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单词 卖淫
释义 〔whore〕To accept payment in exchange for sexual relations.卖淫:以发生性关系而获得报酬〔whoredom〕The practice of accepting payment in exchange for sexual relations; prostitution.卖淫:通过发生性关系获取报酬的作法;卖淫〔consensual〕the consensual crimes of prostitution, drug abuse, and illegal gambling.卖淫、吸毒及非法赌博等放任犯罪〔vice〕Sexual immorality, especially prostitution.卖淫:性关系的不道德,特指卖淫〔brunette〕Brunette was for a long time used to denote a woman having a dark complexion; now it is used chiefly in reference to hair color.The general practice is to use the formbrunette to refer only to women, withbrunet as a less frequently used variant that can be applied as well to men and mixed groups. The distinction, like the one betweenblonde and blond, has been regarded as carrying sexist implications.In this case, however, it is difficult to see how the problem can be easily resolved.It is unlikely thatbrunette could be pressed into service as a neutral term, since the suffix-ette is too closely associated with marked feminine gender. Brunet is theoretically available for both sexes but is rarely applied to men, whose corresponding coloration is typically described simply as "brown.”It would, of course, be possible to usebrown for the hair color of both sexes, if only that word could be redeemed from the associations of drabnessthat led to the adoption of the substitutebrunette in the first place. See Usage Note at blond ,-ette Brunette 过去很长一段时间用来指肤色黝黑的女人; 现今多用于指头发的颜色。通常brunette 只指女人, 而不如其常用的变体brunet 可用于指男人和男女都有的群体。 两词的区别正如blonde 和 blond 的区别, 被看成带有性别的含意。即使如此也很难看出如何轻易地解决两词之间区别的这一难题。brunette 不可能被看成一个中性词, 因为后缀-ette 与女性紧密联系。 Brunet 从道理上来说适用于男人和女人,但很少用于指男人。 男人相应的肤色仅用brown表述即可。当然,brown 也可适用于指男女两性的头发颜色, 只要此词不再与卖淫联系在一起。正是由于这一联系brunette 才首先被用作替代词 参见 blond,-ette〔pornography〕from Late Greek pornographos [writing about prostitutes] 源自 后期希腊语 pornographos [有关妓女或卖淫的描写] 〔fornication〕The wordfornication had a lowly beginning suitable to what has long been the low moral status of the word. The Latin wordfornix, from which fornicātiō, the ancestor offornication, is derived, meant "a vault, an arch.” The term also referred to a vaulted cellar or similar place where prostitutes plied their trade.This sense offornix in Late Latin yielded the verb fornicārī, "to commit fornication,” from which is derivedfornicātiō, "whoredom, fornication.” Our word is first recorded in Middle English about 1303.单词fornication 开始时用作指道德水准低的含义。 拉丁语中fornix 一词源自于单词 fornicatio, fornication 一词的前身,词义为“拱顶,穹隆”。 此词也指一个拱顶室或类似结构的妓院。后期拉丁语中fornix 的这种含义衍生出动词 fornicario, 来表示“私通”的含义, 又由此衍生而来fornicari ,表示“卖淫,通奸。” 此词于1303年左右首次出现于中世纪英语中〔prostitute〕Latin prōstitūta [from feminine past participle of] prōstituere [to prostitute] 拉丁语 prōstitūta 源自prōstituere的阴性过去分词 [卖淫] 〔prostitute〕To offer (oneself or another) for sexual hire.卖淫,使卖淫:为愿付钱的嫖客提供某人自己或另外一个人〔trick〕An act of prostitution.卖淫:妓女接客的行为〔prostitution〕The act or practice of engaging in sex acts for hire.卖淫:从事肉体交易的行为或做法




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