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单词 区别
释义 〔distinct〕Readily distinguishable from all others; discrete:有区别的,不同的,个别的:与其他所有物品易于区别的;个别的:〔demarcate〕To separate clearly as if by boundaries; distinguish:区分,区别:清楚地分开,如同划了一条边界一般;区分:〔discriminate〕To make a clear distinction; distinguish:清楚地区别;辨别:〔inconsistent〕Incompatible implies conflict or an inability to coexist,as between persons of differing temperaments or things marked by fundamental differences or contradictions: Incompatible 指冲突或无法共存,如在不同性情的人之间或存在着根本区别或冲突的事物之间: 〔from〕Used to indicate differentiation:用以表示区别〔relief〕Distinction or prominence due to contrast:显眼:因对比而产生的区别或突起:〔filename〕A name given to a computer file to distinguish it from other files, often containing an extension that classifies it by type.文件名:为区别计算机文件所给的名称,通常包括可以区分其类型的副档名〔superstructure〕In Marxist theory, the ideologies or institutions of a society as distinct from the basic processes and direct social relations of material production and economics.上层建筑:马克思主义理论中,与物质生产的基本过程、直接社会关系和经济相区别的社会思想形态或制度〔hydrosphere〕The waters of the earth's surface as distinguished from those of the lithosphere and the atmosphere.水界:地球表面的水,与陆界和大气层相区别〔protophloem〕The first formed phloem that differentiates from the procambium.原生韧皮部:首次形成的韧皮部,用来区别原生层〔sex〕The condition or character of being female or male; the physiological, functional, and psychological differences that distinguish the female and the male.See Usage Note at gender 性特征:作为雌或雄的情况或特点;区分雌雄的生理、功能和心理区别 参见 gender〔quip〕A petty distinction or objection; a quibble.遁辞:微不足道的区别或反对;遁辞〔side〕One of two or more contrasted parts or places within an area, identified by its location with respect to a center:边缘:区域内两个或更多的相对部分或地方中的一个,根据它们相对于中心的位置关系来区别〔phonemic〕Serving to distinguish phonemes or distinctive features.音位差异的,区别性的:可区别音素或区别特征的〔need〕The auxiliary forms ofneed are used primarily in present-tense questions, negations, and conditional clauses. They differ subtly in meaning from the main verb forms in that they always refer to an externally imposed obligation.Hence one might sayYou needn't (or less formally, don't need to ) fill out both forms, but where the sense of necessity is internal to the subject,only the main verb can be used: Need 的助动词形式主要用于现在时态的疑问句、否定句和条件句中。 它们在意思上和用作实义动词的形式有细微的区别,它们总指外部加强的压力。因此我们可以说你没必要 (或不太正规的 don't need to ) 填两份表格 , 但是对于物体来说需要的意思是内在的,所以只能用实义动词: 〔get〕The use ofget in the passive, as inWe got sunburned at the beach, is generally avoided in formal writing.In less formal contexts, however,the construction does provide a useful distinction in attributing a more active role to its subject than would the corresponding passive withbe. Thus if Jones has committed a flagrant breach of law in order to test a particular statute,the situation might best be described by the sentenceJones got arrested by the police; whereas if Jones did nothing to provoke the police action,the sentenceJones was arrested by the police would be preferred. 在被动语态使用get , 如我们在海滩上晒黑了 , 渐渐在正式写作中避免。但在非正式上下文中,这个结构为使其比相应被动形式be 给予其主语更为主动的角色提供了极为有用的区别。 因此,如果琼斯为了验证特殊法律条文而严重违犯了某法律,最好用以下句子来描绘Jones got arrested by the police, 但如果琼斯没有反抗警察的行为,句子Jones was arrested by the police 比较合宜 〔person〕Any of the different forms or inflections expressing these distinctions.表示某人称的词形:表示这些区别的不同的形式或变化〔cosmos〕Harmony and order as distinct from chaos.合一:与浑沌区别的协调与有序〔redundancy〕The usages that critics have condemned as redundancies fall into several classes.In some cases,such asconsensus of opinion, close proximity, hollow tube, and refer back, the use of what is regarded as an unnecessary modifier or qualifier can sometimes be justified on the grounds that it in fact makes a semantic contribution.Thus ahollow tube can be distinguished from one that has been blocked up with deposits, and aconsensus of opinion can be distinguished from a consensus of judgments or practice. In other cases the use of the qualifier is harder to defend.Thus there is no way torevert without reverting back and noconsensus that is not general. · Sometimes recognition of redundancy may require familiarity with a foreign language.The expressionsSierra Mountains and Rio Grande River are indeed redundant for those who know Spanish, but the use of the wordsmountains and river may still serve some purpose when one is addressing an English-speaking audience. Occasionally, what originates as a redundant element may, through long use,become part of the established name of a thing.Thus a reference to the site of a famous World War II battle as "the El Alamein"incorporates three versions of the definite article, in English, Spanish, and Arabic.See Usage Note at close ,consensus ,cross section ,mental telepathy ,rarely ,refer 被评论家指责为冗长和重复的使用方法可分为几类。在某些情况下,如consensus of opinion,、close proximity、 hollow tube 和 refer back , 这种不必要修饰或限定语的使用有时也不能完全否定,因为它们从语义上说还是有意义的。因此,一个空管子 可以与被装填物堵满的管子相区别, 观点的一致 可以与判断力或惯例的一致相区别。 在其它情况下类似修饰语的使用就不那么容易自圆其说了。因此,没有 reverting back 就没有办法 revert , 没有 consensus 不是 general。 · 有时辨认出冗余需要对外语很熟悉。对于懂西班牙语的人来说 Sierra Mountains 和 Rio Grande River 这类说法是重复的, 但当对说英语的人讲话时,使用 mountains 和 river 还是有用的。 有时,一个刚产生时是多余的成份经过长时间使用后,可成为一个物体固定的一部分。因此当提到二战时叫做“阿拉曼战役”的著名战役时,在英语、西班牙语和阿拉伯语中的定冠词的三种形式取得了一致 参见 close,consensus,cross section,mental telepathy,rarely,refer〔diorite〕from Greek diorizein [to distinguish] 源自 希腊语 diorizein [区别] 〔nice〕a nice distinction; a nice sense of style.精细入微的区别;对风尚的敏感〔refine〕To use precise distinctions and subtlety in thought or speech.提炼:在思想或言语中使用精确区别和细微之处〔alligator〕InThe Travailes of an Englishman, published in 1568, Job Hortop says that "in this river we killed a monstrous Lagarto or Crocodile.”This killing gives rise to the first recorded instance ofalligator in English, obviously in a different form from the one familiar to modern speakers.Alligator, which comes to us from Spanish el lagarto, "the lizard,” was modified in pronunciation and form in several ways before taking on the formalligator. Such changes, referred to by linguists as taboo deformation,are not uncommon in a name for something that is feared and include,for example, the change in sequence of ther and t that occurred between el lagarto and alligator. An interesting parallel case iscrocodile, which appears in Spanish, for example, ascocodrilo, with a similar difference in the sequence of the r. The earliest recorded form ofalligator that is similar to ours appears in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (First Folio, 1623): "In his needie shop a tortoyrs hung,/An Allegater stuft.”在出版于1568年的英国人的劳作 一书中, 约伯·霍特普说“在这条河里我们杀死过一只巨大的蜥蜴或鳄鱼。”这次捕杀导致alligator 作为首次载入英语的实例, 和现代人所熟悉的词形明显不同。Alligator 来源于西班牙语 ellagarto, 意思是“蜥蜴,” 在采用alligator 这个词之前,其发音和词形经过了好几种变化。 这些变化,语言学家们称作禁忌变形,在人们惧怕的某种事物的名称里是常见的,而且还包括r 和 t 在以下两个单词 ellagarto 和 alligator 间依次的变化。 一个同样有趣的例子是crocodile, 在西班牙语里是cocodrilo, 区别在于排列顺序不同的 r 上。 最早记载的alligator 其词形接近我们所使用的词形,出现于莎士比亚的 罗密欧与朱丽叶 中,(1623年第一版对开本): “在他的日用品店中挂着一个玩具,一只布做的鳄鱼。”〔cachet〕A mark or a quality, as of distinction, individuality, or authenticity:识别标志:一种标志或特质,以表现区别、个性或真实性:〔differentiate〕subspecies that are differentiated by the markings on their wings.生物可通过它们翅膀上的标记上区别〔sea〕The continuous body of salt water covering most of the earth's surface, especially this body regarded as a geophysical entity distinct from earth and sky.海:覆盖地球大部分表面的,连续的盐水水体,尤指被认为与土地的本质相区别的地球物理学的物体〔differentiation〕The act or process of differentiating.区别区别的动作或过程〔difference〕Discrimination in taste or choice; distinction.区别,分别:在品味或选择上的区别;差别〔work〕worked out the equations; worked out their personal differences.解出方程式;找到他们个人的区别〔contradistinguish〕To distinguish by contrasting qualities.通过对比性质进行区别〔society〕A group of human beings broadly distinguished from other groups by mutual interests, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions, and a common culture.社会团体:在共同的利益、特色关系的参与、共有的风俗习惯和共同的文化方面和其他团体有广泛区别的人类团体〔well〕Used as an adjective applied to people,well usually refers to a state of health, whereasgood has a much wider range of senses. It has always been a first principle of grammatical criticism that there should be no difference without a distinction,and perhaps for this reason, some critics have insisted that the expressionfeel good cannot be used in reference to health. It is true that there is a distinction betweenfeel well and feel good, but both can be applied to a state of health.Thus a patient suffering from a chronic disease might appropriately say to a doctorI feel good today, which implies a relative lack of physical discomfort.By contrast,I feel well today would be appropriate if the patient believes that the ailment has disappeared. See Usage Note at good 用作形容词来形容人时,well 通常指健康状况, 但是good 的意思更加广泛。 在语法评论中,没有区别就没有差别一直是第一性原则,也许正是因为如此,一些批评家坚持认为feel good 这一表达方式不能用来指健康。 诚然,feel well 与 feel good 有区别, 但是两者都可用来指健康。所以一位患有慢性病的病人完全可以对医生说I feel good today(我今天感觉不错) , 这句话暗示着病痛相对减轻了。相反,I feel well today(我今天感到全好了) 也可以,如果病人确信病症已消失了 参见 good〔shall〕The sentenceYou shall have your money expresses a promise ("I will see that you get your money"), whereasYou will have your money makes a simple prediction. · Such, at least, are the traditional rules.But the distinction has never taken firm root outside of what H.W. Fowler described as "the English of the English" (as opposed to that of the Scots and Irish), and even there it has always been subject to variation.Despite the efforts of generations of American schoolteachers, the distinction is largely alien to the modern American idiom.In Americawill is used to express most of the senses reserved for shall in English usage, andshall itself is restricted to first person interrogative proposals, as inShall we go? and to certain fixed expressions, such asWe shall overcome. Shall is also used in formal style to express an explicit obligation,as inApplicants shall provide a proof of residence, though this sense is also expressed bymust or should. In speech the distinction that the English signal by the choice ofshall or will may be rendered by stressing the auxiliary, as in I will leave tomorrow ("I intend to leave"); by choosing another auxiliary, such as must or have to; or by using an adverb such as certainly. · Many earlier American writers observed the traditional distinction betweenshall and will, and some continue to do so.The practice cannot be called incorrect,though it may strike American ears as somewhat mannered.But the distinction is difficult for those who do not come by it natively,and Americans who essay ashall in an unfamiliar context run considerable risk of getting it wrong, and so of being caught out in that most embarrassing of linguistic gaffes, the bungled Anglicism.See Usage Note at should 句子你将得到你的钱 表达了一种承诺(“我将保证你得到你的钱”), 而你会得到你的钱 仅仅做出了简单预测。 这些至少是传统规则。但是这种用法上的区别仅局限于H·W·福勒所描述的“英格兰人的英语”(与苏格兰人和爱尔兰人的英语相对),即使在英格兰英语中它一直在变化。尽管经过几代美国学校教师的努力,这种区别对现代美国习惯用语仍是相当生疏的。在美国,will 被用来表达在英国用法中大多为 shall 保留的含义, 而shall 则限于第一人称疑问句式的提议, 如在我们该走了吧? 及某些固定表达中, 例如我们会克服的。 Shall 也用在正式文体中表示明确职责,如申请者应提供居留证明 , 虽然这个意义也可用must 或 should 表达。 在口语中可以通过强调助动词shall 或 will ,如 我 将 于明天离开 (“我打算明天离开”);或通过选择另一个助动词 must 或 have to ;或通过使用如 certainly 这样的副词来表达英国人用这两个词时的区别。 许多早期的美国作家注意到了shall 和 will 之间的传统区别, 而且一些人仍在继续这样做。这种用法不能被称作不正确,虽然美国人听起来有点矫揉造作的意味。但是这种区别对于那些不能通过母语了解它的人是困难的,而且在一个不熟悉的上下文中,试图用shall 的美国人很有可能犯错误, 因而在许多令人难堪的语言即被搞得一团糟的英式英语中出丑 参见 should〔entity〕The existence of something considered apart from its properties.与属性区别的本质存在〔judgment〕The capacity to form an opinion by distinguishing and evaluating:鉴定力,鉴赏力:通过区别和评价形成某个观点的能力:〔illuminate〕"Cleverly made attacks can often serve to illuminate important differences between candidates, as well as entertain the voters"(New Republic)“灵活的攻击往往能突出竞选者之间的重大区别,同时又能取悦于选民”(新共和国)〔scream〕 Shriek differs fromscream principally in implying a shrill, often frantic cry: Shriek 与scream 的区别主要在于它意指一种尖叫, 经常是疯狂地尖叫: 〔revelatory〕"the distinction between Mrs. and Miss and its concomitant revelatory features"(Mario Pei)“夫人和小姐之间的区别及其相伴的显现特征”(马里奥·佩伊)〔discern〕To perceive or recognize as being different or distinct; distinguish.See Synonyms at see 1识别,辨别:觉察到或区别出不同或差异;辨别 参见 see1〔doubt〕That is also the usual choice when the truth of the clause following doubt is assumed, as in negative sentences and questions. ThusI never doubted for a minute that I would be rescued implies "I was certain that I would be rescued.” By the same token,Do you doubt that you will be paid? seems to pose a rhetorical question ("Surely you believe that you will be paid"), whereasDo you doubt whether you will be paid? may express a genuine request for information and might be followed bybecause if you do, you should make the client post a bond. In other cases, however, this distinction betweenwhether and that is not always observed, andthat is frequently used as a substitute for whether. If may also be used as a substitute forwhether but is more informal in tone. ·In informal speech the clause followingdoubt is sometimes introduced with but: I don't doubt but (or but what ) he will come. Reputable precedent exists for this construction,as in"I do not doubt but England is at present as polite a Nation as any in the World" (Richard Steele),but modern critics sometimes object to its use in formal writing.See Usage Note at but ,if 在否定句及疑问句中当doubt 后的从句所作陈述被认为是真时,用 that 。 所以我从不怀疑我会被救起 意思就是“我确信我会得救”。 同样你怀疑人家会赖帐吗? 似乎就成了一个反问句(“你当然相信人家不会赖帐了”), 而你怀疑人家是否付款吗? 就表示一个真诚的询问, 可能接下来会说因为如果你怀疑的话,你就该让顾客付保证金 。 在其它情况下,whether 和 that 的区别并不很明显, 而且that 经常用来替代 whether。 If 也经常用来代替whether , 但是语气不很正式。在非正式语气中doubt 后面的从句有时由 but引导:I don't doubt but (或 but what ) he will come。 这种结构有其先例且属规范用法,如“我不怀疑目前的英格兰象世界上其他国家一样是礼义之邦” (理查德·斯蒂尔),但现代评论家有时反对在正式文体中这样使用 参见 but,if




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