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单词 即兴
释义 〔extemporaneous〕Skilled at or given to unrehearsed speech or performance:善于即兴讲话的:擅长于或倾向于即兴演说或即兴表演的:〔top〕In an impromptu way:不假思索地:以即兴的方式地:〔hot〕hot jazz.强烈而又即兴的爵士乐〔flamenco〕A dance style of the Andalusian Gypsies characterized by forceful, often improvised rhythms.佛来明哥舞风格:安达鲁西亚吉普赛人的一种强劲的、常伴随有即兴节奏的舞蹈风格〔happening〕An improvised, often spontaneous spectacle or performance, especially one involving audience participation.事件剧:一种即兴的、通常是自发的、尤指由观众参与的场景或演出〔glib〕a glib response to a complex question.对一复杂问题作出即兴回答〔improvise〕To invent, compose, recite, or execute something offhand.即席创作; 即席表演:即兴地发明、创作、背诵或者制成某事物〔improvisatory〕Made up without preparation; improvised.即兴的:不经准备而作的;即兴〔noodle〕To improvise music on an instrument in an idle, haphazard fashion.即兴演奏:不拘形式或随意地在乐器上即席或即兴的演奏〔top〕She recited the poem off the top of her head.她即兴背诵了诗歌〔soapbox〕To engage in impromptu or nonofficial public speaking, often flamboyantly.临时演讲:作即兴的或非官方的演说,经常是华而不实的〔impromptu〕Something, such as a speech, that is made or done extemporaneously.即兴作的东西,如讲演〔Mulligan〕American jazz saxophonist and arranger known for his improvisational style and for introducing a jazz quartet without a piano as a standard group arrangement.杰瑞·穆利根:美国爵士乐萨克斯管演奏家与策划者,因其即兴的风格和引进不带钢琴作为一标准合奏安排的爵士乐四重奏而著名〔impulse〕Characterized by impulsiveness or acting on impulse:冲动的:以冲动或即兴行动为特征的:〔glib〕Showing little thought, preparation, or concern:即兴的,从容的:不经思索、准备或考虑的:〔voluntary〕A piece for solo organ, often improvised, played before, during, or after a religious service.即兴演奏:在宗教仪式之前、之间或之后演奏的常常为即兴的乐器独奏乐〔bop〕A style of jazz characterized by rhythmic and harmonic complexity, improvised solo performances, and a brilliant style of execution.博普:一种爵士乐风格,具有节奏与和声混合的特征,即兴独奏表演,是一种音乐演奏技巧上的卓越风格〔ska〕Popular music originating in Jamaica in the 1960s, having elements of rhythm and blues, jazz, and calypso and marked by a fast tempo and a strongly accented offbeat.斯卡音乐:于1960年代源于牙买加的流行音乐,结合节奏蓝调、爵士乐及即兴讽刺歌的特点,并以快节奏和强音弱拍为特征〔extemporary〕Spoken, done, or composed with little or no preparation or forethought.See Synonyms at extemporaneous 即席的,即兴的:未经或很少准备或构思而讲的、做的或谱写的 参见 extemporaneous〔jazz〕A style of music, native to America, characterized by a strong but flexible rhythmic understructure with solo and ensemble improvisations on basic tunes and chord patterns and, more recently, a highly sophisticated harmonic idiom.爵士乐:源于美国一种音乐风格,以强劲而不失灵活的节奏为特点,配以在基调下的弦乐即兴独奏和合奏、和声和近来愈加艰深复杂配器技巧〔impromptu〕Prompted by the occasion rather than being planned in advance:即兴的:即兴的而不是事先有准备的:〔soapbox〕A temporary platform used while making an impromptu or nonofficial public speech.临时演讲台:作即兴演说或非官方演说时的临时讲台〔extempore〕Spoken, carried out, or composed with little or no preparation or forethought.See Synonyms at extemporaneous 当场的,即兴的,无准备的:未经或很少准备或构思而讲的,做的或谱写的 参见 extemporaneous〔impulse〕an impulse shopper; impulse buying.即兴的购物者;即兴购物〔soca〕A style of music, originating in the West Indies, that is a blend of soul and calypso.索加音乐:一种音乐风格,起源于西印度群岛,是灵歌和即兴讽刺歌的混合体〔voluntary〕A short piece of music, often improvised on a solo instrument, played as an introduction to a larger work.即兴曲:一段短音乐,常为乐器即兴独奏,作为大型作品的序曲〔extemporaneous〕Carried out or performed with little or no preparation; impromptu:即兴的:毫无准备的或稍作准备就执行或表演的;即兴的:




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