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单词 单个
释义 〔whitey〕Used as a disparaging term for a white person or white people.白鬼:用于指单个白人的贬称或整体白人的贬称〔unicostate〕Having a single main costa, rib, or riblike part:(叶)中脉显明的:有单个主中脉、主脉或主脉样部分的:〔module〕A unit of education or instruction with a relatively high teacher-to-student ratio, in which a single topic or a small section of a broad topic is studied for a given period of time.单元:一种有相当高师生比率的教育或教授单元,其中的单个论题或一个大论题的小部分在给定阶段的时间内学习〔univalve〕Composed of a single valve or piece. Used of a shell.单瓣的:由单个瓣膜或部分组成的。用于壳〔single〕One that is separate and individual.单个:分开的,单独的人或物〔couple〕When used to refer to two people who function socially as a unit,as ina married couple, the wordcouple may take either a singular or a plural verb, depending on whether the members are considered individually or collectively: 当用来表示作为一个单位来行使社会功能的两个人时,如在一对已婚夫妇 中, 单词couple 既可以带单数动词也可以带复数动词, 这取决于两个人是被单个或集体地看待的: 〔pseudomonad〕Latin monas monad- [unit] from Greek from monos [single] * see men- 4拉丁语 monas monad- [单位] 源自 希腊语 源自 monos [单个的] * 参见 men- 4〔gastropod〕Any of various mollusks of the class Gastropoda, such as the snail, slug, cowrie, or limpet, characteristically having a single, usually coiled shell or no shell at all, a ventral muscular foot for locomotion, and eyes and feelers located on a distinct head.腹足动物:属于腹足纲的任何一种软体动物,如蜗牛、蛞蝓、海蛙或帽贝,特征是具有一单个通常是卷起来的壳或根本无壳,有为了移动的腹足、眼睛和触角生于头部一显要位置〔composite〕A complex material, such as wood or fiberglass, in which two or more distinct, structurally complementary substances, especially metals, ceramics, glasses, and polymers, combine to produce structural or functional properties not present in any individual component.复合材料:由两种或多种不同的基本物质,特别是金属、陶瓷、玻璃、聚合物混合生成的具有新结构或功能特性并且不再保留单个元素性质的材料〔sporadic〕Appearing singly or at widely scattered localities, as a plant or disease.散发性的:呈现单个或更广泛地分散,如植物或疾病〔solo〕A performance by or intended for a single individual.单独表演:由单个人进行的或用于单个人进行的表演〔specimen〕An individual, an item, or a part representative of a class, genus, or whole.See Synonyms at example 样本:单个或一条细目,代表一类、一种或一整体的个体 参见 example〔ennui〕Were they alive today, users of Classical Latin might be surprised to find that centuries later a phrase of theirs would still survive,although in the form of a single word.The phrasemihi in odiō est (literally translated as "to me in a condition of dislike or hatred is"), meaning "I hate or dislike,” gave rise to the Vulgar Latin verb.inodiāre, "to make odious,” the source of Modern Frenchennuyer, "to annoy, bore.” In the Old French period a noun meaning "worry, boredom,” came from the verbennuier. This noun in its Modern French formennui was borrowed into English in the sense "boredom,” the English word being first recorded in 1732.People may have needed a word for boredom in the polite, cultivated world of the 18th century,but at an earlier period, around 1275,we had already borrowed the French verbennuier, the source of our word annoy. One of the earliest instances ofannoy in English is, in fact, used in the sense "to bore an audience.” 要是古拉丁文的使用者们今天还活着的话,他们很可能会吃惊地发现数世纪之后他们所用的一个短语依然在使用中,尽管采用了单个词的形式。短语mihi in odioest (按字面可翻译成“在不喜欢或憎恨情形下对我而言的是”), 意思是“我恨或讨厌”生成了俗拉丁语动词inodiare, “使可憎”, 其又为现代法语ennuyer “使苦恼,使烦恼”的词源。 在古法语时期,一个意思是“焦虑、厌倦”的名词来源于动词ennuier 。 该名词的现代法语形式ennui 被引入英语中,意指“厌倦”, 该英语词于1732年被首次记载,在18世纪的讲究礼节、有修养的社会里人们很可能需要一个词来表达厌倦之意,但在更早的时期,大约在1275年,我们已经借入法语动词ennuier, 作为我们的单词 annoy 的来源。 annoy 在英语中最早的例子之一是它实际上是在“使观众厌倦”的意义上使用的 〔karyotype〕The characterization of the chromosomal complement of an individual or a species, including number, form, and size of the chromosomes.染色体组型:单个的或一个物种的染色体配对物的特征,包括染色体的数目、形状和大小〔graduate〕This pattern, which no longer bears any taint of incorrectness,is acceptable to 89 percent of the Panel.It has the advantage of ascribing the accomplishment to the student, rather than to the institution,as is usually appropriate in discussions of individual cases.When the institution's responsibility is emphasized,however, the older pattern may still be recommended.A sentence such asThe university graduated more computer science majors in 1987 than in the entire previous decade stresses the university's accomplishment, say, of its computer science program. On the other hand, the sentenceMore computer science majors graduated in 1987 than in the entire previous decade implies that the class of 1987 was in some way a remarkable group. · The transitive use ofgraduate, as inShe graduated Yale in 1980, was unacceptable to 77 percent of the Usage Panel. 这种方式不再有不正确的问题,并为小组百分之八十九的成员所接受,其优点是将成就归功于学生而不是学院,通常在讨论单个事例时是合适的。当学院的责任被强调时,旧方式则可能得到推崇。句子:The university graduated more computer science majors in 1987 than in the entire previous decade。 强调了该大学计算机科学项目上的成就。 另一方面,句子:More computer science majors graduated in 1987 than in the entire previous decade。 指1987级从某种意义上来说是个出色的群体。 至于graduate 的及物用法, 如在她于1980年毕业于耶鲁大学 用法使用专题小组百分之七十七的成员表示不接受 〔upsilon〕from psilon [neuter of] psilos [simple (written with one letter as opposed to two)] 源自 psilon psilos的中性 [单个(同两个字母相比只有一个字母)] 〔isolated〕Separated from others; solitary or singular:孤立的:与其他的人或事物分离的;孤单的或单个的:〔supergene〕A group of closely linked genes occupying a large chromosomal segment and frequently functioning as a genetic unit.超基因:占据一具较大的染色体片断,并且经常以单个基因单位起作用的一组紧密连接的基因〔frame〕A single step in a sequence of programmed instruction.帧:一系列循序渐进的拟定的教学法的单个步骤〔unicameral〕Having or consisting of a single legislative chamber.(议会)一院的;单院的:有或组成于单个立法院的〔commute〕To pay in gross, usually at a reduced rate, rather than in individual payments.一次付清:常以降价按总计支付,而不是单个支付〔singular〕Being only one; individual.单个的:只有一人的;单独的〔pleiotropism〕The control by a single gene of several distinct and seemingly unrelated phenotypic effects.多效作用:受具有若干独特的、看似与表现效果不相关的单个基因的控制〔stroke〕The act of making such a mark.划这样一个单个记号的行为〔polyembryony〕Development of more than one embryo from a single egg or ovule.多胚;多胎:从一个单个的卵子或胚珠发展出一个以上的胚胎〔pit〕The single, central kernel or stone of certain fruits, such as a peach or cherry.核:某些水果的单个中心核或果仁,如桃或樱桃〔monogram〕from Late Greek monogrammon [from neuter of] monogrammos [consisting of a single letter] 源自 后期希腊语 monogrammon 源自monogrammos的中性词 [含有单个字母的] 〔logography〕The use of logotypes in design and printing.连合活字法:用面上有一个名词的单个铅字或印版来设计或印刷〔Rohrer〕Swiss physicist. He shared a 1986 Nobel Prize for designing an electron microscope able to scan individual atoms.罗勒,亨利希:(生于 1933) 瑞士物理学家,因设计能观察单个原子的电子显微镜而获1986年诺贝尔奖〔nonpartisan〕Based on, influenced by, affiliated with, or supporting the interests or policies of no single political party:超党派的:不是建立在单个的政治党派基础之上的、不受其影响的、与其无关的或不支持其利益或政策的:〔monad〕from monos [single] * see men- 4源自 monos [单个的] * 参见 men- 4〔autocracy〕A country or state that is governed by a single person with unlimited power.专制主义国家:由某个拥有无限权力的单个人所统治的国家或州〔scaler〕An electronic circuit that records the aggregate of a specific number of signals that occur too rapidly to be recorded individually.计数器:一种总括记录成堆信号的电路,记录那些因传送太快以致不能单个记录下来的信号〔fraise〕from (feves) frasees [shelled (beans), from the resemblance between the mesentery and the peel surrounding individual broad beans] 源自 (feves) frasees [剥壳的(豆类),由肠系膜与包在单个宽豆子外的皮的相似性而来] 〔anyone〕The one-word formanyone is used to mean "any person.” The two-word formany one is used to mean "whatever one (person or thing) of a group.” Anyone may join means that admission is open to everybody. Any one may join means that admission is open to one person only. When followed byof, only any one can be used: Any one (not anyone ) of the boys could carry it by himself. · Anyone is often used in place of everyone in sentences like She is the most thrifty person of anyone I know. In an earlier survey 64 percent of the Usage Panel found this sentence unacceptable in writing. ·Anyone and anybody are singular terms and always take a singular verb. See Usage Note at he 1单个词的形式anyone 用来表示“任何一人”。 两个词的形式any one 是指“一组里的任何一个(人或物)”。 Anyone may join 是指每个人都可进入。 Any one may join 意思是只有一个人可以进入。 当后面接of 时,只能用 any one : Any one (不用 anyone ) of the boys could carry it by himself(任何一个孩子都可以提得动它) 。 Anyone 在有些句子里常取代 everyone ,如: 她是我认识的人中最节俭的 。 在早期的一次调查中,用法使用小组64%的成员认为该句子在书面语中不能接受。Anyone 和 anybody 是单数形式的名词,总搭配单数动词。 参见 he1〔individuality〕The quality or state of being individual; singularity:独特:具有个人的性质,处于个人的状态;单个〔melody〕Structure with respect to the arrangement of single notes in succession.如此形成的旋律单元:如上述那样将单个音符连成串而组成的结构〔myotome〕A muscle or group of muscles derived from one somite and innervated by a single segment of a spinal nerve.一个体节的肌肉:从一个体节提取的肌肉或肌肉群,或由脊骨神经的 单个环节刺激〔strawberry〕Izaak Walton's 1655 comment,"We may say of Angling as Dr. Boteler said of Strawberries; Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did,”is perhaps the nicest use of the wordstrawberry in its history. This history goes back much further in English to the Old English period when the word is first recorded.We know thatstrawberry was formed during that period from the Old English ancestors of our words straw and berry. What is not known is why the wordstraw is the first part of this compound. One possibility is that the small, one-seeded fruits on the surface of a strawberry resemble fragments of straw.尹扎卡·沃尔顿在1655年的评论道,“我们可以谈论钓鱼就如同包特勒医生谈论草莓;无疑地,上帝可以创造一种更好的浆果,但毫无疑问他从来没有做”,这一评论可能是strawberry 这个词在其历史上最好的用法。 在英语中,这个词的最早记录历史可更远地追溯到古英语时期。我们知道,strawberry 这个词在那时来自于我们的词语 straw 和 berry 的古英语祖先。 为什么这个复合词的前半部分为straw 无从得知。 一种可能是草莓表面小的单个种子状的果实象稻草的碎片〔individualism〕The quality of being an individual; individuality.个性:作为单个人的特点;个人特征




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