:苏族的最大与最西部分支,由七部分组成,包括奥哥拉拉,汉克帕帕,布鲁和明尼康鸠。提顿人在18世纪西迁后成为游牧猎牛者,并且在抵抗白人对大平原北部蚕食中表现突出〔Venice〕A city of northeast Italy on islets within a lagoon in theGulf of Venice, a wide inlet of the northern Adriatic Sea. Founded in the 5th century a.d. by refugees fleeing the Lombard invaders who had gained control of the mainland, it became a major maritime power by the 13th century and spread its influence over northern Italy by the 15th century. Its territories were gradually lost to the Turks, and in 1797 it passed to Austria. Venice was ceded to Italy in 1866. Population, 332,775. 威尼斯:意大利东北部的一个城市,位于亚得里亚海北部的一个宽阔的海湾威尼斯湾 里的一个泻湖内的众多小岛上。它在 公元 5世纪由逃离伦巴族侵略者的难民创建,这些侵略者已获得对大陆的控制权,到13世纪它已成为一个主要的海上强国并于15世纪把其影响扩及意大利的北部。它的领土后来逐渐为土耳其人所攻陷,并于1797年转让给了奥地利。威尼斯在1866年并入了意大利。人口332,775 〔Sandwich〕A municipal borough of southeast England north of Dover. One of the original Cinque Ports, it is now a resort and market center. Population, 4,227.桑威治:英格兰东南部一自治市,位于丹佛北部,是原五港之一,现为一度假胜地和贸易中心。人口4,227〔Artois〕A historical region and former province of northern France near the English Channel between Picardy and Flanders. It was ruled at various times by Flanders, Burgundy, Austria, and Spain.阿图瓦:原法国北部一省,在皮卡迪和佛兰德间的英吉利海峡附近,是一历史地区。在不同时期分别由佛兰德尔,勃艮第,奥地利和西班牙统治〔fennec〕A small nocturnal fox(Vulpes zerda, formerly Fennecus zerda) of desert regions of northern Africa, having fawn-colored fur and large, pointed ears. 𦗒狐:一种产于非洲北部沙漠地区的夜间活动的小型狐(耳廓狐 狐属 旧称 𦗒狐 狐属) ,长有淡黄褐色的皮毛和大而尖的耳朵 〔Ardennes〕A plateau region of northern France, southeast Belgium, and northern Luxembourg east and south of the Meuse River. It was the scene of heavy fighting in World War I and World War II, notably during the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944 and January 1945.阿登高地:法国北部,比利时东南部及卢森堡北部,默兹河的东西两方的高原。它是第一次及第二次世界大战中重要战役的场所,1944年十二月和1945年一月在巴尔基战役中引人瞩目〔run〕Terms for "a small, fast-flowing stream" vary throughout the eastern United States especially.Speakers in the eastern part of the Lower North (including Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, and southern Pennsylvania) use the wordrun, as inBull Run. Speakers in New York State are liable to call such a stream akill (a Dutch borrowing). Brook has come to be used throughout the Northeast. Southerners refer to abranch, and throughout the northern United States the term iscrick, a variant of creek. 在美国东部,用来表示“急流的小河”的词尤其多变。北部低地地区东部(包括弗吉尼亚、西弗吉尼亚、特拉华、马里兰和宾夕法尼亚南部)用run , 如在Bull run 中。 纽约州用kill (借自荷兰语)表示这样的河流。 整个东北部已开始用Brook 。 南方人用branch , 美国北部则用crick ( cleek 的变体) 〔Zgierz〕A city of central Poland north of LódÜ. Chartered c. 1300, it grew as a textile center after 1818. Population, 54,900.兹盖日:波兰中部一城市,位于罗兹的北部,公元1300年受特许建立,1818年后成为纺织中心,人口54,900〔Winchester〕An independent city of northern Virginia west-northwest of Washington, D.C. Settled c. 1744, it was an important military base during the French and Indian War and the Civil War, in which it changed hands a number of times. George Washington began his career as a surveyor here in 1748. Population, 21,947.温切斯特市:美国弗吉尼亚州北部的一独立城市,位于华盛顿市西北偏西部。1744年开始有人移民在此,在法印战争和美国内战中是一个重要的军事基地,曾几易其主。1748年乔治·华盛顿在这里开始他的检查官生涯。人口21,947〔Giessen〕A city of west-central Germany north of Frankfurt. Chartered in 1248, it is a manufacturing center in a mining area. Population, 70,743.吉森:德国中西部的一个城市,位于法兰克福的北部,1248年经特许成为采矿中心。人口70,743〔Downs〕Two roughly parallel ranges of chalk hills in southeast England. TheNorth Downs extend about 161 km (100 mi) from west to east; the South Downs, about 105 km (65 mi). Both are sheep-rearing areas. 英格兰东南部两大高地:英格兰东南部两个大体平行的白垩山脉。北部高地 绵延161公里(100英里),东西走向; 南部高地 长约105公里(65英里)。两部高地都是养羊区 〔Salado〕Also Salado del Nor.te [dĕl nôrʹtĕ] A river of northern Argentina rising in the Andes and flowing about 2,011 km (1,250 mi) southeast to the Paraná River. 也作 Salado del Nor.te [dĕl nôrʹtĕ] 萨拉多河:阿根廷北部河流,源于安第斯山脉,河长约2,011公里(1,250英里),向东南流入巴拉那河〔Nefud〕A desert region of northern Saudi Arabia. It is noted for its red sand and sudden violent winds.内夫得:沙特阿拉伯北部的沙漠地区。因其红沙和突然的烈风而闻名〔Komati〕A river flowing about 805 km (500 mi) through northeast South Africa, northern Swaziland, and southern Mozambique to an inlet of the Indian Ocean.科马蒂河:流经南非东北部、斯威士兰北部和莫桑比克南部的一条河流,最后注入印度洋的一个海湾,全长约805公里(500英里)〔Medan〕A city of Indonesia on northern Sumatra north-northwest of Padang. It is a shipping and trade center for an agricultural region. Population, 1,378,955.棉兰:印度尼西亚一城市,位于苏门塔腊半岛北部,在巴东的西北偏北处。它是一个位于农业区的船运和贸易中心。人口1,378,955〔Hammerfest〕A town of northern Norway on an island in the Arctic Ocean. It is the northernmost town of Europe, with uninterrupted daylight from May 17 to July 29. Population, 7,208.哈默菲斯特:挪威北部一个城市,位于大西洋的一个岛上。它是欧洲最北部的一个城市,从5月17日至7月29日终日可见太阳。人口7,208〔Cush〕An ancient kingdom of Nubia in northern Sudan. It flourished from the 11th centuryb.c. to the 4th century a.d. , when its capital fell to the Ethiopians. 库施:努比亚的一个古王国,位于苏丹的北部地区。它从公元前 11世纪开始繁荣,直至 公元 4世纪时其首都被埃塞俄比亚人攻陷 〔Modoc〕A Native American people inhabiting an area of the Cascade Range in south-central Oregon and northern California.莫多克族:美国土著人,居住在俄勒冈州中南部和加利福尼亚州北部喀斯喀特山脉的一个地区〔moose〕A hoofed mammal(Alces alces) found in forests of northern North America and in Eurasia and having a broad, pendulous muzzle and large, palmate antlers in the male. 驼鹿:一种有蹄的哺乳动物,发现于北美洲北部和欧亚大陆的森林中(棕角鹿 驼鹿) ,长有下垂的宽鼻口,雄鹿有大的掌状鹿角 〔Amarillo〕A city of northern Texas in the Panhandle north of Lubbock. The city grew after the coming of the railroad in 1887 and the discovery of gas (1918) and oil (1921). Population, 157,615.阿马里洛:美国得克萨斯州北部一城市,位于拉伯克以北的柄状狭长地带。这个城市在1887年开通铁路,发现天然气(1918年)和石油(1921年)之后发展起来。人口157,615〔Belsen〕A village of northern Germany north of Hanover. It was the site of a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.贝尔森,贝尔根-贝尔森:德国北部一村庄,位于汉诺威市以北。二次大战期间为纳粹集中营所在地〔Carrollton〕A city of northern Texas, a residential and industrial suburb of Dallas. Population, 82,169.卡罗顿:美国得克萨斯州北部一城市,达拉斯的居民区和工业区。人口82,169〔Peoria〕A city of northwest-central Illinois on the Illinois River north of Springfield. Founded on the site of a French fort established by La Salle in 1680, it is a transportation and industrial center. Population, 113,504.皮奥里亚市:美国伊利诺斯州中部偏西北的一城市,位于斯普林菲尔德北部伊利诺斯河畔。1680年由拉萨尔在法国军事要塞的基础上建立起来,是交通枢纽和工业中心。人口113,504〔Tortuga〕An island in the West Indies off northern Haiti. It was a pirate refuge in the 17th century.托尔图加:西印度群岛中一岛屿,离海地北部不远。17世纪为海盗据点〔Pleven〕A city of northern Bulgaria northeast of Sofia. Settled by Thracians, it was ruled by Turkey from the 15th to the 19th century. Population, 144,000.普列文:保加利亚北部一城市,位于索非亚东北。色雷斯人定居于此,从15世纪到19世纪由土耳其统治。人口144,000〔Cabanatuan〕A city of central Luzon, Philippines, north of Manila. It was the site of a World War II Japanese prison camp for American and Filipino soldiers captured at Bataan and Corregidor. Population, 38,400.卡巴那端:菲律宾吕宋岛中部的一座城市,位于马尼拉北部。曾经是二战期间日军关押巴丹半岛战役和柯雷吉多尔岛战役中俘获的美军战俘和菲律宾战俘的战俘集中营所在地。人口38,400〔Brookside〕A community of northern Delaware southwest of Wilmington. It is mainly residential. Population, 15,307.布鲁克塞德:美国特拉华州北部威尔明顿西南一社区,主要是住宅区。人口15,307〔Erie〕One of the Great Lakes, bounded by southern Ontario, western New York, northwest Pennsylvania, northern Ohio, and southeast Michigan. A vital part of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway system, it is linked with the Hudson River by the New York State Barge Canal.伊利湖:五大湖之一,四周分别为安大略省南部,纽约州西部,宾夕法尼亚州西北部,俄亥俄州北部及密歇根州东南部,作为五大湖--圣劳伦斯河系统的重要部分,它通过纽约州的驳运运河与哈得孙河相连〔Hendersonville〕A city of northern Tennessee northeast of Nashville. It is a popular resort. Population, 41,700亨德森维尔:美国田纳西州北部城市,位于纳什维尔东北。该市是旅游胜地。人口41,700〔Southport〕A borough of northwest England on Liverpool Bay north of Liverpool. It is a seaside resort with varied light industries. Population, 90,000.南波特:英国西北部一自治城市,位于利物浦湾市北部的利物浦河沿岸,是一个海边旅游胜地,有多种轻工业。人口90,000〔Elyria〕A city of northern Ohio west-southwest of Cleveland. Settled in 1817, it is an industrial center. Population, 56,746.伊利里亚城:美国俄亥俄州北部,克里夫兰西南偏西一城市。设立于1817年,它是一个工业中心。人口56,746 |
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