单词 | 南北战争 |
释义 | 〔Jackson〕American Confederate general who commanded troops at both battles of Bull Run (1861 and 1862) and directed the Shenandoah Valley campaign (1862). He was accidentally killed by his own troops at Chancellorsville (1863).杰克逊,托马斯·约拿单:(1824-1863) 南北战争中南军的将军,指挥在1861年和1862年的两次布尔溪战役,并于1862年指挥了谢南多厄河谷之战。他于1863年被自己的部队在钱瑟勒斯维尔误杀致死〔postbellum〕Belonging to the period after a war, especially the U.S. Civil War:战后的:属于战争时期之后的,尤指美国南北战争之后的:〔GAR〕Grand Army of the Republic.美国南北战争时的国民军〔Farragut〕American admiral who commanded Union ships on daring Civil War missions, including the capture of New Orleans (1862) and the taking of Mobile Bay (1864), during which he uttered his famous rallying cry, "Damn the torpedoes—full speed ahead!”法拉格特,戴维·格拉斯哥:(1801-1870) 美国海军上将,在南北战争中受命指挥联合舰队,攻占了新奥尔良(1862年)和莫比尔海湾(1864年),战争期间他发出了振奋士气的著名口号,“去他妈的鱼雷--全速前进!”〔antebellum〕Belonging to the period before a war, especially the American Civil War.战前的:属于战争之前的时期,尤指美国南北战争〔Tupelo〕A city of northeast Mississippi north-northwest of Columbus. It was the site of a Civil War battle (July 14, 1864) in which Union forces defeated the Confederate troops led by Gen. Nathan B. Forrest. Population, 30,685.图珀洛:美国密西西比州东北一城市,位于哥伦比亚西北偏北。该市是南北战争一场战役(1864年7月14日)的旧址。在这场战役中,北方军队击败了内森·B·福雷斯特将军指挥的南方邦联军。人口30,685〔nightrider〕One of a secret band of mounted, usually masked white men who engaged in nocturnal terrorism for revenge or intimidation in the southern United States especially during Reconstruction.夜间骑行的人:美国南部夜间蒙面骑行的白人秘密组织的一员,他们进行暴力活动以达到惩罚或恐怖目的,尤其在南北战争后的重建时期〔Early〕American Confederate general whose forces threatened Washington, D.C. (1864) but were ultimately defeated by Union troops led by Philip H. Sheridan (1865).厄尔利,朱巴尔·安德森:(1816-1894) 美国南北战争中南方邦联的将领,1864年率兵逼近华盛顿特区,但于1865年最终被菲利浦·沙利登所率领的联邦军队彻底打败〔blue〕The Union Army.美国南北战争中的北方部队〔butternut〕butternuts Clothing dyed with butternut extract, especially the uniforms of Confederate soldiers in the Civil War. butternuts 一种制服:用灰胡桃提炼物染制的衣服,特别指南北战争时南联邦军队的制服〔Columbus〕A city of northeast Mississippi near the Alabama border. There are many antebellum houses in the area. Population, 23,799.哥伦布:美国密西西比州东北部城市,位于阿拉巴马州边界,这个地区有许多南北战争以前的房屋。人口23,799〔summercater〕Since the Civil War Mainehas been a favorite vacation spot for New Englanders and tourists from farther away.Predictably, certain words in the lexicon of Maine betray a wry Yankee impatience with these outsiders and city folks who come up to Maine only for summer relaxation.Along the coast the summerresident is called asummercater; inland, the word for a nonresident issport. Or the Maine native may merely refer collectively to folksfrom away. Much Maine real estate is designatednonresident — that is, it is set aside for these summer residentson whom Maine's economy is so dependent.自从南北战争结束以后,缅因州成为新英格兰人和更远处的游客们最钟爱的度假胜地。可以预料到,缅因州词汇中有一些单词流露出扭曲的美国式的不耐烦-对这些夏季来缅因州休闲的外来者和城里人。在海滨的夏季,居民被称作度夏的人 ; 而在内陆,表示非居民的词是sport(爱运动的人) 。 或者缅因州的居民干脆统称这些人为from away(远地来的) 。 缅因州的许多房地产是为了非居民 —— 就是说,专为这些夏季住民保留,缅因州的经济很大程度上依赖于他们〔Cooke〕American financier noted for his part in marketing Union bonds to finance the Civil War. The collapse of his bank led to the Panic of 1873.库克,杰:(1821-1905) 美国金融家,因参与发行联邦政府的债券并资助南北战争而著名,他银行的倒闭导致了1837年的经济恐慌〔north〕North The northern part of the United States, especially the states that fought for the Union in the Civil War. North 美国北部各州:美国的北部,尤指南北战争时为联邦作战的州〔blue〕A member of the Union Army in the Civil War.美国南北战争北军的一员〔Appomattox〕A town of south-central Virginia east of Lynchburg. Confederate general Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union general Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865, ending the Civil War. The site is now a national historical park. Population, 1,345.阿波马托克斯:美国弗吉尼亚州中南部一城镇,位于林奇伯格东部。1865年4月9日南部联邦将军罗伯特·E·李在阿波马托克斯县城向联邦军尤利西斯·S·格兰特将军投降,美国南北战争就此结束。该址现为国家历史公园。人口1,345〔Chattanooga〕A city of southeast Tennessee on the Georgia border southeast of Nashville. A port of entry on the Tennessee River, it was strategically important during the Civil War and was finally taken by Union forces in November 1863. Population, 152,466.查塔努加:美国田纳西州东南部城市,位于乔治亚州边界及纳什维尔东南部。田纳西河入口港口,在南北战争中具有战略性的地方并于最终于1863年被联邦军队攻占。人口152,466 |
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